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Gaming Top 10 Games of The Year 2009

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Sifter3000, 23 Dec 2009.

  1. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Well it's a good thing they're just opinions then, and everyone is entitled to a different one. If I had my way, Dragon Age and Borderlands wouldn't be anywhere near the top 10, because I can't stand RPGs and find them boring (which is also why I wouldn't have put DoW II in there). But I can appreciate other people like them, so I accept them being in the top 10.

    What this list has to do with bit-tech, other than being published on the site, when it was voted for entirely by the readers I don't know. Has that already been mentioned? That it was reader-voted? I could've sworn I read it in the article. Did you not read it?
  2. kondichael

    kondichael What's a Dremel?

    11 Aug 2008
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    Uncharted 2 Is the game of the year.
  3. Whalemeister

    Whalemeister is so hot right now!

    27 Nov 2007
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    Well done guys, at least you have the balls to admit that Modern Warfare 2 is an awesome game and not listen to all the hate out there for it.

    All-inall a great list of very good games
  4. mrbens

    mrbens What's a Dremel?

    15 Aug 2009
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    best games of were? :duh: would be better without the 'of'
  5. Star*Dagger

    Star*Dagger What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2007
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  6. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    This is just ridiculous, we have people complaining of other people's choices. You can't please everyone I suppose but at least appreciate that BT let the community even decide.

    I miss the older GOTY articles, but let's be honest, there weren't too many exceptional games released this year. We need an RTS revival.
  7. D3s3rt_F0x

    D3s3rt_F0x What's a Dremel?

    28 Oct 2004
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    I played MW2 personally I thought it was awful, the most over-hyped FPS since any of the Halo games. Brought nothing new to the table, the story was paint by numbers and oh ye what was with that heartbeat monitor crap just admit you stole it from alien and call it a motion detector.

    While on the other hand Batman was sublime.
  8. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    While there was a lack of innovation in MW2, there still was polish, that you can't really deny. Of course the Hype usually kills a game but I have to admit, the shotgun attachment is awesome.
  9. Fishlock

    Fishlock .o0o.

    22 Nov 2004
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    If this was my forum, I'd ban people like you. Just **** off.

    Infact, on looking at your previous posts, you seem to do nothing but sit around correcting peoples grammar. What the hell is the point in that? Might I suggest that you are on the wrong forum?

    Anyway, 'would' should have a capital letter and you didn't put a full stop after your sentence. You loose.
  10. Star*Dagger

    Star*Dagger What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2007
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    Shattered Horizon Wins! Such a great title, with a small group of intrepid programmers, coding in the frozen wastes of Finland, have a break out hit and get voted into the top 10 of 2009.
    The public knows quality, I re-rate Shattered Horizon a 9.2 out of 10!!!

    Yours in Victorious Plasma,
  11. mrbens

    mrbens What's a Dremel?

    15 Aug 2009
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    calm down dear! =)
  12. Dave_M

    Dave_M What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2007
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    MW2 won?!? BOO!! I will never buy it for the PC until it hits about £5 then I will think about it.

    ***BTW, mirrors edge is on steam for only £3.24***
  13. Ficky Pucker

    Ficky Pucker I

    9 Jul 2009
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    IMO games released in 2009 weren't that crap, which makes me wonder why so many people voted for MW2 ?

    oh well at least shattered horizon was in the top ten :)
  14. Farfalho

    Farfalho Minimodder

    27 Nov 2009
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    IMHO MW2 deserves the place. I was open minded until I got the game and tried for myself. Not letting just a simple news that dedi servers were out, IWNet controls everything, Airport level (which was awesome, let's be honest, it needs to have balls to play such move, and didn't make me into a serial killer, come on...), just let myself be completely open to it.

    I was in for a big treat! Such cool new things and I was an addicted fan of MW1. Snipers are less godly but still do the job.
    Special-Ops is something awesome, it can get us a bit grumpy when reaching the final phase of the level and then fail, restarting from ground-zero. I had that moments but....boy, was I pleased with myself and my mates when completing in on Veteran. It just manages to give a longer longevity because of the achievements.

    Finally, Multiplayer, it can be hard to join people from the same country or even friends but that's what "Invite" is for. Wherever you go, your friends go, all can enjoy the same experience.
    The modes avaliable are for everyone's taste, if you want a specific match-type, go for it. You fancy a bit more, go! You want the whole experience, Mosh Pit is the answer, what's not to like?

    Everyone gets what they want and how many times you wanted to change map or evade that particular match-type?? Just one mouse click and voila, done! Even Hardcore is there with FF on, ok, you don't kill your teammate, the one to die is you because it acts like a ricochet. Honestly, quite fair, you shot a teammate, you pay for that mistake, he souldn't suffer it.

    3rd Person View is a brise of fresh air, at first is confusing and strange but once you get the hang of it, you're in for a treat again! And even get to laugh at some kills from you or of you, it is just that good.

    Since everything isn't all roses, I, myself, got with at least 3 cheaters, 2 of the same team, WH and Aimbot. The third was a bit strange, I think it was the host that bugged the game session, everyone could use Grenade Launcher as a full Auto machine gun, even I could use it and don't know (want) any MW2 cheats. Shame that Valve is a bit slow to punish these cheaters and reporting only works if you know some site or specific cheat so VAC team can act, better for them if you have access to the core code.

    I think the list is good enough, afterall, even with the crying minority, it was us and only us that voted. Shame some didn't make it, congrats to who made it to the list. Stop blaming the BT team, we all should thank to have a "saying" in this.

    So, everyone, Merry Xmas to all, greets from Portugal. BT team, keep on, excellent work and make it even better next year xD
  15. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    im disappointed l4d2 didnt come closer tbh, definately game of the year for me. some great titles there though, 2009 was generally a good year for gaming :)
  16. frontline

    frontline Punish Your Machine

    24 Jun 2007
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    Ah well, guess a lot of people liked MW2 for the single player experience. I still wouldn't buy it on PC until it is either patched to support dedicated servers or drops to about £10. Bought COD1 mainly for the single player experience, bought COD2 50/50 for the single/multiplayer, bought COD 4 20/80 for the single/multiplayer.

    Single player set-piece gaming is ok but a minor consideration when i purchase a game these days, once you get a broadband connection there really is no subsitute for multiplayer gaming on a dedicated server. At least the console gamers can easily trade in MW2 at Game or wherever after their 6 hours of gameplay is up.

    But at the end of the day if this is what the majority of people want, then i guess it is what we will get.
  17. Star*Dagger

    Star*Dagger What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2007
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    I find it interesting that people would still play outmoded dx9 2-d tactics FPS games when the genre has been REVOLUIONIZED by the likes of Shattered Horizon, top 10 winner in this list.

    Mind-boggling, but as I said in a game recently "People voted for Bush, so any type of stupidity is possible!"

    Come try this game, it is being sold for a steal and the new maps are great (i cant say more because I'm under NDA for the expansion Beta. If you don't like it, well then you can go back to playing Tomb Raider or games like MW2 that won't have multiplay at all once some pasty MBA decides "it is not in the best interest for us to continue this service".
    Shattered Horizon is the best fps to come out in years, and maybe since the beginning of the genre. It takes times to understand, put the time in, it will reward you a thousand fold!

    Yours in REAL 3d FPS Gaming,
  18. jonmcc33

    jonmcc33 What's a Dremel?

    31 Jan 2007
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    I don't know how anyone even voted for MW2. I am a hardcore PC FPS gamer and I refuse to get the game. I still have high hopes for OFPDR as multiplayer has issues (no dedicated server support) but I found myself enjoying the single player quite a bit that I play it repeatedly. I really liked the bullet physics in the game. The sniper rifles all fire differently as the rounds are heavier and you need to really arc some shots. The subsonic rounds will bounce off of the ground. It needs some work but it is sure more of a winner to FPS addicts than MW2 is.
  19. Autti

    Autti What's a Dremel?

    29 Oct 2009
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    Bit-Tech readers are dead to me. MW2#1=Auto fail.
  20. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    I would never vote for MW2 on matter of principle, and don't think it's #1 material for any other year, but this was just a crap year for gaming so I can see why it won. 2009 also had the most ridiculous amount of controversy in gaming, and I feel like the entire medium has left a bad taste. 2010 cannot come soon enough (not that it'll have Diablo 3 or HL2: ep3).
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