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Other Games Workshop

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by [ZiiP] NaloaC, 17 Jan 2011.

  1. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    Thank you. It always looks a little rough in pictures as the camera can get a lot more resolution up close than my wonky eyeballs can. But on the other hand pictures like this can help a lot with showing me the right direction to start poking my brush at such as the face and the lines on the gun (looking a little like someone daubed jam on it right now hehe).
  2. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    @Almightyrastus @liratheal @Midlight (and maybe @ModSquid ) A rules question for you chaps...

    When an army has allies, do the overall army rules apply to the allies as well? For example, if a Space Marine army has an Imperial Knight Freeblade, does the Imperial Knight gain Oath of Moment?

    The reason I ask is that at Christmas, I shall be unleashing my bloodthirsty 1000pt World Eaters against my brother's pious Dark Angels, and my army includes War Dogs (from Chaos Knights). My brother and I agree that the World Eaters Army rule apply to the War Dogs as the army rule itself DOES NOT specifically state that it only applies to World Eater units - only the detachment rule does. However, this does mean that if I roll my dice well, I can potentially have War Dog Karnivores moving 16" and the ability to advance and charge - which I find hilarious, my brother not so much. Also bear in mind that I can take Daemon allies as well, so if/when we move to 2000pts, I can also apply this to the Bloodthirster I intend to Deep Strike somewhere...

    Astra Militarum is an example of the overall army rules not really applying to allies as it links to "Orders", which can only be given to Astra Militarum units.

    I ask because I don't want to become reliant on a rule that may be an oversight on GeeDub's part!

    P.S. Yup, up early. Hopefully this message doesn't wake you up.
  3. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    Pete J likes this.
  4. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    Short and to the point, bud - bit like one of the addenda sheets! :hehe:

    Whilst I don't rightly know the answer (I thought it was faction keyword-dependent), I went looking and found this and this. Not sure if they're of use and being a capable sort yourself I'm certain you've done some scouring, but search engines being what they are I decided to attach just in case. Now admittedly, it's not an official site (Reddit) but consensus is valuable where it's consistent and it sort of makes sense - the Marines have been trained a particular way, taken the same oaths etc. but the Freeblade probably hasn't (and given their errant wanderings, may not logically gel with the Marine methodology that well, beyond agreeing to follow the comm-link suggestion to head towards a particular objective marker).

    Officially, this seems to hold true as well.
    Not sure if that helps any, so I'll butt out now...
    Nah, not these days. The whisperings from the warp mean that I seem to wake any time between 0300 and 0500 as well and there's nothing else to do but make a start on the day's heresies. It's a good time though - no-one else is up to disturb me...
    Pete J likes this.
  5. Midlight

    Midlight Minimodder

    6 Jun 2011
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    As I understand it the detachment rules only apply to the unit within the detachment, allies would be outside of this so wouldn't count. Which is unfortunate but I think it does avoid some massively game breaking interactions.
    Pete J likes this.
  6. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    @Pete J - this references 9th Edition, so I'm not sure of the specific changes in 10th, but if you scroll down to the part headed "Faction Keywords", that might at least give you somewhere to start.

    The bit about Ultramarines/Black Templars I think follows your example...?
  7. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    Thanks for the tag, but I am not going to be too much help on this one. I have not played 40k since the introduction of 3rd edition back in mid '99... and that was really only because my boss said that I had to (was working in WHW store before it was WHW).

    From the little that I have picked up with the recent stuff, isn't it all managed by keywords now? As if a rule or perk is a space marine thing then it applies to those models and units with the spacemarine tag. If a mercenary or allied unit does not have that tag then they don't get the rule or perk?

    I am sure that it is all a lot more complicated than that and probably spread over 15 books, 2 White Dwarf articles and 3 different errata pdfs by now.
    Pete J likes this.
  8. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Much like the gent above, I've not played much - Lately when a new edition comes out I pay enough attention to the rules to work out how il/legal my Templar shelf is, and what kind of points value it all is and wander off to do.. Well, who knows :D
    Pete J likes this.
  9. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    Iirc Oath of moment [and most faction/detachment rules] explicitly call out the primary faction as being the only valid targets of the rule...

    so as i don't have codex spruce maroons to hand, i shall use the the Dark Angels' detachment as example -

    and the rule itself -

    So whilst present in an 'Adeptus Astartes' army The Knights are not an Adeptus Astartes unit, would not considered to be part of the detachment and/or would not be a valid target for Oath of Moment [or Grim Resolve in the example above].
  10. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, got you!

    Hence every unit having a designated faction.
  11. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    Finally got around to doing a bit more on this fella. I thought I would try just painting over the bits that weren't working and use what I had as a base and it has turned out OK.


    Still got plenty to do and after looking at the photo, I need to fix the eyes, he's a bit surprised at the moment... Got lots of little bits to go over now and clean up / sort out. Not sure if I am going to go any lighter on the skin, I might brighten up some of the definition, but I want to keep him good and dark. Thankfully the 'tache of power is looking pretty neat. Still unsure about adding a cigar, but that can easily be done later.
    Pete J and liratheal like this.
  12. Midlight

    Midlight Minimodder

    6 Jun 2011
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    I like the camo on there, fun little addition. Personally I think the skin looks to be a good tone as it is, I can see the definition there, any brighter and you might start to lose the colour.
    Almightyrastus likes this.
  13. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    ++ Rogue Trader just dropped on Steam. But at £43 ++

    Speaking of which, my retro Bible still hasn't turned up yet...
  14. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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  15. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    Looking forward to this fella:

    Pete J likes this.
  16. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Is that squig carrying his gun? Or is the squig a lucky charm attached to the gun?
  17. lilgoth89

    lilgoth89 Captin Calliope

    12 Mar 2011
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    what is everyone's recommendation for an anti-shine ? i was using a new wash but it left my test model VERY glossy ( like old style 'ardcoat )
    Pete J likes this.
  18. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    "that squig"?? I'll have you know that is Princess...

    Not read the book(s) that this fella is in, but I gather that she functions as a combination gun rest and targeting system.

    Citadel's Stormshield is a pretty good matt finish. Unfortunately only available in the 24ml pots at the moment though.

    I finally got around to digging out a couple of old models that are in dire need of stripping and giving the VMS Clean Slate another shot. Wasn't too fussed when I tried it on an old metal Goliath ganger that I had kicking about, didn't seem to do much, although I may have varnished that one as they got played with A LOT back in the mid 90s. I had a couple of old Space Hulk terminators kicking about that I had inherited in a load of bits and pieces when a friend got out of the hobby and they were both absolutely caked in paint, at least 6 different layers that I could make out.

    Dropped one in the dip and left it for an hour. Everything bar the white base spray just came right off with a bit of water and an old toothbrush:


    Going to do the other one tonight, it has an even thicker coat than the previous one. Horrible moulding lines on them too which is how I saw how many thick old paint layers where were on it. This next one even has BRIGHT green and pink in there... I think I may be painting these up as the old Blood Angels.
    Pete J likes this.
  19. Midlight

    Midlight Minimodder

    6 Jun 2011
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    I've had some pretty good results with Liquitex Matt Varnish. Works with either a brush or airbrush.
  20. VictorianBloke

    VictorianBloke Man in a box

    31 Oct 2007
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    Figured this may be of interest here.

    One of our Blood Bowl group isn't local, so we use Tabletop Simulator for those games, which is pretty janky. I jokingly suggested someone should learn UE4 and make a better version, then decided that was actually a good idea.

    A month later, and I have something that looks like a game.

    Still loads to do. Not least of which is replacing the Paragons with some form of relevant characters/teams.
    IanW and Pete J like this.

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