I thought it might be useful for people if we have a thread where we can add in games that aren't yet verified on the deck to say if they work or...
Basically making use of what I've got untill end of nov when I build the new rig... A mid 2012 13.3" macbook pro with a i5 3210 intel hd4000...
Bucks the general PC market's trend. https://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2017/01/23/jpr-report-games-market-growth/1
Includes promise of 'living city' tech. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2016/12/19/polish-devs-get-funding/1
Hey guys! Broken my arm and looking for the best one handed Android games out there to get me through the next couple of weeks. Open to any...
:worried:How can we play games that are there in windows7/10 on a mobile for Google cardboard or VR's. Is there any app or site to play like this....
Download the lot in PDF format, for free. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/bits/2016/02/08/usborne-classic-books/1
Simple question folks, need to run away from my old, tired and ageing HD 6950 :miffed: Looking to play the latest games at 1080p (MGS 5, GTA V,...
Would spell the death of copyright, says ESA. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2015/04/10/eff-fights-esa/1
A need to 'protect young minds.' http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2015/03/24/adults-only-games/1
Games, IoT and Bitcoin on the menu. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/bits/2015/03/19/2015-budget/1
DirectX 12 demoed, too. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2015/03/05/windows-10-cross-buy/1
My PS2 Handheld I just got done making my handheld PlayStation 2 and will be putting in the screw post within the next few hours however it is...
Games-as-art gets new fuel. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2014/11/18/kojima-award/1
I recently just found my PSP in my attic and was wondering what would be the best games to pick up.
I'm still working on the idea of a HTPC/Living Room games machine to replace my aging consoles. I've been doing a bit of reading into Mini-ITX...
Another blow struck in the bundling war. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2013/07/09/nvidia-splinter-cell/1
I've been pretty-much idle since my last PC build and the arrival of my son, but the need to tinker is overwhelming, and I want to build a HTPC....
Up to 900 staff members shown the door. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2013/04/26/ea-job-losses/1
Promises console-like browser-based gaming. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/bits/2013/03/28/mozilla-epic-unreal/1
Separate names with a comma.