Had a look at my CPU use today, generally getting between 40-60% across all cores. Very nicely multithreaded indeed.
Any good map recommendations? I enjoyed the Sinai Desert map in the beta but usually prefer infantry maps.
So, BF1 directx12 mode doesn't play well with Afterburner ("Battlefield has stopped responding" on launch)...
Wow, you're not kidding! I've just had a quick go, jumping in towards the end of a round, and was immediately struck by how detailed and undulating the terrain is. I think it's going to take a while to learn but I managed to crawl away by the skin of my teeth with a 10/6 score. Incidentally, here's a screenie of my Afterburner graphs after my quick soiree (currently using auto settings which where "high", TAA, HBAO and I can't remember the deferred AA. Edit: there isn't a deferred AA setting). It held 60fps throughout and CPU usage seems comfortable so far. The CPU sat at ~44C throughout which is nice, but my 780 doesn't have much VRAM headroom though. Still, the game looked and played great and I might get away with tweaking the settings up a bit more yet. Edit: Just tried Sinai Desert for old times sake and got well & truly whooped.
I just upped-it to the "Ultra" preset and disabled the "GPU memory restriction" setting and gave it another try, expecting increased VRAM usage and a drop in FPS. But nope, VRAM usage looked largely the same and the FPS still flat-lined at 60. It's a funny old game...