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News Petition launched to save XP

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 15 Jan 2008.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. will.

    will. A motorbike of jealousy!

    2 Mar 2005
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    I seem to be one of the few who had nothing but trouble with XP and upon the switch to Vista found it all plain sailing. So... I say kill it! Kill it with sticks!
  3. cjoyce1980

    cjoyce1980 What's a Dremel?

    17 Jul 2007
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    unless vista with SP1 can prove to be just as good as XP with SP3, then XP should stay just a little longer
  4. djDEATH

    djDEATH Habari gani?

    23 Mar 2006
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    lol, yup, you do seem to be the only one.

    I myself had vista installed on my system from the day i bought it. Being primarily a gaming machine, i found the extra 5-10% or so FPS i was getting under XP worth sticking with it. For general productivity, and ease of use, i really like Vista's approach. Integrated search and the fact that window composition and overall display is using my graphics card more is making the expenditure of a high end GPU all the more worthwhile, but as mentioned above:

    "many of the bottom-end PCs sold by retailers such as Dell and HP just don't have the grunt to make Vista a viable option without adding additional memory and bumping the price away from the headline-grabbing loss-leader offers we see so often."

    which is why this machine will remain XP only for now, and Vista wil have to wait until my new machine is built towards the end of the year.
  5. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
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    I know that I wil go vista at some point, but that wont happen till I am forced to for some reason. Xp works as it is, I dont see a reason to kill it just yet. Some people simply cant afford a pc that will run vista.
  6. Mother-Goose

    Mother-Goose 5 o'clock somewhere

    22 Jul 2004
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    it should have been killed off years ago, Vista is much better imo. And once it's the norm, there will be loads more stuff for it as well :D
  7. p3n

    p3n What's a Dremel?

    31 Jan 2002
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    Richard branson should buy 5 million copies of xp then sell em off for double!
  8. FIBRE+

    FIBRE+ Minimodder

    27 Feb 2005
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    I've never had any issues with it, and i'm quite happy to stick with it for a while longer.

    I can't see *that* many educational establishments or businesses doing the switch to Vista any time soon, most will only upgrade OS when included with new machines (well that's basically how it worked in my old IT job). It's just easier to keep everything the same, you don't want multiple operatating systems etc, especially if you have hundreds of machines to look after.

    Well unless you have big budgets and a decent size IT department.
  9. Gordy

    Gordy Evil Teddy

    17 Apr 2001
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    Vista is plainly terrible. I have to troubleshoot problems on windows machines from 95-vista and vista is by far and wide the worst of the lot. Its networking setup is a utter joke as is its speed. I've yet to see a single good reason why xp is worse than vista.
  10. steveo_mcg

    steveo_mcg What's a Dremel?

    26 May 2005
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    They are taking it off sale, not stopping support. If you really like XP put your money where your mouth is and buy a full retail version then you can keep using till the next version of windows comes out where you can start complaining about its huge over head. Personally i'll stick with my oem xp for my gaming rig until it comes round to upgrades then get an oem Vista. I just can't seem to build up and feelings for windows one way or the other, its just a place to launch my games from.
  11. AlexB

    AlexB Web Nerd

    22 Dec 2005
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    Kill it - Vista is more clunky, but does more, and seems more stable. Been using it (Ultimate 64) since it's first release, and its good as gold.
  12. fargo

    fargo What's a Dremel?

    13 Feb 2006
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    xp with sp3 will do just fine for me why go to the expense of vista and its problems when in a couple
    of yrs a new os will likely be on the market and vista will be nothing but a distant memory.
  13. wolff000

    wolff000 I am here to steal your secrets.

    26 Apr 2005
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    They can petition all they like but MS is going to drop it. You could collect billions of signatures and it wouldn't make a difference. They have spent to much money on Vista to keep selling XP. I personally prefer XP and will continue to use it for quite a few years. I am not worried about upgrading since I no loonger have time to game anymore anyway. I just use my 360 for the rare times I have an extra hour. Vista might hit my new box when I build it at the end of this year. Until then it remains on the test box that can only run it with all the fancy gui stuff turned off.
  14. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    kill off XP and all 32 bit versions of Vista, lets look to the future eh!
  15. Drexial

    Drexial Minimodder

    28 Jul 2005
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    The one problem i find with Vista isn't in its reliability, it's in its layout. I know that 13 year ago when 95 came out the concept of going to start to shut down was confusing.... *Bangs head against wall* But I'm fairly certain that it has been accepted as the norm now. So they go and change that. for the display before, I right clicked and went to Properties... what was so hard about that? do there really need to be 15 sub menus now when I do that? they took something simple that everyone had grown accustomed to and changed it.

    I think i figured out why. Cause when the idea for the new OS started, right around the time XP was released, these were complaints from ME previous that were posted. But since then there is an XP machine in just about every home now, so people have grown accustomed to the layout from before and now they change it based on feedback from 6 years ago and older.
  16. jswilson64

    jswilson64 What's a Dremel?

    29 Aug 2003
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    If they don't want to make any more money selling XP, why not release the source code?
  17. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    It definitely won't be extended indefinitely, and for good reason. All things considered, I think June '08 is a reasonable timeframe. While I don't really like Vista a whole lot, I still generally prefer it to XP. There are some issues that need to be sorted out, but that's true of XP too. Its the usability improvements (all of the stuff 'stolen' from OS X, frankly) that make me prefer it - and while people might think that the little wooshing glow behind the address bar in Explorer is useless eye candy, actual designers will tell you it's a big improvement on following interface guidelines so that the user knows the program hasn't locked up and is just working really slowly when everything would have otherwise appeared to be stopped.

    But people really should go spend the $70 or so on 4GB of RAM. Not that it needs it (omg it uses more RAM! Well I should hope so, that's why I got more), but because it's so damn cheap right now that there's no reason not to do it.
  18. sub routine

    sub routine Archie Gemel

    27 Sep 2007
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    Petition should be for Microsoft to realease an o/s thats worth it`s money from day 1.

    Fact is nearly the entire population of the world will be run by M/ S at some point in the future, not the most encouraging idea for the rest of all humanity but thats the way it is.
    I have Vista and it`s a bit crashy crashy, it shouldn`t be hit and miss when you buy a product and if you pay full value for it you shouldn`t be bug testing the bloody thing for the next 2 years to get it to gold disc quality. I like the idea of vista and the visual frippery that makes it up.

    So should Xp be discontinued? Yes the sooner it`s stopped and more and more people start getting used as guinea pigs the sooner my disc will be worth the money I paid for it.
  19. naokaji

    naokaji whatever

    8 Dec 2006
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    sure vista does have issues, like too many sku's, i mean seriously, what did they smoke when they created so many versions of it?
    and yep, some companies did a really bad job with the drivers (creative to just name one here).
    but in the end vista is the future, xp is like agp, it should die, but prolly wont.
  20. FuzzyOne


    19 Sep 2002
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    I used vista for all of 3 weeks, back with XP and happy as a pig in ****
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