Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Djayness

    Djayness phwupupupup

    7 May 2008
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    Surely I am not the only one that plays this immense game?
  2. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    I do also. Used to be quite a DotA addict at university but eventually managed to kick it.

    Started playing LoL last year, found the system and community much better than DotA's (although it's still far from friendly and mature). I'm finding that as my level increases (15 at the moment), the quality of players has improved somewhat (although I'm still sometimes paired with sub-level 10s).

    The new map should be good, should make things a bit more interesting. I also buckled and bought a skin for Zilean who's the main hero I've been playing, worth every penny!

    If you want to add me in-game, my username is sheethra.
  3. Djayness

    Djayness phwupupupup

    7 May 2008
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    Awesome, ill add you when im back from Dubai.

    Also just found this for the lulz :)
  4. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Haha thats a quality video. He also has a tryndamere video.

    I play it, add me if you'd like. username is mansueto.
    I used to main sona until they nerfed her... twice. Using kennen now and I'm liking him, though I want to go "back to my roots" and use warwick. Used him in the open beta before I stopped playing and he was awesome.
  5. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    There's a couple of us here that play(ed)
    Personally, I haven't played in yonks. Partially because I work too much, partially because I got an xbox again.
    Fave champs?
    Ashe, Mordekaiser, Pirate-dude (forgot his name now)...
  6. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Has anyone had a problem with Pando Media Booster with LoL? I formatted recently and now when I try to install LoL it gives me some error to do with this program. Both Riot and Pando seem to be completely ignoring this issue.
  7. planetary

    planetary What's a Dremel?

    2 Feb 2010
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    Meh not a fan of LoL at all, but I'm a massive Heroes of Newerth player, anyone fancy playing HoN add me in game: Possessed `
  8. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    How does HoN compare to LoL?
  9. Djayness

    Djayness phwupupupup

    7 May 2008
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    I have had this issue before. Go into add and remove programs, uninstall pando and then OPEN the lol installer using right click, open as admin. It should now work.

    I played hon in the beta days but it has tried to copy dota too much, even to the point that the characters are the same. It's essentially dota with better graphics.

    Once they wanted me to pay, I went back to dota and then decided to try LOL out (its free, why the hell not). I didnt get it at first because the gameplay mechanics are slightly different but once I got a hold of it, I just couldnt stop playing :)
  10. Jedra

    Jedra Supermodel

    11 Sep 2010
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    I have heard DotA, HoN and LoL but never played them before. What's the deal and are they worth playing? I am downloading the LoL client now as it's free and will check it out. I have heard that the online community can be, let's say, 'hostile' - is this true?

    Is it a game I would have to put hours and hours into or is it something I can just pick up and play when I have a spare hour?
  11. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Basically it's a multiplayer rpg-strategy game. You have 2 teams (usually 5 per team) and you have a selection of "heroes" (usually quite a lot, LoL has over 60 I think). I mean heroes in the Warcraft 3 sense i.e. you get 4 skills, each of which can be levelled up (3 basic skills and one ultimate).

    There are 3 "lanes" which have powerful towers in them which have to be destroyed. As you progress down an enemy's lane and destroy the towers you get closer to their base, which has a heart that you must destroy to win the game.

    To help you fight in each lane, waves of AI creeps are spawned and killing these provides you with gold with which you can buy items to imrove your hero.

    As to the difference between the 3 games: DotA spawned HoN and LoL. From what I understand, HoN is essentially DotA but with updated graphics and you buy the game for about £25. LoL is free to play but you can buy new skins, unlock heroes (there are free ones available on rotation) and additional boosts known as runes.

    Personally, I like LoL because it's a bit different to DotA and when I spend money on it I'm buying things that improve the game explicitly for me, not paying for heroes I'll never use, etc.
    The LoL community also seems to be more friendly that DotAs (which to be honest, was so venomous that you'd get acid burns if you are a newbie).

    My only beef with LoL now is that I can't install the damn thing because of Pando Media Booster, which no one seems to know how to fix.
  12. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    I'll try this, but I'm not convinced it will work - I can see the Pando folder in Program Files folder but it just doesn't seem to start. I don't know if that's because I have Windows 7 64bit (previously before I formatted I had 32bit) or for whatever reason. I'll try your method when I get home anyway, fingers crossed!
  13. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I'll try to remember to add you when I play tonight. Expect a request from Fuzzysloth!

    I started with LoL having never played DotA (such a hard community to join) and really enjoyed it. Having a weekly selection of free characters made it easy to pick one and learn without an overwhelming choice, and being free made the whole experience pressure free. But then a lot of my LoL buddies got HoN and I decided to buck up and follow them rather than trying to find a new group to play LoL with. HoN is definitely more of a blind DotA clone, even to someone who has never played DotA. Everything looks like it was straight from a pretty WC3. It also has many more mechanics which are absent from LoL and I found the game frustrating at first. I now prefer it to LoL because of the increased tactics available.

    Having played each for a few months now I've seen some pros and cons to each.

    +Adds features such as runes, summoner abilities, and stealth in grass
    +Shallower learning curve
    +More friendly community (in my experience)
    -Less heroes (I don't mind, but it bothers some people)
    -Some features are lost, such as creep denies, making it a less intricate game
    -Getting all content takes money

    +More heroes (see above)
    +All heroes playable upon purchase
    +Greater depth of gameplay
    +More familiar to DotA players
    -Steeper learning curve
    -Some WC3 limitations remain unchanged as legacy features
    -Less friendly community
    -Requires up front payment

    I'd suggest trying LoL because it's free to start with and you may really love it. Once you know how much you like DotA style games you can consider HoN.
  14. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I've been playing for quite a while, although i've now toned down the number of hours i play.

    Also i generally only play premades with friends on voice comms, as well as just playing random champions as opposed to fixed ones.

    I can't comment on the community compared to DotA and/or HoN, but yeah, the community can sometimes be hostile. Either your own team shouting at you if you do something wrong (or if they do something stupid and expected you to follow them), or, the enemy team being full of immature players who either insult you for killing them and rub it in your face when you die to them.

    However, out of a team of 10 people, it's generally only 1-2 at most per game every other match or so. And even then you can generally ignore them... there are only a couple here and there which can be seriously annoying. Also, these are generally during the mid-late levels when people have a few more games under their belt and think that they're "all that" and have "mastered" the game.

    Riot are also implementing a "Tribunal" system so that players can judge other players who have been reported multiple times for various things (verbal harassment, intentional disruption of gameplay, excessive time spent idle), so all in all the community knows there are some annoying people and is trying to do something about it.

    As for putting hours and hours etc.

    In the grand scheme of things, the difficulty curve of LoL is rather high. Ultimately there's around 60 Champions you need to be familiar with (in both abilities, and various strategies they use). Also, understanding team composition and how to make the most of your team can come into play, not to mention knowing the correct moments to push, defend, hold position, set up ganks, take jungle minions etc. All in all, League isn't a game that lacks depth.

    On the flip side, LoL does a very good job at slowly drip feeding you these pieces of information. Initially you only get access to a set rotation of "free" champions every week so at the early levels you only have to learn maybe 9-10 champion's abilities before they rotate the following week. This was actually one of the reasons why i stuck with LoL after trying out HoN, the latter throws you in the deep end by having every champion unlocked... i literally had no clue where to start.

    So yeah, in order to get the most out of the game, you'll probably want to sink quite a few hours into it. However that doesn't mean you can't treat it as a casual game, maybe only playing one match per night, it just means you'll advance through the levels slower(but since it's based on a matchmaking system, that doesn't necessarily put you ahead or behind anyone).
  15. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Where do i start, i'll merely say i play LoL, lots of it...

    I'd just like to comment on this

    This is only true if you consider Skins essential. Skins offer no advantages other than looking pretty.

    Money will give you no advantage in LoL.

    You can unlock everything purely via I.P which is earned through games played.

    If you'd like anything else answering on LoL i'm sure between me and Seth we will have it covered.
  16. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Lol, so you are still playing then aB :p.

    Although i did actually notice you playing on US yesterday or a few days ago at least. I assume the majority of your time is now spent on the EU servers then ? :p
  17. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    I flick between them both to be honest, decided i'm going to use my US account for no brain ranked matches with Mordekaiser and Pantheon (Pantheon is my bro 4 life now) and see how high i can get my rating with those heroes. Though i've only played like 10 games atm.

    Using the EU for tryhard games and got a smurf for when i'm drunk/hungover!
  18. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Lol, have you taken over from Lionheart in the facestomping/mandropping duties? :p

    I've still given up on ranked, having to choose someone to complement a team, or having someone rage at me for not picking a tank (because they just happened to be first/second pic and instalocked a carry) just isn't my style.

    + i hate smurfing now for the lack of runes or masteries :(.... run out of mana on casters so much ;>.
  19. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Yup i've assumed the Mantheon duties on the US server anyways, he gave me a few pointers and ive never looked back. Went 34-4-7 the other day.
  20. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Do any of you fellows ever get the custom skins? I'm just curious as I don't tend to see anyone using them (although I do have the desert Zilean skin because it looks so damn awesome).

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