Not a huge update this one as having some troubles with fibreglassing recently. The resin wont settle that fast as temperatures dropped, so it all takes twice as long as before Anyway, I test fitted air penetrator, which is the main and only case fan and also a top front panel with bottom and back one still to come. Here is a photo of how it looks:
Juggling projects , I'm wanting to do a new project to see how I do with an irregular shape too, but not going as far as you are with this though, by that I mean every side is curvy on this & is turning out excellent .
man everywhere i turn on this frickin' forum i see awesome builds like this. screw you! (really nice build though, wish i could build like this).
Thanx, another vote for a bug Mate, when I first got into modding I had no experience with working with aluminium or plexiglass or even fibreglass. And tools? All I had was a set of screw drivers. I'm not saying I'm a great modder now, not at all, but If I can build something you can as well! Just read others worklogs, learn from them, get inspired, a start your own project!
^ Lols what a compliment . I think all of us started off a bit shabby though m8, I did , just some don't show their first creations or some have a great understanding of what they see so can learn a lot just from browsing nicely detailed logs or have some kind of working or education background that fits nicely into modding, but with a few down the line your craft tends to get better, so as long as your learning new tricks in each mod, the next mod will always be better or at least a smoother process. Research, experimenting, patience, persistence, trial & error are 5 essential elements in diy modding, I remember well how I was looking at what seemed like really advanced mods & just feeling like giving up when I just started which for me was about 2 years ago but now can understand how things are done except for advanced electronics & stuff thats a part of modding I'll cheerfully admit I have no clue how to do & never will unless I do a pile of research . hehe beat me to it
Nice, it's just 1 photo but it's good to see the progress And how good is the air penetrator? I saw a video from silverstone recently and i was quite impressed by that technology. also +1 to the whole post
This looks fantastic Gtek! not much else to say other than I'm a huge fan of the "Ultra" build and now every time I go into the garage and see my spare old speaker stands I ponder "hmmmmm what can I do with you?" lol keep up the good work
Hi, k0rben, well I didn't rant the fan yet, I just fitted it in, to see if it's all as it should be, but I believe it's will do the job well.... Thanks for nice words! And the old speaker stand? just build a PC for it Thank you! But there will probably be no updates till next week as I'm just too busy and the whole fibreglassing process takes a while But I will do my best to come up with more progress asap
gotta say im very impressed I love the concept and only wish i knew my ar$3 from my elbow when it came to making a modded case...becuase if i did id be doing one. you guys have my respect
Congrats on the MOTM nomination. I can see that is a very fascinating build, and will be awesome in the end. I voted for you on MOTM, now you should put in all your efforts to impress the rest!
Oh wow last time I checked you were still making a side panel mold and now it already looks like this! Good luck with MOTM, voted for this.
thank you! I'm gonna restart the project staight away. It will be nice, I promise Thank you Jipa. I actually didn't work on it for o while because of CUBO, but that is now finished so BETA is back on the dest..