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What is central Europe supposed to do in the current migrant crisis?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by faugusztin, 2 Sep 2015.

  1. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Humans are primarily emotional beings. Rational thought was just an add-on of the last half million or so years, really coming into its own only in the last 10,000. Moreover people have crap self-awareness. We are not as wise, as smart and as cool rational and objective as we like to think we are.

    Basically Shirt's got it right: when your family is dying in abject poverty, or being shot to pieces in some crazy civil war, you'd choose to take your chances on some leaky raft to get to the Western lands of milk and honey. 'Cause we don't pass up a single opportunity to tell the world what a great, prosperous democracy we are.
  2. Rhydian

    Rhydian What's a Dremel?

    13 Nov 2010
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    What I can't understand is why we don't set work areas and communities where the refugees can assist in say distribution of food and supplies to other camps, set up tents and the skilled labourers help create homes, farms and roads for new communities. Doctors and nurses who's seeking asylum should be allowed to assist in the medical treatment for refugees.

    I don't see why our countries are not looking at ways of controlling immigration through positive measures, get them to work for themselves and provide temporary registration within the EU. I'm sure more then half are capable of work, and by providing assistance they'll more then likely be willing to comply.
  3. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Well, when you can't deal with people on a thinking level what level do you eventually have to deal with them on? Answer; the emotional level. Yeah, it is annoying.
  4. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Everybody functions largely on the emotional level. Some just a bit more than others. So why don't we all stop pretending that we're the rational ones.
  5. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    Nexxo likes this.
  6. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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  7. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    ^^^ I just giggled insanely. Out loud. My wife is looking at me strangely.
  8. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Never suggested we didn't Nexxo, again; context. That said, there's also differences between the genders. Men being more logical, rational and pragmatic. Females being more emotional.
  9. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    What're we supposed to do?

    Create a refugee citizen status that allows them entrance and rights to work to whichever country they pick. Maybe restrict the EU free travel rules a little bit.

    If they turn up, learn the local language, work, and don't break laws, allow them to apply for full blown citizenship at a much reduced cost/wait/whatever the restrictions are, because they've already made themselves a useful member of the populace.

    Bish-bash-bosh, job done and everyone wins.
  10. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Okay, well, while the UN does precisely squat, what do you propose we do with the refugees we've already got to deal with?

    Put them in camps? Because that doesn't seem very humane, or even conducive to a good environment.

    Finding work is hard, yes, but would you rather we just put the burden of their existence on the tax payer? I sure as **** wouldn't. Give them the same opportunity everyone else has, without the right to vote for a couple of years, and integrate them into society, if they then want to sod off that's fine, if they want to stay and become full-blown citizens of the country then that's also fine - They're productive members of society. If they can't take the responsibility of not being dicks while in their new country (Say, preaching for some ******** like sharia law, wild and sweeping religious based changes to existing law etc) then deport them to wherever they came from and blacklist 'em. If they sneak back in and get caught, because they're blacklisted, fasttrack deportation. Maybe via cannon.
  11. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Aaand just when I think I've got a handle on your mindset, some more crazy comes out of your keyboard. :p

    Actually neuropsychological research (yes, science!) shows that the cognitive differences between men and women are much more subtle and complex than that.

    Women tend to have a slightly more integrated cognitive style. They tend to be better able at articulating their feelings, which may make them sound more emotional, but in fact they just have a somewhat better handle on them. They also tend to be the more pragmatic ones.

    Men tend to compartmentalise their thinking a bit which is why they may sound more rational. However everything they think and feel and do happens to a baseline of testosterone, and that makes them plenty emotional. They tend to be more driven and single-minded.
    Pliqu3011 likes this.
  12. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    That may have something to do with the fact that the locals don't have the qualifications and don't want to do the menial work that doesn't require any. Immigrants don't tend to be that picky.

    Here's my idea: for every UK citizen who goes off to join ISIS, we take in a refugee. This way we exchange a citizen who doesn't value what this country has to offer for one who does.
  13. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Not talking about how they sound but on how they reason, and again; men are more logical, rational and pragmatic. Females being more emotional. This is indeed a scientific fact. It's something that can be easily demonstrated too.

    Also worth keeping in mind here.
    Women are external whereas we men are internal, this also factors in.

    When you argue with a woman it is your logic against her emotions.

    One of the biggest differences between men and women is the way women let their emotions decide what is true.

    Don't get me started on philosophy...again, the internal component :p

    Ninja edit.
    There is no secret though Nexxo that we men think with three different parts of our bodies whereas for women it is all connected. But this also makes it possible for us to separate.
    Last edited: 7 Sep 2015
  14. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Let's hope no one sails under false colors. :D
  15. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Sorry, that is BS long refuted by scientific research, not to mention the real world.

    And please don't get me started on that internalising vs. externalising crap (which you've got the wrong way around, by the way: males are traditionally regarded as externalising in their behaviour, and women internalising).
  16. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Not of that was BS nor has it been refuted by science and as for the real world it is also easily demonstrated. However, it may not be politically correct. There is not a man in here that has had a relationship and argued with a woman that doesn't know this.

    Not of that was crap either, and just to drive the message home; how many female philosophers do you know of? You see, that's where the internal component comes into play. Sitting around and thinking about stuff, thinking is an internal process.

    As a man when you decide to do something that comes from within, from a thought, from a decision that you consciously made. It is seldom you do something based on pure emotional external input.
    Last edited: 7 Sep 2015
  17. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Er... Which gender is fighting all those wars again?

    Here you go.

    No. For starters, human beings have absolutely dismal insight into their own thinking, feeling and behaviour. Their reasoning is full of biases, logic errors and unconscious processes. Men and women do not differ in that.

    The Victorian Age called. It wants its misogynist prejudices and wonky pseudo-psychology back. :p
  18. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Fighting or starting wars? I assume both, it has always been the mans mandate to defend. As for starting wars they tend to be started by sociopaths and psychopaths. Also, men have been in leading positions from time memorial thus in positions to start wars.

    That's a rather generous list and many would not qualify, in any case; you should look up all the male ones. Point here is that most men have a philosophy whereas most women do not.

    I'm talking about attributes that applies to ~95% of the male and female population, pointing those differences out is neither misogynist of sexist :)

    Now you're moving the goalpost and it didn't challenge anything I've said pertaining the differences between men and women.
    Last edited: 7 Sep 2015
  19. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    But surely rational, dispassionate men don't just step onto the battlefield because some sociopath tells them to?

    Ah, I see, they're not real philosophers 'cause they're women. :p

    And women don't have a philosophy? Used to be said they had no soul either. You really do crack me up. :lol:

    Not moving the goal posts; just pointing out that the very foundations upon which your premise is built is wrong.

    Anyway, we're way off topic now, so I'm dropping it here.
  20. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Historically those who have fought in wars have been young men, doesn't necessarily suggest irrational thinking but perhaps more a sense of immortality and innocence. These days many sign up because they need to eat basically.

    Not at all, I would also like to add that those women were thinking more like guys. Not many women do, they are extremely few and far in-between.

    I thought you didn't believe in a soul in the first place Nexxo, as for lacking soul? Nah, only the redheads. :lol:

    You did and it didn't accomplish that at all Nexxo.

    Yes we are but that usually happens doesn't it? :p
    Last edited: 8 Sep 2015

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