Mr Dizzi, let me explain... I spent a year debating with myself on whether to buy Elite D... Prior to purchase I was of the opinion that space games were no longer interesting. Overall I like Elite and especially how well it works in VR. I want to see more complex planetary bases though.. One tiny base with a few missile and drone defenses? As many have stated... the missions were lacking and pointless too. I like Elite but it's still a work in progress. No Man's Pie does remind me of Spore. I have spent very little time on SC because of the lack of VR support but I am impressed at the level of detail and the design skill going into that game. Of the three space games it's the only one with true multiplayer in the classic sense (first person shooter etc).
IT does look a lot like spore, I must admit but I do love spore. That was also procedurally generated. This game looks like another space game (seen one seen them all at the moment) that makes you walk around, collect things and stare at your inventory. I like Elite but it's a very empty game, and this is a bit more interesting. I'll wait for more reviews and see if i'll try it. I'm interested, but i'm on the fence. I've also heard some rumours about the content being quite short, like it can be completed in 30 hours or less.
While I agree 30 hours is an acceptable time for cost average, it's no longer true that most PC games are £30. Most of them are now routinely £40-50 pounds on the most common digital distribution portals. This issue is made worse by the big drop in physical copies being available or limited for a lot of new games. No Mans Sky is £39.99 on steam and not available for Amazon or anywhere else on PC in physical format. I do wonder if a big publisher like Sony had not become involved, if this game would have hit steam as an Indy game with a much lower price point.
This. I'm worried it will be huge, directionless, boring and thoroughly lacking content and gameplay beyond "go to point B, buy/sell/mine resources, dodge pirates, go to point C, repeat". Prettiness isn't enough to sell a space sim any more. Exploration in a procedurally generated universe for exploration's sake has always seemed daft to me; if it's procedurally generated, within a few hours you already know all the things you could ever find out there, and there's no end-point or surprises. You might as well be counting blades of grass. That said, I'll wait and see. Maybe it will have more content and gameplay than Elite: Dangerous did. We live in hope.
Look at the flickering console displays and the use of vignetting. It looks amazing. Just need that VR version.
Star Citizen is just a geek dream at this point who knows when it will actually arive. Elite Dangerous gets boring quick. Wether this can hold attention is open to debate, I will pick it up when it launches I must say.
Elite D is the game I've played most since last year. I've been more into DCS World over the past few months though.
im hearing that the first few hours is amazing and mind blowing, but quickly starts becoming very much copy paste with the same assets been used over and over again with just different back drops. Starting to think i wont be picking this up till its in a sale
Also looks like there is no Steam preload..... Interesting. Rather annoying for those of us with crappier connection speeds, whilst the game is 'only' 6GB its still 6GB (+ the day one patch) that I will have to try to download during peak usage hours. Looks to go live at 6pm GMT?
I'm really looking forward to it, I grabbed it off Steam a few days ago after watching a couple of playing videos. I'm hoping that more content is going to be added over time as there's loads of scope for other race's stories.
My first impression: Here you go, an effectively infinite number of pretty planets to explore, now let me cover up the screen with the inventory 50% of the time to micro manage it.
Oh nice, I remember reading something about the PS4 release being 6GB and assumed the same (or larger) for the PC release. I believe Sean Murray also confirmed support for 21:9 monitors? or at least that he was working on it?
After a spot of reading and a bunch of gameplay videos, I'm really not feeling this one at all. I'll wait for the in depth reviews, I think.
The reviews so far aren't filling me with confidence. I'm sure if enjoy it for 10 hours or so but I'm not paying £40 for it.
Just watching TotalBiscuit's stream; the frame rate is a all over the place and there are lots of bugs. Pop in is still present on the PC version too. Seems pretty broken.
Wow, seems like the release version is a total bust. Bugs and stutters. Glad I didn't buy it on release after all the hype. I'm definitely going to wait until this is fixed and lower in price - seems like it gets boring quickly.
sorry have to tell it as it is. Would give all of no mans sky and all the star citizen ******** for one soild deep and soild implemtnation of multiplayer verse Flagship Like doom, you just dock in and wait your place, you get your position on a ship or fleet and you go on and battle... all in VR or of course flat screen. I have like the worlds best set up here and I never even start star citizen. The game doesn't even allow me to set my controls ffs, I don't want to have to re-invent the wheel just to start playing a game. Flagship... game every one wanted but didn't happen for some reason, would liquidate all the other games to see this have/come about.