After a pleasant evening cable tidying, if there is such a thing, I've poured another glass of grog and want to share some photos of my new TJ11. Before anyone says it, I know it carries a death penalty to be using air cooling in this case.. watch this space Apologies to trashcanman who might be a bit miffed that I pee'd on his bonfire.. but I did PM some months ago to confess my intentions *Pics deleted* To be continued...
The dark rock has a 180mm penetrator backing it up! That's like going to fight the school bully with chuck norris behind you.. And its a fine place to be most gorgeous, well built case I've ever had by a country mile
I'd love to get one of these cases but the cost is just too much D: Just gonna have to stick to my RV-02
Including a Phobya Nano-2G would make you Steven Seagul beating up the school bully with Chuck Norris standing behind you. Plus, I think we've just figured out a new innovative way to rate fan power!
I gotta say, while I'm sure it is an incredibly well built case, all those holes and meshes and vents near the bottom of the side panel really put me off. Are they as obvious in real life as they are in the pictures?
Certainly the 2 cut outs for the fans are obvious, and contain the removable filters. A feature I particularly wanted as my last 2 cases have both been unscrew and clean jobs. The mesh at the bottom is as see thru as it looks but a nice big radiator with appropriate fans will improve matters..