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Education The weight loss thread

Discussion in 'General' started by mansueto, 25 Feb 2013.

  1. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    i've not heard of anything of the sort, but as usual going for the dramatic over exaggeration, spleen just happened to be the first thing that came to mind
  2. Big Elf

    Big Elf Oh no! Not another f----ing elf!

    23 Apr 2009
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    I've managed to lose 29lbs in exactly 3 months. I haven't been dieting, haven't felt hungry just switched from my main meal of the day to Chicken Salads and cut out the sweet flavoured Yoghurts I used to have daily and snacking. I started dieting before I was diagnosed with borderline diabetes which is just as well as every 30lbs helps apparently. After the diagnosis I switched from white bread to wholemeal and cut out potatoes and stuff with high sugar content.

    I'm aiming to go from the 228lbs I was 3 months ago (currently 199lbs) to around 150lbs which is what I used to weigh 30 years ago. Currently losing around 2lbs a week without any great effort although I'm walking around 4-5 miles daily which is no hardship apart from my dodgy hip resulting from a motorcycle crash just over 40 years ago. Hopefully if I can keep up the current weight loss I can hit my target by next February/March assuming I don't put any extra on over Xmas. Need to start planning what to replace salads with though after the Autumn.

    Slightly annoyed that I'd bought some vintage 501s around 6 months ago that are now too large but pleased I can get into my old vintage 501s with a 2 inch smaller waist. Somewhere I should have some 36", 34" and 32" 501s from the past 20 years. I think I cut up my 30" ones a long time ago to repair later versions.

    Until I was 30 I used to wear 28" Jeans but after a long spell in hospital I started putting on weight that I've never lost and also lost the fitness I had prior to that.
    LennyRhys, SuperHans123 and Vault-Tec like this.
  3. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    Since my wife and I moved out from my in-laws and into our own place 4 months ago, I've lost about 4 to 5 kg (4 from when I last weighed myself, was probably more) just from the dietary change and the daily cycles to the supermarket. All home-cooked meals are vegan, while when eating out I may eat meat, fish or vegetarian (depending on what the choices are). Currently also trying to cut back a bit on caffeine and drink more water.
  4. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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  5. SuperHans123

    SuperHans123 Multimodder

    27 Dec 2013
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    Just starting on another weight loss attempt.
    6 foot tall, at the start of the week, I weighed a smidgeon over 19st.
    Weighed this morning, 5lbs lighter.
    A good start as they say.
    LennyRhys likes this.
  6. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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    I also started another weight lost journey, weighing in at 16.85st today which is the most I've ever weighed.

    Joined a gym, ordered some diet whey, I seem to be fighting a ever lasting battle with trying to catch my breath, hopefully the surgery at the end of the month might help with that.

    Plan is lots of jogging, biking, and hitting the gym twice a day, les go!
    LennyRhys and SuperHans123 like this.
  7. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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    Early days yet, but les go!
  8. LennyRhys

    LennyRhys Fan Fan

    16 May 2011
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    Weight loss is a really tough endeavour, even though some may find it easier than others.

    I've been back on the wagon ever since I got Covid in early Feb, and in 9 weeks of a very strict lifestyle change I've lost around 20lbs, which translates to a good 6 inches off my waist (I'm down from about 43" to 37"). I've been doing intermittent fasting for the most part, so initially I was eating quite normally, but only between 12 noon and 6pm. It's hard to fast for 18 hours every day, but hot damn does the weight just fall off you. Latterly I've been fasting for even longer some days, and having only one good, healthy meal. There's still a wealth of stored calories in my body that need to be burned away, and I'll probably keep the fasting going for a few more weeks before returning to a more regular eating pattern.

    I also made some big changes to the types of food I eat, so for example I completely cut out breakfast cereals, and I will drink fizzy juice only one day a week and in very small quantities. I cut back on caffeine too, and from mid afternoon I switch to decaf coffee.

    There's a deeper discussion (IMO) to be had about the attitude that we westerners have to food - it's not just something to nourish us and keep us healthy and functioning, but something we use to reward ourselves, and something we consume purely for pleasure. I'm trying to move away from the mentality that food is some sort of reward (e.g. a treat, a "nice meal out" etc.) because there are far healthier ways for me to reward myself.
    SuperHans123 and Weekly_Estimate like this.
  9. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    It's interesting because I go kinda the opposite route of eating all the time. It was when I was at college and there's always that guy who eats doughnuts and muffins but is stick thin, and people ask "how do you do that?" and that's when I found out about metabolism. So I eat less but more often (and go to the toilet a lot...).

    A big problem is parents teaching kids they have to clear their plate and you can't waste food because of the Starving Ethiopians. Then as adults we have that same habit and stuff ourselves.

    My girlfriend is the same, she has to eat it all otherwise it's a "waste", but another way to see it is it's a waste if you eat something you don't want. I hate feeling stuffed too.
    LennyRhys likes this.
  10. LennyRhys

    LennyRhys Fan Fan

    16 May 2011
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    @oscy exactly. About 20 years ago I simply couldn't gain weight no matter how much I ate, because I was young and had a crazy fast metabolism. Now I have to make a concerted effort to get off my backside and keep active, otherwise the waistline grows and grows.

    I noticed recently that one of my worst eating habits was to keep eating regardless of hunger, and this included big meals - eating food just to "clear the plate" as you say. For kids it can be good because they will almost certainly burn off all that energy and make use of the nutrients, but for adults it's a really bad approach IMO. I have been eating half portions for weeks and I'm totally fine with it.
  11. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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  12. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    I started using my Boots' scales monthly. Even if they're inaccurate, I figured they'd at least be good to see if I'm trending downwards, out of curiosity.

    But even though I've gradually been fitting in smaller clothing, it says I gain weight and gives me higher fat percentages sometimes.

    I'm being gaslighted by scales.
    Weekly_Estimate likes this.
  13. SuperHans123

    SuperHans123 Multimodder

    27 Dec 2013
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    I'm down a stone since December. Slow and steady wins the race.
    Including walking the dog, cycling a bit, giving up booze and less Caramacs and giant Dairy Milks.
    Weekly_Estimate and LennyRhys like this.
  14. DeadP1xels

    DeadP1xels Social distancing since 92

    30 Nov 2009
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    16 stone 9lb this morning, technically I've actually lost a bit of weight, I was in the 17st region recently. visibly rocking the dad bod but wouldn't consider myself visibly fat. However, where is all this fat sitting... probably in all the worst places.

    This is the worst I've felt in a really long time and I simply need to face up the fact I've let myself go good and proper. if I don't change now (I have to change now) then I probably never will. Just eat/drink until some god awful disease puts me in a box prematurely. I don't want to make a real health scare the reason I should change.

    While this has all the hallmarks of a DP ruining thread post, its about accountability. 79 days until the new year, rather than waiting and falsely promising myself that January 1st 2023 is "New year new me!" it'll be just like any other day in a necessary journey.

    I had a salad for lunch and it feels great.
    MLyons likes this.
  15. keef247

    keef247 Modder

    11 Aug 2006
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    tried to help was mocked. delete.
    Last edited: 14 Oct 2022
  16. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    I mean, if you go from eating quite a bit to sub 1k calories and start doing more exercise, you're going to lose weight regardless. If keto worked for you then great, but I've never quite bought in to it being anything other than calorie management.

    Personally once again I'm trying to nudge my way up, aiming for >90kg by christmas and if I'm still happy enough with how I look keep going till March or so where maybe I can finally hit some PBs!
  17. keef247

    keef247 Modder

    11 Aug 2006
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    tried to help was mocked. delete.
    Last edited: 14 Oct 2022
  18. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    There are only three ways to lose weight (aside from, I 'unno, lopping off a limb): eating fewer calories than you burn; burning more calories than you eat (which may end up with you gaining weight in muscle, but you'll have less fat so it's a win); and following a fad diet without realising that the reason it works is because you're eating fewer calories than you burn and/or burning more calories than you eat.

    That's it. That's the list. No exceptions.
  19. keef247

    keef247 Modder

    11 Aug 2006
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    cant be bothered with this. what a waste of time trying to help people to be told a medical term is a 'fad diet' ridiculous. this isn't atkins... it's a physical state your body goes into as with intermittent fasting. if you'd bothered to watch the links of the doctor explaining it you'd of known that.

    Everyone knows if you eat less excercise you loose weight. that has nothing to do with ketosis or intermittent fasting. nor what I was explaining.

    I was offering an alternative to people that dont want to eat rabbit food and feel full more for longer and tailor it to their own needs/hunger/size/weight/etc but yeah the internet knows better than my actual experience apparently from skim reading and ignorance.

    I give up.
    Last edited: 14 Oct 2022
  20. Ajbod

    Ajbod Minimodder

    12 Dec 2016
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    I eat low carb because i'm type 2 diabetic. I also try to do intermittent fasting as that also helps. The most common cause of weight problems is insulin. It is the hormone that controls fat storage. excess food intake is stored away for future use, if you don't eat too many calories it is not stored away (this is calorific deficit). Alternatively, if you eat low carbohydrate the insulin response is less so any excess cannot be stored away. If your insulin levels are high your body will not use the stored fat, you just feel hungry. If your levels are low ie dietary ketosis your body will convert and use fat (to counteract the caloric deficit) and you don't feel hungry. Dietary ketosis is thought to start to occur after 12 hours, hence intermittent fasting gives a small window where fat burning is possible.
    Full on keto ie trying to stick as close to 20g carbs a day drives the body into dietary ketosis and keeps it there due to low insulin levels, so that hunger literally disappears.
    When i decided about 6 years ago that at 18 stone 3lb i had to do something about it, i looked at diets and didn't fancy any of the foods contained in them.
    Then i found the Keto diet and thought yeh those are the kind of foods i can eat. Bacon, eggs, butter, cheese, cream and all sorts of meats etc. For me bread, pastry and pasta was a difficult thing to give up, but i knew i had to do it. Result was after 4 months i was 25kg lighter. That means previously i was lugging about a sack of spuds all the time!
    Shortly after returning to a conventional way of eating, i was diagnosed as prediabetic. Which i now know was skewed due to the keto diet and i was actually diabetic, although it was another 3 years until that was eventually diagnosed. That is a shock to the system and you soon start going down all sorts of rabbit holes searching for information.
    The keto diet was first introduced over 100 years ago, as a treatment for children with epilepsy. Pre insulin discovery which was about 70 years ago for type 1 diabetics it was basically a death sentence. Type 2s much rarer than nowadays ate a carbohydrate restricted diet. something that todays medical profession is gradually returning to.
    the human body did not evolve to have such high levels of insulin in the system, it evolved to manage higher levels of pure carbohydrates during summer and autumn time, storing energy away for the leaner wintertime.
    Most of our dietary problems nowadays align with the introduction of (vegetable oils) ie chemically produced products that are used in so many different processed foods you would be amazed, and question what it was needed for in some items (obviously cost). Whichever way you choose to eat and diet avoid at all costs as much processed food as you can, stick to pure food

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