News Apple reveals new MacBook Pro, prices new Mac Pro

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Meanmotion, 22 Oct 2013.

  1. Meanmotion

    Meanmotion bleh Moderator

    16 Nov 2003
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  2. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    OSX Maverick for free is just awesome. Now you can build your Hackintosh without even needing to care about the OS :)

    The improved and cheaper MacBookPros are awesome aswell, especially the rMBP 13", as the IrisPro-graphics is powerful enough for your daily work and it helps stretching the batterylife.

    The price for the new MacPro isn't too expensive imho, if you consider the hardware built into it. Two FirePro9000 and an 12 Core Xeon with a PCIe-SSD doesn't come that much cheaper when you're building a Wintel workstation either.

    Unfortunately I've got no use for an OSX-system, as I like to play a game from time to time, which requires Windows and allthough you could bootcamp Win7 on a rMBP or iMac they simply lack the power for games.

    Anyways, the whole new hardware seems too be quiet excellent, expecially the new rMBP 13" and the new iMac 21".
  3. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
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    I'm going to try my hand a gaming/hackintosh rig sometime next year, as it seems I'm destined to stay in Delhi for at least a few more years. So this is indeed good news.

    And I'm looking forward to upgrading for free on my MBP - this will mean I have never paid for an OS X upgrade! I got Snow Leopard when I bought my MBP and received Lion and Mountain Lion for free after some sweet talking with CS. :D

    The rest of the stuff is pretty much what everyone's been expecting. The Mac Pro is a bit on the pricey side for what it doesn't offer - expandability/upgradability. I'm probably one of the biggest fans of Apple hardware around, and I don't like paying $3000 for a box of guaranteed obsolescence.
  4. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    These machines aren't ment for consumers, but for professionals who can write off the hardware from the taxes anyways. And if there's a problem with the machine, than a professional will most likely have an extended care plan too.

    So who cares, aslong as this machine is good for some three years, after which it gets replaced with a new one.

  5. mi1ez

    mi1ez Modder

    11 Jun 2009
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    I'd hazard the upgrade to maverick is free from certain earlier OSX incarnations, not that it's free outright.
  6. jinq-sea

    jinq-sea 'write that down in your copy book' Super Moderator

    15 Oct 2012
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    It's only free to upgrade from ML, no?

    I'll finally upgrade from Snow Leopard I think - I've had the ML upgrade waiting for months and had to wait for a project to finish! Wahoo!
  7. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
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    Yeah, but what about the "smaller" pros who used to use Mac Pros and upgraded them up the wazoo until they (literally) fell apart? It's those guys that are hurt by this.

    OTOH, they were probably never Apple's target market with the Pro line anyway, so this move isn't surprising, just unfortunate.
  8. fdbh96

    fdbh96 What's a Dremel?

    29 May 2011
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    Think I'm going to go for the 13" rMBP seeing as I can't seem to find anything that combines a full mobile CPU while still being reasonably thin and light. I was looking at the T440s, but it has a lower res screen and is just as expensive if not more than the mac.
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