I dug up my old bluetooth headset, the useless gadget that I got free with my phone almost two years ago. To put it to some use I looked into...
You can very cheaply buy a drive enclosure for these drives. They are the same drives as found in older iPods. Just look up 1.8 inch hard drive...
Apparently old processors have a fair amount of gold in them, and have decent value at recyclers. I talked to a guy who said he gets $25/pound...
I bet Pelican cases has exactly what you're looking for. http://www.pelican.com/case_category.php?CaseSize=%&New=%
I want to have wireless internet for my laptop in my dorm, without having to buy a router, since I already have a spare USB wireless card lying...
Love You Madly- Cake Wicked good chill-time band.
Wow. I fail.
Perhaps this will help, since my own brain has proven itself worthless. <even more stupidity> I'm going to bed.
Sorry, I don't know where I got USB from. Strange. Do you know how much current and power the fan connectors normally put out? What you need...
Power from a single USB port cannot exceed 2.5W. Therefore, to get, say, 1A of current, you need to convert the power to 2.5V so you still don't...
You so crazy. They're all interesting, but I've always been a fan of "stylish and functional" as well as minimalist tendencies.
I think you might have trouble if that is adhered to a sheet of clear plexi, since plexi can bend quite well, but one cut that thin won't bend...
In the old days when I did actually frequently buy games, ALL THE TIME they wouldn't even run, or would error like mad and crash nonstop. Now, I...
Separate names with a comma.