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Xbox 360 EA: Crysis 2 is 'Halo killer'

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Warrior24_7, 7 May 2010.

  1. alpaca

    alpaca llama eats dremel

    27 Jan 2009
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    ok i won't bother to read every kick and snipe between pro and contra halo/crysis or PC/console.

    i'll just throw in i kind of liked halo AND crysis. i played both instances from both franchises on the pc (halo1&2, crysis&warhead). and somehow i liked halo a bit better. and the multiplayer was plain better than the crysis one. (you can start a flamewar over this sentence, if you like)

    also, i do think consoles are holding back the technical advancements of games, but i do think too that they keep those same companies afloat and help justifying pouring shiploads of money into game development - or justifying indies to take the plunge, resulting in better games, for the consoles AND for the PC.

    (more money does not equal better game, but it helps: a good game is a good game, no matter how it is presented visually. but a good game can become a better game when it looks stunning too. and money helps in achieving good looks)

    my 2cents worth of wall of text
  2. isaac12345

    isaac12345 What's a Dremel?

    20 Jul 2008
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    Nice source!! Thanks! :)
  3. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    oh dear, console vs pc trolls wins again.

    Also console gaming is for casuals,

    pc gaming master race.

    Enjoy your add.
    Silver51 likes this.
  4. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Warrior isn't even a real troll though, he's just rude and outspoken. It's both a good and a bad thing that BiT is so easily derailed by angry young people. (Good because it indicates we're sincere in our interactions, bad because it means we're more trollable than a Tory grandma on her first computer.)
  5. chocolateraisins

    chocolateraisins :D

    13 Jun 2009
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    The thing that gripes me about Halo is the fact they ruined it.

    Halo, was a really good game on the xbox, I really enjoyed it. It was back then a quite amazing game for the xbox and it was perfectly balanced towards console controls (i.e. being slower and not as fast paced as PC FPS's).

    But since Bungie found out they could make money by adding numbers and letters onto the end of Halo, its just gone all a bit ****. Yes, you could argue that the graphics game-play has changed, but its no real game changer like what iD did with Doom > Quake > Quake 2 > Quake 3 > Quake 4. Each one having a significant difference from the one before.

    Halo to me is just a fad. Its slow, clunky and dull. I have played ODST, and Halo 3 as I do own a 360, but compared to the days of Quake 3 and TF2 and currently BC2, its just a slow fps game with nothing new to the FPS genre.
  6. DBA

    DBA I do my modding with a spoon

    18 Feb 2009
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    So what are you arguing against? that I am wrong in telling you that Crysis had the best Physics ever seen when it launched?

    You say people laugh at you because you play Guild Wars and it isn't as popular a game as other MMOs. We like Crysis better than your popular Halo, do you see the resemblance?

    I need to ask you, have you ever played Crysis? It seems to me that the only reason you hate it, is because it has nice graphics (still has) and sold badly compared to Halo.

    If you compare how good games is* by how much they sell, then you are in for a rude surprise. Might I suggest that you trade in your Xbox for a Wii?

    *for you
    Last edited: 17 May 2010
    October likes this.
  7. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    FTR ID didnt make Quake 4, Raven did.

    ive never really gotten on with Raven games :/
  8. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I was surprised to read just now that Raven didn't make Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It has all their hallmarks - ugly levels, clunky combat with unbalanced weapons, difficulty curve that flatlines then suddenly spikes into infinity for no reason at random points. C.f. Soldier of Fortune, Quake IV.

    Quake IV annoyed me because it gave you 15 guns pretty much straight away that all did the same thing in slightly different colours, and then tried to add variety by ramping up the difficulty every level until you got bored.

    It was the polar opposite of Crysis, actually, so I can see why you didn't like it Gunsmith.
  9. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    nah it wasnt that, i loved the universe of quake 2, and Q4's level design was actually quite cool, it was just the whole becoming a strogg + some very poor game pacing thing that didnt sit with me
  10. barndoor101

    barndoor101 Bring back the demote thread!

    25 Oct 2009
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    star trek elite foce, star wars jedi outcast.

    raven have done some cracking games ;)
  11. MacWalka

    MacWalka What's a Dremel?

    4 Nov 2009
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    Not going to bother reading all of the posts here as I'm sure most will either be flames, trolls or fan boy rants for each side.

    Personally, I love Halo. I'm playing the Halo Reach Beta these days and can see quite a lot of changes in the gameplay compared to Halo 3. I admit that Halo 3 ODST was a shameless cash-in that they could of made so much better if they had created more differences in play style between a spartan and an ODST. Halo Wars was actually a decent effort at trying to create an RTS that works on the console. I don't think it was a great game but I do think its one of the better console RTS games and the Halo universe sits well as an RTS really.

    I haven't played Crysis as my PC is too rubbish to run it but I have played countless FPS on the PC and consoles. Its safe to say that Halo 3 would be in my top ten FPS I've played. It is actually a really hard game to get great at compared to other games I've played such as Call of Duty (Modern Warfare, World at War and MW2), Battlefield (1942, 2, 2142 and BC1) and America's Army. It took me a lot longer playing Halo 3 to get good at compared to these other games.

    Personally there's a place for both console and PC games in my life depending on the type of game I want to play.
  12. Warrior24_7

    Warrior24_7 What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2009
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    The PC is limited! Thats the reason for all of the programming hiccups and inconsistencies. But thats not even the point, because it's not about "hardware" It's about "software". Thats something you just can't wrap your head around. It's about the "games"! So it doesn't matter if the console is 50yrs old, the games speak for themselves. They've gotten, bigger AND better. There is no PC equivalent for games like God of War 3 and Uncharted 2. The console market is all about the software 1st, the games! The PC market is all about Hardware 1st, the "shiny". It has nothing to show for it.

    Then you haven't played Age of Conan. The game was released in beta form pure and simple. It was simply wasn't finished. Dungeons not complete and the game crashed.

    Really? Crysis, nuff said. The game was poorly optimized and didn't run well if at all on ALOT of people's systems. Crytek even stopped supporting the game about 6-7 months after launching it.

    The "modding community"? What about the damn devs? Why is it the responsibility of the gamers to fix the game?!! This is exactly what I mean (and what Crytek means) by tolerating it. They just put it off on the gamers to fix. That wouldn't be allowed to happen on the console.

    Piracy drove them away, and brought Crysis 2 to AND Cryengine 3 to console hardware improving it more. We just have to wait and see what comes of it.

    Not all people steal out of department stores either, but enough do to warrant effective security. So when "you" go into the store, "your" being watched! Enough people pirate PC games that it drove development and creativity away from the platform. Living in constant denial

    Crysis was launched at the height of the shopping season along with all of the other big name titles that year. It was competing for market share and mind share. After all of the $h!t talking by Crytek and EA, Crysis was beaten like a drum by EVERY big name video game released that year. The game was so uncompetetive that no one even noticed it. That has carried over until now, gamers are like "Crysis"? All because of the poor launch.
  13. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Well, I give up, it's no real use arguing.

    Twas fun though.

    Except for this part.

    Oblivion was the same, and many other games, Crysis wasn't necessarily poorly optimized, actually it was incredibly ahead of it's time.

    Look at the damn clouds and tell me what other game uses 3D clouds? That alone merits it an award.
  14. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Well, I give up, it's no real use arguing.

    Twas fun though.

    Except for this part.

    Oblivion was the same, and many other games, Crysis wasn't necessarily poorly optimized, actually it was incredibly ahead of it's time.

    Look at the damn clouds and tell me what other game uses 3D clouds? That alone merits it an award.
  15. Bad_cancer

    Bad_cancer Mauritius? 2nd speck east of africa

    7 Apr 2009
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    Wouldn't it have been easier to start a "I hate Pc's and I loathe Crysis" thread?


    On a further note, I fail to see why warrior feels compelled to convert everyone here to console gaming,
    you like consoles and think that pcs are ****, fair enough nothing to see, move along.

    Same applies to the other side.

    I just don't see why this big argument even exists.

    Last edited: 18 May 2010
  16. barndoor101

    barndoor101 Bring back the demote thread!

    25 Oct 2009
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    limited? lol

    i think the word you were looking for is variable. there are infinitely more variations in hardware so obviously there will be some inconsistencies.

    however when a game can have double or triple the resolution on a PC than a console, with better quality graphics it can be forgiven.
  17. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    This appears to have been a simple bait and troll thread set up presumably to snare Gunsmith, although if Warrior has any sense he'll deny it.

    It doesn't take a great deal of pattern recognition to see that the nature of the thread changed early on and is now self-fuelling through bias comment and quotation.

    This can be ended either by a mod closing the thread or by people refusing to reply. However, human nature may not let anyone get away with having the last say lest they lose some minor moral victory.
    October likes this.
  18. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    and hes failed because I dont give a ****, bbl playing Crysis :thumb:
  19. Raptorex

    Raptorex What's a Dremel?

    19 May 2010
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    I thought both Halo and Crysis were not as good as they should have been, they were once again, simply overly hyped
  20. Warrior24_7

    Warrior24_7 What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2009
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    I don't hate the PC at all, I don't think it's $h!t either. I just call it as I see it. It's overrated pure and simple. People here just like to be spoon fed what they want to hear. If they don't agree with it, the person is a troll. Bottom line is that there is nothing "revolutionary" on the platform whatsoever, in spite of all of the new harware released for it. The topic was EA saying Crysis was a Halo killer. It's not and never will be (don't care... hate me!) Halo had it's day, Crysis has accomplished nothing to even warrant a statement like that. Could it? Possibly? But it hasn't yet. So until that time that it does, it has no respect, and will be remembered for what it was...a failure.

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