i havent played it yet - but general feedback from the guys at work is that its definitely worth getting
its single player only though isnt it ? do you build anything in it or is it all about the exploring ?
I wonder why the few days delay like this for pc release? I saw some video and it said even if you visited for just one second every planet? (Star?) it would take 5biklion years to all of them. Seems like you can group up ally and set up bases and defend them. Boundarys of gaming being pushed forward. May wait till months end I don't want any thing stopping me in my going to bed at 9am routine and this will def stop it. What's the cost for PC?
Finding it difficult to actually believe a dev would waste their time building such an amazing game platform minus multiplayer. Trying to think back to some thing even remotely close as stupid. Put it this way, at which team meeting did they sit down in and they all said yeah this would be a better single player experience? Like buying a flash new sports car with no engine in it? Very strange dev team and leads to bring this to market like this? I was going to start saying how look this team has delivered a complex space game why can't star citizen? and well here is the answer this game has 50% missing or more 60% Game is worth a curious £6.99 when on sales. No multiplayer in 2016, how can players go into such a daunting large open verse and not support each other and build and have fun together ? Game will have a short curiosity period then die, multiplayer extends games life span. They have been working on this game for hugely long enough, no multiplayer back end? What have they been doing? Waste of a chance of a great new type of game:
just concerns me the main aim of the game seems to be to walk around - the video on steam just shows several minutes of it like its supposed to fun ?
Some people here dung know what No Man's Pie is. Let's not name names. As Parge said... Multiplayer but not focused on it (like Elite eh?). The game does look very pretty and I guess it's gonna make the Elite universe feel even more empty.
I personally think it will suffer from the same issues Elite does, but lets wait until the reviews land before making any concrete assertions.
I go back to my long held assertion that it's hard to make a space game really interesting these days. I like aspects of Elite and how well it works in VR but it's still very incomplete at this time. Star Citizen Cheesecake.
When I first heard about it all those years ago I was really excited for it, then I sort of lost interest and got excited again every time there was a bit of news. Finally decided I'd just watch streams of it instead of getting it myself. Watched the dev stream and some PS4 streams today and... I preordered it on Steam. Looks like a really nice relaxed game for when I just want to sit around and not think too heavily. The Destiny influence on the UI is very clear. They almost seem like complimentary games. I could believe this is my Guardian going off on her own exploring and surviving. It's obviously not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Watch a few PS4 streams before Friday and see if it's for you. As the others have said it's like an MMO, just the 'massive' bit is diluted by the sheer size of the Universe you're in. So you might see other players, but it's fairly unlikely unless loads of people find a particularly amazing planet and we're all over it!
I got the impression from watching the various overviews, reviews and preview that have splashed the web, there is nothing you won't have seen in this game after the first few hours. It stinks of Elite Dangerous Syndrome IMO. Rinse Repeat, yawn. I'm sure it will have plenty of charm initially, it just looks flat against what it originally looked like.
http://www.gamespot.com/articles/tw...92/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ^^^ This. Confirming what you've stated here.
Long held assertion? Oh how you have changed your tune! You were totally besotted with ED and would not hear a bad word about it, saying how we all need VR to really enjoy it! I have been saying Elite is as deep as a puddle since before Horizons. I still refuse to pay another penny until more content is added. No Mans Sky much the same, reminds me of Spore. On the surface it sounds immense, in reality it looks too simplistic and repetitive.