Not since I have had control over my bodily functions Have you ever asked a question so stupid, it sounds mildly intellectual until the inevitable "Wait, what?" moment. Joe
Yeah, the worst is doing that to a hot girl when you are a horny teenager unless it makes them laugh Have you ever been on a date with a girl that looked so damn hot, and all the guys you see are gawking like this and you don't really like her, but she is so damn hot looking you love to take her out, not just for you to admire, but to proudly display your trophy, which does a good job of making the dates enjoyable until you get used to her looks, and she's not that hot in your eyes anymore?
No, can't say that I have. Have you ever ripped a piece of paper, only to be somehow bleeding as a direct result of the paper ripping? Joe
um no, im not in any dire need for infections. have you ever superglued part of yourself o something, or part of your body to a different part?
I once glued my thumb to my middlefinger with super glue. I had to tear skin to get them apart again. Have you ever watched MST3K?
Never actually watched MST3K. Have you and your friends ever made joke bands just because you were bored and then actually made songs to put on the internet as those bands?(In case someone cares, I'm in an A Capella Nine Inch Nails parody band for that exact reason).
as in have a camera thrown at me in a stoning manner? no that sounds too strange have you ever licked a tramp?
No. Have you ever pressed a doorbell only to realise you squashed a fat spider with your finger in doing so?
No, that's just gross. Have you ever had to come up with the next "have you ever..." while using your laptop from the bathroom?
funny enough yes! sat in bath with bad cold, maybe minutes away from blowing the laptop to hell, oh well! have you ever got your toe stuck in a tap?
Not quite. It was night-time and we were next to a nice wide tree so the headlights of cars missed us as they turned the corner... Have you ever played Dark Heresy? I'm supposed to be starting a game on Tuesday and the rules look pretty interesting
nope, only ever used it for organizing scrims in counterstrike. Have you ever had a blister take up over 50% of your hand/foot?
Not quite, but I've had some pretty good (bad?)-sized ones before. Have you ever had more than half a gallon of caffeinated beverages in a day (strength/beverage irrelevant)?