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News Jack is back to beat up on bully

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Da Dego, 15 Aug 2006.

  1. HandMadeAndroid

    HandMadeAndroid That's handy.

    18 Feb 2005
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    Isnt it really all a bit sad that:

    A) we have been reduced to sitting our children/ourselves infront of video games

    B) Not many people know how to cook

    C) we put lights inside computer cases and think it's really cool

    D) When an obviously dubious violent game is released we all act like a bunch of sheep and play into the hands of american corporate guerilla marketing hype

    What ever side you wish to come down on, it still really is a sad reflection of our culture and times, as art imitates life and visa-versa.
  2. yahooadam

    yahooadam <span style="color:#f00;font-weight:bold">Ultra cs

    21 Mar 2006
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    there's also the navy's game (which sux ass) as well

    the game is an 18, hes aiming his argument at under 18's

    so really, the whole point is nullified because these 12 year olds shouldn't get hold of the game, the ESRB gives ratings for a reason, if the child does get hold of the game, its their parents fault
  3. Arutha

    Arutha What's a Dremel?

    16 Aug 2006
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    Sheesh... Jack is NUTS

    I've said this over and over on more sites than I can remember whenever this damned bloody debate comes up.

    There are certain undeniable inalienable facts that Madam Thompson seems to overlook.

    The rating system: flawed? Absolutely. In fact, I'm all for a rating system, and for parents being responsible enough to perhaps...MAYBE...POSSIBLY be parents and MONITOR what their children play. Now here's one giant leap for mankind, maybe if they spent some time with their kids, drawing the logical conclusion that their child will more than likely find a way to play this game outside the house anyway.... instill the priciples of CONSEQUENCE, of action vs reaction..... its really not all that difficult.

    Sadly, there are too many parents these days who, for lack of better terms, should not be parents. They are not ready for that responsibility, and rather than parent their child, they look to everyone, and everything else to keep their children busy. Whether its TV shows that whind up leaving a college graduate like myself utterly confused as to what the hell transpired in the past 10 minutes, or a video game like grand theft auto... does it matter?

    Is it the animators fault that they make a senseless cartoon with a rastafarian (sp) Grim Reaper? NO, they are free to express what they want within the law.

    The same thing applies to Rock Star / Take Two and any game they make. I am completely against censorship, in any form. However, yes a ratings system will fly by me., but only in the sense that it serves as a warning to a guardian buying a game for a minor. Although most of the time, all you have to do is read the back of the damn game case, but, I realize this may be too much work for some parents/relatives.

    My problem with Thompson's frivilous suits is the simple fact that his solution to the problem is extremely flawed, and borderline insane. Were he just after a rating system, I'd have no problem with it, though I know it would solve nothing.

    The problem lies in the fact that he doesn't want the game made at all. He says Rock Star and the ESRB are all financially tied together and motivated. Well I challenge Thompson to deny that HE has not been financially compensated, motivated, as a matter of fact HEAVILY contributed to by many hard right leaning organizations.

    He's already lost his right to practice law in Alabama (I believe)... the rest of the country should follow suit, and send him packing with a tennis racket and a new hobby... either that, or send him to a place that'll give him a free jacket that will let him just hug himself alllllll day long.
  4. captainalphabet

    captainalphabet What's a Dremel?

    16 Aug 2006
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    hot coffee

    putting aside the standard 'why is violence OK but sex is so wrong" quetsions that really need to be debated inteligently in this country... what's the big deal with Hot Coffee? i understand Thompson thinks RockStar lied... but does he really think that some kid who's able to hack/mod/dowload/patch his copy of San Andreas isn't gonna find REAL nakendness somewhere else on the internet?
  5. Arkuden

    Arkuden mow?

    9 Jul 2004
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    a.) We seems a bit to broad for a coverage on that. Rephrase to irresponsible and stupid parents an you might have somethign.

    b.) Im 21 and I cook for myself everynight and sometimes my gf or parents if they come over, mostly becuase fast food is not healthy and i have better things to wate money on. Also referr to point a. about irresponsible parents.

    c.) Im sure you are interested in things that we might similarly see as dumb and stupid. What does putting lights inside a computer have to do with this anyways?!

    d.) will I play this game? No it doesnt appeal to me nor did san andreas after I played vice city for a while. I work full time for a hospital and i also run my own business and attend college part time. Your generalizations are a bit too broad again.
  6. Aankhen

    Aankhen What's a Dremel?

    15 Oct 2005
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    If those quotes from the document were completely unaltered, I'm shocked at the abysmal standard of English they exhibit.
    If you're looking for sympathetic listeners, you're on the wrong forums. ;)
  7. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    The only thing altered was the masking of addresses/phone numbers. :)
  8. Miser

    Miser What's a Dremel?

    1 Oct 2005
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    None of your points have relevance to the topic at hand and are extremely generalized at that. Point C I would find personally insulting (you are not presenting your point to the correct audience) if I didn't completely disregard what you have to say. Case modding is absolutely a form of craftsmanship, which is a traditional value. I believe you are trying support traditional values/practices in your post, thus you contradict yourself.
  9. Preti9cboi

    Preti9cboi What's a Dremel?

    16 Jan 2005
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    A) Refer to C

    B) Fast food and Walmart is cheap.

    C) It's called a hobby. Got one?

    D) Sheep? :rolleyes:

    Maybe you're really Jack..... A$$ :eyebrow:
  10. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    Alrighty then, the game is rated MATURE, and not intended to be played by individuals under 17 years of age. Plenty of children above 17, sure, but uh, yeah. If some 10 year old kid plays bully for 90 hours straight, and goes to school monday to beat the living shite out of a chum; who's fault?

    Anybody up for starting an e-petition officially tagged as "Supporters of the Video Game Industry, and people who think Jack Thompson just needs to STFU"
  11. Agent_M

    Agent_M Minimodder

    4 Feb 2005
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    replace stfu with die and im in :)
  12. yahooadam

    yahooadam <span style="color:#f00;font-weight:bold">Ultra cs

    21 Mar 2006
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    we dont want him to STFU - we want him to get a new job otherwise he will just do this all over again
  13. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    Either way, I'll sign :D
  14. Asphix

    Asphix What's a Dremel?

    21 Jun 2002
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    LOL I remember that.. as a kid my mom would scold me and warn me of the "weridos" who play DnD as if it was some sort of massive cult following and a hotbed of murders and crime all hidden under the cloak of "make believe" while playing a game.
  15. Vash-HT

    Vash-HT What's a Dremel?

    7 Jun 2006
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    LOL this made me laugh hard, you sound kinda like my mom. I enjoy playing games a ton, but I definitely haven't "reduced" myself to doing it. You can't force the idea that playing games is inherently bad for children/adults to do with their free time. I only play for a small amount of time each day, but during my youth when I had more free time I played for hours a day, almost every day. I doubt it screwed me up, considering I've gone through college and have a good job now.

    Your second point was perhaps the the most pointless point I've ever seen someone make on the topic of video games. I don't see what you're trying to prove, that if kids weren't playing video games they'd be cooking dinner for their mom or something? Apparently you think that before the age of video games everyone was some kind of chef, but at least here in the US there are still a lot of families where the women is expected to do almost all of the cooking, and her husband couldn't cook if he had to. But I'd like to stop there and say I can also cook, so your point is worthless, there is no connection between playing video games and not being able to cook( :confused: ) .

    As for putting lights in computers, personally the only lights in mine are on the motherboard, but I do think the mods I see on here are very cool to see. If someone just tossed a light int heir computer I would think it is stupid, but most mods seek to do much more than that. I don't see whats so wrong with someone trying to make their computer case look much better than it does, its an artistic hobby along the lines of customizing a car.

    Your last point just makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist. The people that buy games like this actually do enjoy it. The people that do buy it because of hype may not enjoy it, and they won't play it. The point is that if a game sells as much as GTA3 does then its largely due to the game being well put together. Don't get me wrong, I don't like GTA3, I've played it with my friends and its just not the type of game I want to play. But even with that, I can't deny that the developers of it put a lot of time into the game, and made it much more in depth that just running around killing people.

    It's pretty easy to tell from your post that you're snobby as hell, and think you're better than people who play games. The good thing is that you're wrong, and the only reason society gets worse is because of people like you who believe they are superior to other people.
  16. TGImages

    TGImages Grandpa

    11 Aug 2004
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    Jack Says: "Take-Two has until five o’clock p.m., Eastern time, Monday, August 14, 2006, to inform me in writing that it will forthwith provide me with a copy of Bully so that I and others can analyze it to determine whether it still poses a threat of copycat violence in our schools (See Miami-Dade School Board’s unanimous Resolution), or the following will occur: I shall file a lawsuit against your respective companies to stop the game’s October 1 release. "

    I learned from Jack.

    I say: "Every software company, hardware company, developer and modder has until five o'clock PM, Eastern time, Monday, August 21st, 2006 to provide me, at no charge and with no expectation of it being returned, a copy of their product/application/mod for my personal evaluation or the following will occur: I shall file a lawsuit against you or your respective companies on the grounds that you're discriminating against me or something."

    I'd rant some more but it's already been said here.
  17. shotgunefx

    shotgunefx What's a Dremel?

    4 Feb 2004
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    He really should do us all a f***ing favor and die already.
  18. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    realy stop asking for the poor guy to die, if he would stop doing this someone would take his place and start a new war on video games, just ask him to shut up. :D

    edit: i think i know what i am going to ask Santa :D
  19. Hallik

    Hallik What's a Dremel?

    19 Aug 2006
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    Just registered to talk in this thread :)
    Didn't all those DnD players end up to become multibillionaires? and top buisnessmen in our country?

    And seriously folks, our ESRB rating is fine, it addresses each game well by listing the contents and minimum age level. The only thing we have to worry about is the god-damn stupid aunts and family members that go buy kids video games. I sware last week I was in best buy when these three stupid "aunt types" were looking to buy a game for their nephew's birthday. I over heard them and their conversation went a little like this:

    Woman 1:"50 Cent?"
    Woman 2:"Hey isn't that guy a singer?"
    Woman 1:"Would Timmy like this game?"
    Woman 3:"I don't see why not, isn't this one of those music games where you dance to it on that mat?"
    Woman 2:"I think so.. but why does it say it's not suitable for him? 10 year olds can dance yeah?"
    Woman 3:"The songs probably just have curse words but I think you can censor those out."
    Woman 1:"Well then we should get this game."
    Me:"You do realize this game is all about going around and killing right? I don't think it would be good for Timmy."
    Woman 3:"What!?! Thanks for telling us."
    Woman 2:"Well what about Ninja Gaiden? Timmy loves power rangers so I'm sure he'll like this game."
    Woman 1:"Oh yeah, Timmy is crazy about Power Rangers!"
    Me:"Well this game isn't about Power Rangers, it's a ninja going around with a sword and killing things and people"(Never played Ninja Gaiden but know the concept)
    Woman 2:"Hmm well it sounds better than the 50 Cent game, why don't we just take that?"
    Woman 3:"If he doesn't like it, we'll return it back."
    Me:"Okay, well good luck." (Walked away)

    This is the typical **** that I see going on everytime I'm in a god-damn game store and honestly, it's so stupid. Why blame the god-damn kids when it's obvious that it's these stupid parentals that are buying the game. Where do you think the money comes from most of the times when a kid buys a game? From the relatives. Instead of giving little ****ing Timmy 60 bucks to go buy a game where he can choke people to death with the intestines of a guy you just killed, they can get him Super Mario, or some more constructive games/items. Don't blame the ESRB or the kids, blame the parents whom read the ESRB, know that a game isn't suitable, yet still buy it. [/rant]
  20. yahooadam

    yahooadam <span style="color:#f00;font-weight:bold">Ultra cs

    21 Mar 2006
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