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Windows OLD ASF games to play until the new build up till 2012ish...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by keef247, 25 Jun 2022.

  1. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    Well, it was such a good standalone, really memorable levels, good variety, just the correct level of difficulty for actually having fun. It would probably be top of my list too :hehe:

    You could maybe throw a Tomb Raider into the mix?
    keef247 likes this.
  2. keef247

    keef247 Modder

    11 Aug 2006
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    yeah instant classic mate!
    haha I might redo the og reboot of the original but I've replayed the awesome new trilogy reboots like stupid amounts of times like 2-3 times every year hahaha since release so I'm having a small break from Lara till I probs do them all again on the pc with RT etc in silly good fps/res <3
  3. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    Just reaching behind me to see what lurks in the console cupboard unplayed - what about some Halo, Gears or Mass Effect (PC versions, of course)? I'm sure I'm the only person in the Northern hemisphere that hasn't played ME, so that might be a redundant suggestion. Painkiller?

    Or we have a rather fun Blood Bowl league that's shortly due a restart soon. I seem to keep messing things up but I'm still having more fun than if I just hit myself repeatedly with a sharp stick.
    keef247 likes this.
  4. keef247

    keef247 Modder

    11 Aug 2006
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    done the halos, ME is tempting but I have the posh remaster collection on ps4 I was planning on doing but I might say screw it and start it on the PC;)

    painkiller I played a bit of back in the day, was OK.

    Gears I couldn't get into, it annoyed me they were so hench yet it was a predominantly duck and cover game?

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