News CD Projekt to fine Witcher 2 pirates

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 23 Nov 2010.

  1. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    I think this is what will happen and be kept outside the media. The fine will be Lawyer cost + full price of the game + some minor fee to cover the time of any employee in the company that had to work on the case (if any), and possibly a bit more for profit. Maybe 1 000$ fine, negotiable down to 800$. Which is actually smart. It leaves a message, most people can afford it (e.g: not declare bankruptcy or be in debt for life). No mater the amount, my point is that I doubt it, that it will be like the music industry "Oh, you pirated 1 song... so see you in court. No fine, your going to court, and we going after all you have, and all you will have including that tuna can for the rest of your life! Wait what's that? not-guilty? You don't even have a computer? Ooohoh! Then we will sue you for terrorizing the artist at an emotional level by not buying that 1 song.. that is a full penny we won't get.. heuumm we mean discourage from making music ever again... you are now a terrorist!".
  2. kylew

    kylew What's a Dremel?

    28 Apr 2007
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    That still doesn't mean they're the same thing just because there is the chance they can occur at the same time.

    Are you being serious? So because I haven't paid for something, I've stolen it? What if I won it or received it as a gift? What if I'd bought it second hand? Some developers think second hand games is the same as piracy, so are second hand games also stealing? It shares absolutely no similarities with going in to a shop and taking the game, why do you even try and say it's the same?

    Doesn't mean piracy = theft.

    No, it's piracy or copyright infringement, if it was stealing then it'd be a criminal offence, which we both know it's not...

    Umm, no it's really not. If it was a "legal fact" then anyone who pirates copyrighted media could be tried as a thief, it's not a criminal issue it's a civil matter...
  3. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    Gentlemen, i think we have a pirate among us.
  4. kylew

    kylew What's a Dremel?

    28 Apr 2007
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    Do you think the terminology behind it matters to those who do it? It really doesn't, it's just tiresome when people go on about piracy = theft when it doesn't, it's piracy.

    For me to say assault and attempted murder aren't the same thing, does it make me guilty of one of them?
  5. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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  6. kylew

    kylew What's a Dremel?

    28 Apr 2007
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    Yes what? :sigh:
  7. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Indeed, and he finds many ways to excuse he's or she gesture.

    No mater how you put it, at the end of the day, it's still less money for the developers, or unable to hire more people to make better software due the lack of money. Remember kids, a company needs to satisfied it's shareholder, investors, have profits, and have a reserve of several millions of dollars in research and developer of a new software, and several millions put a side as a reserve in the case a software doesn't work... they have money to fix it, improve it, or make something else as a last resort.

    Did Nvidia close it's doors despite the poor sale of Fermi, lack of contracts for Tegra chip, if rumor where true, possibly lost a contract with Nintendo to use Tegra 2 chip on the 3DS, and the inability to sale their several hundred million dollar investment they put for the Core i series chipset which they can not sale because Intel wants the monopoly. No! Why? Because the company has a huge amount of money put aside in the case of emergency situation like these. Every company of any size has and needs one, else they don't make it.

    That is why companies, especially small ones needs every as much sale as possible, to build this safety reeves, to grow, to put more money in games to make them better.

    Pirating a game and not paying it at the end of the day.. no mater what you put it, it is still less money for the developers that worked on the game and/or company.
    Last edited: 23 Nov 2010
  8. kylew

    kylew What's a Dremel?

    28 Apr 2007
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    He's or Her's? :confused:

    Waffle says what?

    Mo' waffle...

    Challenging some one claiming piracy = theft doesn't mean I don't buy my games...

    In fact, I'd say I buy a lot more games than most people do. I've probably got around 400 games between PC, PS3, Wii and handhelds...
  9. Coldon

    Coldon What's a Dremel?

    14 Oct 2006
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    seeing as how many studios are being downsized or shut down at the moment, people still try and justify piracy as being okay.

    So if i code a system for a client and he manages to download a copy from my machine when i'm not looking and starts using it without paying me is that fine?! By some people's logic in this thread I had no rights to the system in the first place.

    The witcher team are practically an indie studio, and deserve as much support as they can get, they truly have treated PC gamers with the utmost respect and so need to be supported. If people just pirate the crap out of the game then bye bye studio...

    Personally I'm sick of endless sequels and mindless consolized games, companies that actually try do something different need to be supported... For example look at dragon age, DA2 is being consolized why? well cause it sold better... Out of the ~15 guys i know that played and loved it, only 2 of us bought it... Those same pirates are the ones bitching about it getting consolized... obviously irony escapes them...
    Mik3yB @ CCL likes this.
  10. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    Yes you're an attempted assault murderer pirate.
  11. Aracos

    Aracos What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2009
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    Not what I expected of a company but I'm not fussed as I'll buy it anyway.
  12. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    ... What? How the **** do they plan to prove you've "Downloaded it illegally", and more importantly, if this "Fine" is anything more than the price of the game, it's damn unethical. Plus, what gives them the right to arbitrarily assess fines.
  13. Coldon

    Coldon What's a Dremel?

    14 Oct 2006
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    what gives joe public the right to pirate it?
  14. tron

    tron What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2009
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    Are you for real?

    We know that internet pirates usually invent all kinds of crazy analogies, and play around with the meaning of words in order to justify what they do. So here's a web link that can direct you towards gaining some understanding of "copyrights" - I have posted it knowing you may not read it, but just in case:

    Do you really think that just because there exists a specific technical term, such as "copyright infringement", to describe a particular form of theft, that it means it's not theft or "stealing"?

    You are stealing a copy of a game.

    Would you also think that if a person is only taken to a "civil" small claims court for stealing, say his friends XBOX controller, that it's not the same as "stealing"?

    Stealing a copy of a video game is "stealing", whether you are prosecuted as a criminal or given a small fine via a civil court.

    Oh by the way, if you won a copy of your game or if it was given to you as a gift, then you haven't stolen it. It was probably purchased by the person who gave it to you as a gift, unless they stole it. Nice try, but it's not a good analogy or whatever it was supposed to be.

    And no, game designers do not think the second hand games market is the same as piracy. Yes, they do want to control that market, but remember, those copies of second hand games were purchased by the original gamer. So the second hand games are usually not stolen games. The second hand sale is not illegal at all, unless it specifically says on the game that you have purchased this game with the acceptance that selling it on to a second person is prohibited.

    Just in case you try to be smart and reply saying that the pirated games uploaded to certain websites were legally purchased by the original pirate, it's not the same thing. This is because that original pirate uploader is effectively making many copies of that one game to distribute to potentially millions of gamers around the world. If on the other hand, he took advantage of the copyright law's fair usage aspects, and only decided to make two or three copies of the game at home for himself and his own convenience, then that is a big difference to uploading a cracked version of his game to a website that millions of people could download. He would be blatantly violating the game publishers copyright. It doesn't matter if he is making a financial profit from this or not. He does not have the right or permission from the copyright owner to make copies of the game for the public.

    Each of the millions of home downloading pirates are all "stealing" because they are acquiring an illegal copy of the game that has not been paid for.

  15. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    I really hope this works out and they somehow prove they saved money or saw increased sales as a result of this decision or something along those lines. Anything that brings the death of DRM is good in my book.
  16. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    There is no physical or financial loss as a direct consequence of piracy. Ergo it is not theft. It's basically the same as borrowing it from a friend. Get off your high horses.
  17. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    This is by far the most ridiculous statement i have heard in any conversation about piracy, including both pro and contra arguments. I can't even troll this, it just boggles my mind.
  18. tron

    tron What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2009
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    You better get yourself on a high horse right now :)

    No it's not the same as borrowing your friend's copy. But I suppose it is if that's what you have convinced yourself. :nono:

    Fact: The copyright owner does not necessarily need to be interested in financial benefits from his copyright of his product. So that means your "logic" regarding whether or not there has been some kind of financial loss as a result of piracy is irrelevant. You have stolen a copy of the game that was not paid for and you had no permission from the copyright owner. Simples. It's theft. :D
  19. MaverickWill

    MaverickWill Dirty CPC Mackem

    26 Apr 2009
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    And now, the correct way to deal with pirate trolls:

    Piracy is AKIN to stealing. You get a copy of a game for free, and break the law in the process. Call it copyright infringement or theft, you're still breaking the law, and a MASSIVE dick for it. If your boss got you to work for a week, then didn't pay you, you'd be angry too, right? Probably take him to court...

    I've got no problems with cracks for draconian DRM, as long as they serve a purpose beyond piracy ie not needing a constant internet connection a la Assassin's Creed 2. However, the game in question has no DRM whatsoever. None. Not even something like a CD key.

    There's no anti-DRM crusade here, there's no "sticking it to horrible publishers and their insidious ways" going on - this is a bunch of worthless law-breaking scumbags stealing from honest people who are trying to open everything up so you don't get stuck with horrendous DRM, and the paying customer isn't punished..

    Not only that, but these guys are offering a massive pack of downloads with every free pre-order, and if you buy the game at a higher price than the US version, in whatever currency, they give you free games and store credit to make up for it. How is that anything but perfect?
  20. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    the original was awesome.. they'll make their money hopefully
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