Nice ray-capture though! Could you see it through the lens at the time, or was it something that surprised you afterwards?
I'm gonna be very straight about this . Climbing this Volcano was by far the hardest thing I've ever done . How I made it to the top ... I still have no idea , to say I had to dig deep and find heart and soul would be an understatement. But no , I pointed the camera to the east at 6am and just kept clicking. Watching the sun come up was something that took my breath away ... I will never attempt something like this ever again .. 9000ft climb over 3.5km ... It was a wall!
Good effort, bud. The graphics at the top clearly made it worthwhile. It's exactly why those side-mission obstacles are placed in our paths. It always amazes me how you can sit there and in the space of some long seconds quite clearly see our rock turning around the sun. And then after that initial bit it just seems to hang in the sky and not move all day until the same happens again at the end. It's like a secret reward for those who have the patience to look for it.
That's a fantastic photo @mrlongbeard. Proud Dad?? My son graduated from Cardiff in July after a difficult 4 years, it's not been the easiest time to be a student. Remote learning, reduced support and strikes for many. So, extended congratulations from me!
Thanks, but I have to give Google's filters some credit. Yes very proud, will be even prouder when she finds a real job, but no rush. Agree it was a rough old slog with all the covid remote learning grief, they really should have had a large tuition fee rebate in my opinion.
I think that's ones going on the lounge wall. I'm not a photographer but a reminder at 47 years old I have no business trying to climb 11000ft volcanos .