News Apple's new MacBook Pro blocks upgrades

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by brumgrunt, 14 Jun 2012.

  1. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    apple changed the power connector for the same reason gas safe change the flue regs - because they can.

    nothing about improving , nothing about making it better its because they can ; and to annoy the 3rd party chinese part makers.

    you really do defend apple alot - do you work for them?
  2. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    That's just a veiled way of saying that Guinevere is lying or prejudiced. Hardly a rational argument, Harlequin.
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2012
  3. azrael-

    azrael- I'm special...

    18 May 2008
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    I beg to differ. Lian Li made nice aluminium cases _long_ before Apple pushed out its Mac Pro line. Also, form over function is just bad, but apparently the world is made up of mostly superficial people. Now, function _with_ form is another thing entirely.

    Oh, and Vizio doing an "Apple" still doesn't make it cool.
  4. 1ad7

    1ad7 What's a Dremel?

    13 Feb 2008
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    First Ive replaced tons of parts inside apple laptops working as a tech the last few years. There is no advantage to size that can be had by creating a non removable battery. They didnt make it impossible to open the thing they GLUED it inside... So when you battery goes out, in 1 or 2 years you can toss the whole computer.... right.
  5. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    But Lian-Li made its most successful range of PC-V1200 cases as a result of the Apple Pro.

    If you do it right, form and function are the same thing. Apple has got closer to that ideal than other PC manufacturers. People are not shallow; they are just not geeks who will compromise on form and ergonomics to get more raw function.

    Or, given that most ordinary users are not geeks who feel comfortable with opening up their hardware and messing about with the innards, they take their computer to the nearest Apple store and get the battery swapped by an engineer for a small premium.

    By the way: two years?!? My wife's first gen MacBook Air is still going strong. Even 1st generation iPhones still charge without a hitch. Good quality batteries easily last for five years or more.
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2012
  6. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    what? do you have anything other than your opnion to support your position? or will i get another pm from a mod when they read something they disagree with.....
  7. Valinor

    Valinor What's a Dremel?

    30 Oct 2010
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    That doesn't make his argument incorrect, though.
  8. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Logically, calling someone prejudiced is a challenge of their credibility, not their argument. It is a veiled ad hominem attack, which has no place in a rational debate.
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2012
  9. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    totally disagree.

    case point number 1

    APPLE changed the design because they could , not because it makes any difference to what i can do - it`s a huge inconvenience to anyone who has a previous product , and now cant use any extra and cheaper componenets they have.

    and the `grab hold of a usb cable` - only a hand ful of users had that issue - so again APPLE changed it because they could and to sell vastly overpriced addons till the east catches up.

    oh and wait till APPLE try and sue every ultrabook maker from the last 10 years for bvrach of patent...forget the wedge shape has allready been used by sony since 2004....
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2012
  10. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    You are disagreeing with Guinevere's argument there, and positing a counter argument. No problem with that (even though it could be argued that your argument is as insubstantiated and subjective as you argue hers of being).

    But accusing Guinevere of being prejudiced ("You must be working for Apple") is not a challenge of her argument, but of her credibility. See the difference?
  11. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    it was a question hence they question mark at the end - i didnt type what you said....
  12. hyperion

    hyperion Minimodder

    30 Jun 2007
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    I think that pc users are more offended than apple users by this change. Reminds me of the good ol' days (not really) of "ati vs nvidia" and "intel vs amd" threads.
  13. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Come on, son. Questions can be accusatory.
  14. cookie! nom nom

    cookie! nom nom Minimodder

    27 Apr 2012
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    seem silly to me, but its apple, they like to be special
  15. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    Whether you're aware of it or not, I don't really understand why you used the incorrect word. Were you trying to be funny :confused:

    First of all, anybody can defend Apple if they want to, you're now arguing with your shadow over nothing. I'm fairly sure that Guinevere is a software developer/coder and doesn't work for Apple. Even if that was the case, everyone is allowed to express an opinion. It's your opinion that Apple changed the power connector on the new RMBP for no reason. It's my opinion that you're wrong. The room for improvement on the power connector for MBPs has been discussed on technology sites for quite a while and I welcome the change. It's quite likely that older power adaptors for "regular" MBPs have a different rating than the new model anyway, and that the new one has a new circuit design which improves charging efficiency and consumes less power. Not everything Apple does is pure evil and for the detriment of their customers wallets you know. It's entirely possible that Apple redesigned the new RMBP chargers with reduced power usage and to work better with their latest revision of Li-Poly batteries... And even if they did just change it to piss off third party Chinese part makers - so what? They have every right to, those third party manufacturers pollute the world with cheap, rubbish parts for expensive, well designed devices and then try to sell them as "OEM originals".

    In closing, alot is not a word. It's never been a word, it's not a word now and it's never, ever going to be a word.

    Vizio aren't "doing an Apple", they're designing and building their own line of computers. Nobody batted an eyelid when HP released the Envy even though they were clearly based on the MBP, but Vizio have obviously done a lot of research and put a lot of work into their products and I can see them doing very well in the future. Your comment is full of spite for a company that you probably know nothing about. Why is that?

    That's very easy to say on a forum made up of a majority of Windows box users. There's another one I'm tired of hearing: Mac vs PC. Guess what, an Apple computer is a Personal Computer as well. I'd love to get my hands on the person who came up with "Mac vs PC" :rolleyes:


    On another very general note, can everyone please learn how to quote messages?! If you don't know how to do it properly, don't bother trying to do it at all until you learn. How is anyone supposed to understand what you are posting when they have to sit and figure out what you said and what the person you tried to quote said?
  16. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    and statements can be patronising with implications - how was it, when the electricity was invented `grandfather`.....


    its called proprietary - apple want to use `connectors` and systems of their own design and for their own purpose, so they can change what they want on the product when they want - ofc it just annoys those who copy them ;) - or apple copy themselves (ala samsung)
  17. azrael-

    azrael- I'm special...

    18 May 2008
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    I was referring to the "no user-replacable parts" scenario. Which isn't cool, whether your company is Apple or Vizio, and it was in (preemptive?) response to the inevitable "blame Apple for being Apple" retort. I should perhaps have been clearer on that part.
  18. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    No, I do not work for Apple. I daily use Apple gear because I have chosen to develop iOS software. If I could use Windows I would have done... but I'm glad I've now switched 100% to OSX... my experiences with things on the Mac side have been nothing but positive if you ignore all the haters you encounter.

    It's good to see there being quite a few people here on BT who see Apple's limitations and yet can appreciate what they have done for the industry... not least of which is providing people with a genuine alternative to windows.

    But the haters.... they're frickin' worse than the apple crazed loons whooping along to the keynotes (I'd slap every one if I could)

    I'm done with this thread.
    Last edited: 16 Jun 2012
  19. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    I think it's a passing fad. :p
  20. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    no reason to be done with anything - when apple is mentioned ofc there hot debate on all sides!

    personally i disagree with the way apple go about things - they took linux migrated to it within their own ecosystem , then shut it off to the rest of the world - the same with pc hardware and software , look at the laissez faire attitude of android devs vs apple devs, who im sure are the same , but then you come up against apple and thats when it stops.

    another point - i bought an app for my galaxy s , it didnt quite work the way i wanted it to - so i contacted the dev and after a chat he then went back and added what i wanted (or the functionality) - it was then mailed to me and did exactly what i wanted - all within a week. its now on the app store (smart tools is the name btw) in the version i had made for me.
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