Education Hello Rioters...

Discussion in 'General' started by Margo Baggins, 11 Aug 2011.

  1. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    Activist are people to Margo, we are not all the same. So why judge me the same as your ex?!

    "selfish self centre'd protest that centre around disruption"
    Selfish: you think i want do what i do? i whish there was no need to.. and i give up alot of my time for what i do, and work dam hard at it, risking sometimes everything. so dont even go there.

    disruption: well its not going to be a protest centered around liking the way everything is now is it... of course it going to be disruptive, common lol.

    You think we dont have problems with "average joe's"? we do. They like to make sites gathering info about us so that we can be attacked in the streets.
    Redwatch is one of them, google it. thankfully im not on there.
    More serious, people get attacked with weapons or even killed, and have done in the past just because of what they believe in, there killers and attackers never to be prosecuted

    "direct their anger and frustrations at you. Its a day i wholeheartedly look forward to"
    interesting thinking there, may want to be careful of what you say. Next step would be to make actual treats against my self, and that would be a section-4 of the public order act...

    Your hostility towards activists seems to be because of your ex other wise I'm sure you couldn't careless anyway, and wouldn't make such unpleasant comments. Just because you and your ex split up for what ever reason does not mean that the same anger should be funneled at other activists, we are doing what we do to change the world for the better, not there other way around.
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2011
  2. Margo Baggins

    Margo Baggins I'm good at Soldering Super Moderator

    28 May 2010
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    No threats my friend. Just a statement of opinion felt by more than a number of people. At no point did i make a threat against you or anybody, take your tin foil helmet off - i also didnt insinuate anything other than people doing what you do.... Hehe - stating laws, another thing i have noticed about activists is there attempt to always appear of superior intellect. You are a walking stereotype.

    They make these sites to protect society. Along with activism comes squatting, public disorder, disrespect for property/belongings. And also - what do you think came first? The public disorder caused by activists - or the websites made to protect the public against such actions?

    What you believe in, is that the world should change to fit your ideals. And - your tactics are to be frowned on really. Never really do i think its ok to take children to protest to fend off "police violence".

    Just as these prosecutions are never brought to light - in your circles you tell stories very different to how they unfold in reality. And in your circles, Chinese whispers tend to blow most things out of proportion and accentuate false or mis information. I know this, from spending alot of time in these circles.

    Is not "because" of my ex, more because of the world she introduced me to.

    EDIT: I just need to point out, i in no way support redwatch. Im not a far right winger, nor am i racist, nor do i support anything combat 18 have anything to do with.
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2011
  3. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    So you think the world is perfect then? that racial prejudice is totally fine? that animal cruelty and torture is totally fine? that you think poverty is totally fine?

    Its not just my ideals, its most of the worlds, just people are led to think that the world if fine and there's nothing to worry about so that you do not make problems for massive multi-billion corporations and the government.

    I'm sure you do know that there are big problems in this world, and if you don't agree with how we do things (we do alot more than just protesting, in fact that is a small percentage of what we do but anyway!) then feel free to do it your self with your own methods, otherwise don't tell me how to help humanity from your arm chair.
  4. Margo Baggins

    Margo Baggins I'm good at Soldering Super Moderator

    28 May 2010
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    No - I dont think the world is fine.

    I have never suggest supporting racial prejudice. Infact quite the opposite - I had to pull alot of stuff I had on youtube because of threats i received off EDL members and BNP supporters. And my footage was just of various EDL and BNP outings (read: protests).

    Animal cruelty also i do not believe in. I have a huge amount of respect for animals - actually even donate 5% of my wages to various charities supporting animal welfare and the protection of animals.

    I think for the most part, people have landed themselves in poverty OR people are too fast to blame everything on poverty. I also think poverty would not be such an issue if so many people were not abusing the benefits system.

    I think someone who is unemployed and doesnt contribute to society in anyway, doesnt really have a right to stand up and say everything is ****ed up. To me, that is a senseless arguement.

    EDIT: I help helping people. I volunteer for a number of organisations, helping to bring IT to members of society that would other not be able to obtain it. I help elderly people get online and give them basic IT tuition. Before i moved down south I used to campaign for LGBT equal rights and equal opportunities in the work place. So very much not in my arm chair, but more helping people, rather than causing damage, causing disrupt, losing business' money, and then demanding more from society.
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2011
  5. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    Every human has the right to protest, just because I'm not employed does not take that away from me, and it totally ridiculous to think so.
    Poverty can be helped by the one guy that makes a stupid amount of money out of young kids working for next to nothing, by giving up a small amount of his monster profit wage he gave himself, he can make the people at the bottom have a much better quality of life... nothing to do with me not having a job.

    [for the record, i do not have anything to do with illegal activity]
    "losing business' money"
    maybe they don't deserve the money? and taking advantage of others, some times in horrific ways to gain there money.
    Just because there a business does not make them innocent.

    "demanding more from society"
    what am i demanding? a better life for all of us? how terrible of me.
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2011
  6. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    British people are rapidly becoming a bunch of feckless halfwits with ideas way above their station.

    To say there are "no" jobs or "them dirty foreigners* took my job" is hilariously inaccurate, and frankly, indicative of the type of person you (Royal "you") are.

    Out done by a Polish bloke? Perhaps you need to stop being a feckless individual and get off your arse.

    *I don't actually think foreigners are dirty

    Also, I giggled at the OP.
  7. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    no one in this thread is blaming "foreigners" for people been unemployed.
  8. Lenderz

    Lenderz Minimodder

    4 Nov 2010
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    Couldn't agree more.

    12 years ago I moved out of my folks and got my own pad, I rapidly needed a job to pay the bills so took some 12 hour a night factory job and ended up making friends with all kinds of people from all around the world whilst doing the job, generally nice, kind, hardworking, reliable, humble people who were like me overqualified for the work we were doing. But they were happy for the opportunity to work and I was happy to be able to pay the bills.

    Since then I've never been unemployed and I know do a skilled well paid executive job. But I had to work hard and start right at the bottom to get the opportunities I now have it really offends me when people think they are too good to do the same. Or complain of hard workers coming over here and "taking our jobs".

    - Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Never said anything directly to the people in this thread, it was more of a general post - Blaming foreigners is a common thing, and it's complete bollocks.
  10. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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  11. ShakeyJake

    ShakeyJake My name is actually 'Jack'.

    5 May 2009
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    Started delivering papers at 6:30am when I was 13. Job at 16, which I kept for uni as well as working for the uni, also an xmas temp in a shop, playing in bands and building pcs all through uni. Chemistry and Biology degree from Newcastle. I have a good work ethic, 100% positive references, a clean driving license, and no problems such as convictions or dismissals. I am positive and very personable, many of my jobs have been talking to people and public speaking, I do very well in interviews.

    I was unemployed for about a year after graduation and now I'm back at that job I had when I was 16. I did not turn my nose up at any jobs, I applied at the orange shop (amongst about 200 others) when I was unemployed and had a grand total of 3 interviews. Not even a rejection letter from the orange shop! I have sales experience at maplin (electricals and gadgets) I'm outgoing and talkative and great salesman. . . . . . . . . .

    If you're in this thread saying that there are jobs out there then quit your job and tell me how easy you find it getting another one.

    Meanwhile, don't make fun or talk down to the thousands of unemployed people who are desperate and looking for work, anywhere. You'd have a hard time convincing me that anyone on a computer enthusiast forum is a dead-end dolerat, so I'm sure they are actually looking.

    Good luck everyone. :)
  12. Margo Baggins

    Margo Baggins I'm good at Soldering Super Moderator

    28 May 2010
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    This is the bit where you really dont understand. You think that job landed at his feet? He worked hard, probably for 30 - 40 years to be in that position. Irrelevent of the choice he's making, its his to make as he has earnt it.

    Maybe if you put 30 - 40 years of hard graft and lead an organisation in line with your beliefs alot more people would listen to you ideals. Instead - it would appear you, and alot of people like you, are all "take take take" and care very little for other people. You claim to protest in aid of humanity - yet for the most part your protests hurt people who are working 40-60 hour weeks in order to support family's/loved ones/parents, and are under a very different type of poverty and stress and one you will never understand as all you want to do is take from society and stand up and pretend its a righteous act.
  13. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    I dont care if that person has worked 10 or 40 years to get where he/she is now, the fact of the matter is that that person is evil, and should be exposed to be the evil person they are, no matter if its a small business or a massive global one. And if it affects there family income, maybe try not been a total **** and choose a different job or profession that does not pray on the weak, innocent and defenseless, because as you say and lots of others in this thread, there are apparently loads of jobs to go round.

    And i have no idea how you came to the idea that im "take take take" care to elaborate?
    Sure im on the dole, but doing what i can to get off it, in fact while we have had this talk i have applied for 2 jobs at a security business that make locks ect, and as a cleaner at a gym working nights.

    I have worked for no wage only a few weeks ago only so that i could put on my CV that i have at least some past experience in a working environment and to get a good reference.

    I can see your trying your hardest to make me out to be a bad person, it isn't going to work. :thumb:
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2011
  14. Margo Baggins

    Margo Baggins I'm good at Soldering Super Moderator

    28 May 2010
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    Hehe im not trying to make you sound like a bad person. You are the one making judgements about people on the grounds you believe them to be evil. Except.... you go out at ruin peoples day, people who have nothing to do with said individual that you believe to be evil, based on information that for the most part could be hear say. So really - you are painting your own picture...
  15. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    Completely untrue, we don't bother if there nothing to do with it. We have no reason to.
    The judgments we cast are packed with solid undeniable proof, or they openly admit to it.

    You are also the one making the judgments branding ALL protesters/activism as good for nothing leaching trouble makers.
    Fact is, I'm one guy out of meany, most people i know have jobs and work hard within them while also at the same time doing the same stuff i do with in activism.

    EDIT:... But just to make sure, we don't always go for the "evil guy".. 80% of the time its policies we don't agree with, and ask for them to be changed, which does not effect anyone in the said business. Such as Air France, they are the only last remaining air line the the EU that transports live Animals for lab testing, like chimps and dog ect ect... so, we don't ask for anyone to step down, we also don't want to harm or shut down the air line, we just want them to change one small policy just like 4 or 5 other air lines have done before them. The rest never carried the policy in the first place.
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2011
  16. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    [Please delete - clicked quote on my own post instead of edit]
  17. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    I think its unfair when unemployment reaches the kind of levels we are currently at to assume that people are unemployed due to their own choices or that they can just go out and get a job if they wanted

    Maybe a very small percentage of people are choosing to be unemployed but its unfair to blanketly say everyone that is unemployed could choose to have a job if they felt like it. Job vacancies generally arent going unfilled, if they were then you have grounds to say people are choosing not to work.

    I dont know exactly what the unemployment rate is in the UK but I know in Ireland it is 14.9% up from 4% in the boom years, people havent suddenly decided they cant be bothered working
    Last edited: 15 Aug 2011
  18. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    Amazing! So who do you think is evil? I love that you think business people are ruthless out of malice and not out of trying to get their family the best possible life style within the socio-economic construct we live in, can you not see that?

    Evil is a very strong and over used word, I dislike the social model we have but you cannot blame people who have been raised in within it to behave in the way they do, we are capitalists and trained to be in the Uk from birth.
  19. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Why not? Doesn't stop you:
  20. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    Nice Nexxo!

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