Yup, I'm currently working on the substations for the Midland Metro tramway extension, so have been back and forth to the area recently... /*shudders*/
Oof, do not envy you that. Awful place to get into and out of, even if it wasn't a dumpster fire of a city.
The Emperor spoke to me through my doubts yesterday via a vision and advised that this could be justified by being a Christmas present from the acolytes. It has been placed on order with the Administratum, Mr J. I DID IT.
Had to dig mine out last night and have a quick flick through at a few bits and pieces: It is certainly a well used copy these days... There are so many little bits that give you the warm fuzzies if you were around in the hobby back then or near to it, there is even a section on the "problems" with hoarding bits and pieces for the making of terrain, and this comes under the "advanced player" section at the back...
I'm trying to get out of this morning's rabbit hole, but grabbed at this along the way. Impressive stuff (think I might have learned how to solder).
Just nabbed a Callidus Assassin from the Warhammer site. Been on my wishlist for months - genuinely thought that GeeDubs weren't going to make any more.
Nice, all the assassin models are really nice. I managed to get this guy... for under £40!!! Fingers crossed that it gets here now...
"A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm." Just needs a butt to chew. Literally and figuratively.
I miss my old Catachan army, but the base troop models are hideous. I keep hoping they're going to release some new stuff for them, that's easier to get than that Colonel
Oh gods yes, the current Catachan figures are horrible. They are very old sculpts and they really show it, very much the same as the old marine scouts with the super derp heads. I am not doing any sort of army with these, I am just collecting up the limited or commemorative models, or rather the 40k special editions and I have been after this guy since the REALLY bad release and said that I would grab one if I could get it for less than £40. This was at £45 so I watched it and then got sent an offer for £36 so had to jump on it.
Dude, awesome model! Is he discontinued or something? I would actually like to get him as I want to make a themed Catachan army with Canis Rex as the centrepiece. Easily done - a little bit of greenstuff and/or a bit of brass rod!
Unfortunately this model was (and still is) the very definition of a fudged up release (bad even for normal GW standards). It was intended as a store anniversary model so would have been available for a week at a time from normal Warhammer stores during their anniversary weeks. Not general release sure, but something that could have still been picked up either directly or via a helpful proxy. However, GW decided to give them away to their independent retailers in a gesture of goodwill during the C19 lockdown with the instructions that they were free to charge whatever they wanted and to keep everything that they made off the sale of them. Most retailers were given 3 or 4 of them. And the expected happened, they were put straight on ebay for £200, £300, even £400+ or the retailers set up a raffle type thing - pay £5 to enter a raffle to win the chance to then buy the model at whatever price they were asking at the time. All this meant that a model that should have been available albeit not easily for everyone now became priced way out of people's reach through bidding wars or general greed. I have been keeping my eye out for a couple of years and watching listings (I even looked into trying to get hold of a recast) and this one popped up for under the limit I had set myself, still on sprue. All I can suggest is that you do the same and see if you can get lucky as well. There is also the Catachan Sergeant Ripper Jackson model to look out for, but she should be more readily available. Next up I want to get the Gaunt's Ghosts set without paying almost £50 for a set that should be less than half that given the number of standard human sized models in the kit...
Thanks, duly noted. You're going to hate me...I managed to pick up Gaunt's Ghosts a fortnight or so ago for £36. Unfortunately it was the last in stock . Here's the store link on the off chance they get new stock: https://magicmadhouse.co.uk/games-workshop-warhammer-40-000-astra-militarum-gaunts-ghosts
Nice thinking! 'Rastus - I'd say it's over to you, but given what you've outlined above I doubt you'll be in the mood for "customising" said piece... Would be good to see though .
Excellent, thank you. I have added a reminder for then they get new stock in. Another thing that I have been thinking about is making up a Vietnam war style Catachan Rogal Dorn tank. That model definitely has that 50s / 60s heavy cast hull feel to it, and the whole "space-nam" scenario opens things up to so much crew added kit and general stuff. @ModSquid The Necromunda Goliath gang kit has a couple of the heads intended for the gang leader which have the option for a cigar, pretty sure that I have one of those still kicking about. Even though these special editions are pretty rare, I have no worries about adding a little bit here and there if it all works.
Yeah, I thought about that model too - But then like you say, it all went arse over head with that dumbass move from GW. Ah well. Maybe one day the Catachans will get some love and I can rebuild my first proper army.