Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. skipperoo

    skipperoo What's a Dremel?

    17 Oct 2008
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    A very simple fix would be a "create a sentence" type system that FFXI had. Buttons that said simple phrases in the clients language. So if I hit a Mid MIA button on my English client, it shows up in the appropriate way on a Spanish client.

    Wouldn't be a 100% fix but would at least alleviate the problem a bit.
  2. halfinched

    halfinched What's a Dremel?

    19 Jul 2010
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    started off with shen (ninjas are too damn cool)
    moved to karthus for a damage ap option when tanking got boring (everyone likes to kill stuff)
    enjoyed fiddlesticks but really wanted to get the union jack skin that isn't available anymore :(
    swains good fun
    am enjoying akali atm although managed to get tank stats with her the other night whilst sona my lane buddy got all the kills lol.
  3. Tibby

    Tibby Back Once Again

    9 Oct 2005
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    Got to say, Master Yi is always bloody amazing.

    Is he just a more powerful character, or do I just happen to always come across experienced users playing as him?
  4. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Late game he's OP and his ult makes him impossible to take down since you can't stun / slow / disable him. High crit and dmg makes him a real threat, and if he pops his ult than you got a problem. Add in cleanse / ghost and he can pretty much get in and out without ever dying. I never got into him but I've noticed that people who play him are either really good or terrible.
  5. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Yi's your typical hard carry type character. Not as powerful early game but dominates late game, not many disables/stuns/silences, very little team support.

    A quick way to spot a carry is abilities which augment the character's auto attack, they aren't required but they are rarely on non-carry characters. Yi gets two. Normal abilities scale with Ability Power, so if you want them to be more effective that's what you buy and if you want more effective auto attacks you buy Attack Damage and Speed. Augmenting abilities change this a bit. Yi's E ability, for example, effectively scales with Attack Speed because it will get applied to more and more attacks as this stat rises. Add in percentage based Lifesteal on top of fast and powerful attacks and you can see how he can quickly turn into a monster.

    So what does that mean? Gold for gold, Yi will out-perform many characters because he gets more out of stats from gear. The more gold, the more prominent the advantage. The exception being other carries. How do you fight it? Don't let him compete with you gold for gold. Keep him from killing creeps and certainly from killing your team. Get your own carry(s) farmed up faster than him, or if you aren't confident in that then try to push hard and win the game before he gets too powerful. Or get lucky and maybe the player will be bad and he won't get any farm or will build his gear wrong, that's pretty important for a carry like him.
    Last edited: 3 Feb 2011
  6. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    TBH, Yi's classed as being relatively underpowered at the moment and has been for quite a while.

    Obviously, however when he's fed then he's blatantly a wrecking machine, but the same can be said of pretty much any carry (such as Tryndamere, Jax, Tristana etc.)

    The main reason why Yi's UP atm, is as Sloth stated, that he needs to be rather farmed in order to do this. However Melee carry's have a distinct disadvantage in the lane when trying to farm:

    a) If he tries to use his Alpha Strike (Q, his teleport AoE spell) he farms very well but it's mana hungry and also pushes the lane (leaving him more susceptible to ganks).

    b) If he tries to last hit normally, then it means he has to physically be next to the minions and is susceptible to harassment from the opposing lane mates. At this point you should take advantage of this and try to hurt him as much as possible (without completely risking yourself that is, and not letting minion aggro whittle you down).

    Obviously this is moot if the Yi is jungling, at which point you just have you hope that your jungler is competent and out-jungles him (should be fairly easy, Yi is an amazing jungler) and also harasses/steals and denies his jungle creeps, leaving him under levelled and under farmed.

    Also it goes without saying that buying Armor items to counteract him will go a long way, specifically Thornmail (all his physical damage is from auto attacks) and Randuin's Omen/Frozen Heart for the Attack Speed slow (those are generally tanking items though) - Zhonya's Hourglass for the casters.

    Also slightly incorrect with the statement that you can't stun/slow/disable him during his Ult. You can still stun/snare/fear and supress him, however he cannot be slowed. Another problem is that his Ult (and cooldowns) refresh whenever he kills a character so every kill you give him in a teamfight effectively makes him stronger.
  7. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Yeah. Countering Yi is a matter of controlling him in the lane.
    It's kinda similar to controlling a Mordekaiser. Just don't let him farm. Use a range/caster to harass him and keep hi away from minions. and don't feed him.

    Yi can be a nasty piece of work when he's fed (as can most champs).
    Even when he isn't fed, I'd probably put him high on the gank list throughout the game. Simply because he's a good champ killer. He's fast and deals solid damage. That means he can finish off low helath champs after a teamfight rather quickly.
    If you manage to control Yi throughout the game, then he's no threat.
  8. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Yi has and always will be a Motherf***er, same as Tryndamere. I would say they are the 2 hardest outright carries in the game.

    If you are against a fed one then you will really need thornmail, it throws 30% of his damage back at him as magic damage and when they spec for so much damage they rarely have defence so it is fairly easy to kill them with their own damage.
  9. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    You could have previously added Twitch to that list when his Ult was WTF IMBA.

    I remember going against one where our whole team would focus him, he'd be down to 1/4 HP (he was mega Squishy) and then he'd proceed to WTFPwn us when he turned on his Ult since every line missile splashed AND proc'd lifesteal meaning he pretty much healed all his health up in one volley.... and then this was back when his Ult was duration based, meaning that + his "Come out of Stealth" Attack Speed Increase and the Beserker Greaves/Phantom Dance Attack Speed meant he'd be firing off shots like no tomorrow.

    On the flip side, i was in a game WITH a Twitch who was just as fed, and as the match stagnated late game into the whole "shall we/shan't we engage" dance, it boiled down to their whole team having built multiple Thornmails and Twitch's splash + line missile nuke pretty much killed himself. And no, Thornmails don't stack, but this was back before Randuin's Omen, and Thornmail was the cheapest way to get +100 Armor (since Frozen Heart is uber expensive).
  10. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I hate tyrands ult, seems it ALWAYS up in team fights and with his crit stacking he's a damn truck. Early game he is very slow and easy to stop and slow but if he gets a few early kills normally theres serious issues. Than again, most heroes that are fed early on always have an advantage.

    I'm still always surprised by Kennen, when I lane with someone I do meh, but when I solo a lane or mid I always manage to do well even though I'm under more pressure / threat. Kinda funny. I really should play, I haven't played in roughly 3 weeks.
  11. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    The reason why his Ult always seems to be up in teamfights is because it probably is :p. The CD on it is relatively short for an Ult (only ~60 seconds iirc).

    Funnily the thing to do with Trynd is the complete opposite of a normal Carry in that you should really ignore him every teamfight until there are any other Carrys/Damage Dealers left instead of focusing him down; at most you need to blow all your CC spells on him during the teamfight, whilst trying to kill the others.

    Trynd gets stronger the lower HP he is due to his passive which means he gains 100% Crit Chance when he Ult's, which when coupled with his Q Stacks means he hits harder with Crits and an Infinity Edge (staple Trynd item) you want to keep him as high HP possible. Good Trynd's wait for the very last moment to Ult and now don't even have to worry about being CC'd before activating it.

    Also Trynd is a great escaper with his Spinning Slash able to go through walls etc. and good Trynd's will always leave themselves enough time on their Ult to GTFO on very low HP meaning he can play a rather good Assassin role in the team. The counter to this timing an Ignite during the last few seconds of his Ult which will either tick over after his Ult (and since he'll be at 1HP, he'll soon be dead), or it will reduce the amount of his Heal and then burn through the remaining amount to kill him (unless he's playing AP Trynd... but that's really kinda rare).

    Kennen really shines in a Solo Lane with great harass with his Q Shuriken, and his Passive E Shuriken. In fact if there's one champion that i struggle to properly dominate in mid as Annie, it would be Kennen since Tibbers range is also the same range for his Ult, and Kennen can unfortunately cycle Stuns faster than Annie can since his Ult now procs multiple Marks of the Storm as well.
  12. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    A quick question since I haven't played LoL anywhere near as much as HoN lately, how have Kayle players been building themselves?

    I was at first really interested in the character since it seemed like she could go either support or a soft carry depending on the team's needs but never really played enough to see what was most viable.
  13. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    There was a time when Kayle was one of the best characters in the game because, like you said, she was a great Support/Carry hybrid.

    Back then, i believe the Core Build for her was:

    Doran's Ring
    Beserker Greaves
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    Nashor's Tooth.

    This was a somewhat early-mid game build which gave her massive amounts of Attack Speed, which combined with her Q + E combo meant she would absolutely demolish squishys from a range, and meant she was also safe to Heal/Ult whomever since she wasn't in the thick of the fight.

    As for now, i'm not completely sure since she's kinda dropped off the radar due to metagame changes rather than actual character ones (now is more of a balanced team comp, so why have a Support/Carry when you can do both better with separate chars.).

    I've seen quite a few of the players i come across trying to go for a Madred's Bloodrazor for similar reasons stated above, but in general they've not really shined or left an impression.
  14. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Seth just gave you the staple US build for Kayle :p

    The staple EU build for Kayle is similar but no Nashor's tooth.

    Doran's Ring
    Beserker Greaves
    Guinsoo's Rageblade
    HexTech Gunblade
    Start building a Trinity Force.
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2011
  15. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Everyone knows that the US Competitive Scene is where it's at ;).
  16. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I figured I was on the right track with the Rageblade. It's on her recommended, but after reading the effect it seemed more like a requirement :D

    The last game I played lasted a long time with my team obviously winning, so I went ahead and made a Bloodthirster, didn't really know where else to spend the late game gold. Was worth it for the lulz having enough lifesteal+healing to become invincible, but I think I'll try the Trinity Force next time.
  17. Djayness

    Djayness phwupupupup

    7 May 2008
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    Lets just say I have been enjoying amumu as of late. The death cap is the most awesome item in game now!
  18. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Moved away from playing Zilean (although I LOVE flying around the map with Chronoboost) and started playing with Shaco - a jester assassin just sounded too cool.

    I've got to admit that I've found it hard playing as a DPS hero, he's very fragile and early game the Jack-In-The-Box is the best skill. Any tips on playing this kind of hero?
  19. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I feel guilty for abusing the matchmaking system. Got 4 friends to start playing but they all range from levels 3-10, I am level 30. In matchmaking it averages the level out so we get stuck with people in the 10-15 range and I'm full 30 with rune pages, etc. etc.

    Was melting faces with kennen and got bored I decided to go back to warwick, I haven't played him since the open beta but it's nice to see that early game jungle he is a lot better now (it could be my runes though) and I'm enjoying him, though it's a big change from kennen. Its fun!
  20. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I personally don't like Shaco, mainly because he's a Melee Assassin DPS which as you say, makes him rather fragile and generally means i don't do well with him.

    However, from all the good Shaco's i've either played with or against:

    - If you've got the Masteries/Runes for it, Jungling is the best option, he can take it relatively fast with JitBs and if planned right, can briefly outlevel Mid, come out with Lizard Buff and ruin someone's day. It's then up to you to figure out the rest of the jungle route since it's not something i've actually done. This way your opponents won't be able to call you as "MIA" and therefore will be either forced to permanently play defensively (thus letting your team farm) or play normally and unable to predict when you're ganking.

    - When in the teamfight stage, never try to be seen, and never with the team, but do try to stay close. This way they won't know where you are and it looks like they have a 4v5. Also if/when they do engage, don't go in straight after their initiation and wait till they've selected a target. This way it commits their DPS to a target and forces them to either change focus to you, or stay on target. Against an unorganized team, this usually means they either end up splitting the DPS reducing their effectiveness, or they don't and you should be able to get a free kill or drive a DPS away. Also, whilst you're flanking before the teamfight, lay down a few JitBs for an escape plan so if you need to disengage you can run over to them to fear any opponents chasing.

    - Deceive can be used to escape very effectively over walls etc. It's pretty much impossible to gank Shaco just because he just Teleport + Stealths away.

    I had that problem as well which is why i created another account just to play with friends. They soon play and level on their own which means they soon catch up to the Level 20+ range, at which point i switch to my main.

    The problem with matchmaking then, is that i've found a few times that full Premade 5's at low levels can often be Smurf teams, meaning that your new friends can end up being quickly overwhelmed by experienced players.

    Warwick is really rather imbalanced in the jungle... i don't think anyone can take it both as easy as he does, and have the ability to stay at nearly full HP the entire time.

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