WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR That's what it keeps saying. I've updated the Nvidia drivers and thought that had fixed it, but ever since updating...
Good morning one and all! Hoping someone can assist with another daemones in machina issue. It may be the proximity of Halloween, but one of the...
Hey guys, At the end of my tether as usual - am trying desperately to complete a build by a deadine and all of a sudden I've hit an issue where...
Hi All (Windows 10) Bit of a conundrum on my hands. My laptop ASUS ROG GL553V is powering off instantly and consistently within 10 - 30 seconds...
Artanoon' chaps! I'm experiencing some odd behaviour from a system I'm trying to do a modest overclock on and I wonder if anyone with more...
So - point their browser here: http://fediafedia.com/win7/index.html and then set it to full screen. Then, retreat to a safe distance and...
I've been using the same pump for a number of years now; An 18W DDC that I bought from Danger Den back when I had my C2D E6600 machine. I've been...
I've have a problem with my new computer shutting itself down when i pull out a audio jack. All i do is unplug my normal earphones from the side...
We have recently acquired a Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse to use with our custom built Vista PC. Today, the mouse started wandering and...
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