I pretty much never use the horn on my car until I've already evaded danger i.e. I basically just honk to let the bad driver know he's a horses ass. Do you feel that the horn is really as useful as it's meant to be? full story here
there's a tight blind corner on a single track with no pavement near me which i use my horn before venturing around.
We don't really honk all that much in the UK, about the only time I've heard it is very occasionally when a white van driver or whatever uses it in annoyance at someones bad driving (though usually they're at fault too). I've also been honked at while walking across the road, for some reason, some people decide they have to blare their horn at me even though I have correctly judged the speed of the car and am able to cross in plenty of time. TBH there's only a few situations I'd use the horn in, I think they should have a little electric shock circuit on the buttons so you only use it when you really need to.
It's illegal to honk in new york i hear. on another note horns are more for that crowd of people around town, they pretty much just lay on it at each other (in a friendly manner) and then theirs the angry guy who is throwing his steering wheel out the window. and my moms horn on her old van shorted out once, for no reason that what interesting. cut wire fixed that
According to rules of the road, all honking legal does is tell the other person 'I'm here', nothing else.
You do not want to drive in any of South Africa's major capitals then. The Taxis honk all the damn time. It's so frustrating and irritating :\
Bah I miss read the post. I thought it said are you a hooker. No I don't honk but I cuss like a mother ****er because people drive 40 in a 65.
im a bit trigger happy with my horn. regularly use it on country lanes with blind corners, i figure no harm in doing it and i enjoy using the ole horn! i'll happily honk anyone i think is driving badly. someone has to tell them.
i rarely use it but when I do it means that whoever did a stupid move in front of me was being an ass I am not an aggressive type at all but I don't let people fack with me. Once, I had just gotten on the highway and I was going about 120kph. Then came this damn TrailBlazer behind me. He was almost touching my bumper and was flashing his headlights right into my face. I was already 20kph over the limit and could not change lane because cars were there so I just keep going at this speed until I could let this idiot pass. However the guy just didn't want to wait and just kept on harassing me so I got mad and gave him a beautiful finger. Nothing dangerous or stupid, just a clear message. Well the great imbecile he was changed lane when he could, he cut me and then put full brakes in front of me dropping from about 120 to 75kph in a second. some people should not be allowed to drive as they are public dangers
I rarely used my horn, due to the fact that by the time I had found it, the danger (or annoyance) had passed, but these past few weeks it's been getting almost daily use!
I'm too British to use my horn often - I only use it when another driver is driving dangerously around me, and (very occasionally) to signal people. But even signalling feels wrong tbh.
I've used much less since i got a proper sized car. In my buggered old polo I needed it a lot, people tend to ignore little cars much more.
I typically only use it to remind drivers that the light has turned green when they're too distracted to notice. Other than that, I rarely use it. More likely to use my middle finger if somebody really pisses me off.
Here in the Smokies, we have millions of visitors here every year. My job requires that I get out and drive a lot. If there's anything for sure, people from Ohio cannot drive. I've even had people from there tell me that before.
We use it when someone makes a stupid move and almost hits us, or when we are leaving a friends house and they wave at the door to us while we drive off... Also use it when waiting in a friends driveway to go someplace and we've been waiting for a few minutes to let em know we are there and waiting.
I only use it if someone excessively stupid has just done something excessively silly. Or if I'm waiting outside a building for someone and they're taking their time lol. Joe
I never use my horn, except to grab someone's attention, or to make my girlfriend hurry up when I am waiting outside her house, which I suppose is the same thing. I have heard someone beep someone only about 3 times since I have been driving. I think in the UK we don't beep, we just swear at them under our breath.