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Scratch Build – In Progress Project: Enigma Reborn (5/26) Rad Grill design, more forth coming

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Tolk, 7 Feb 2008.

  1. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    WHAT UP!
    This is my scratch project build called Enigma Reborn

    Below are some pictures of the sketchup work I've done with the case. You'll see a brown "see through" area on one of the side panels, those are just for reference to see inside the case. they WILL NOT be that way in the final build.

    This project's name will officially be called: Enigma Reborn
    but the case itself will be just Enigma

    I have already started on the build, Pics to follow in the next few posts.
    The front of the case will be covered, i just don't have that part mocked up in Sketchup yet.

    Here is my open design, a hinged upper plate that will open for access to the radiators, and another hinged top plate on the main box for access to the pumps and rezs.

    Last edited: 13 Apr 2008
  2. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    As promised, pictures and an update.

    One major thing I've learned while building the last case was to have a game plan BEFORE entering the work area.

    So my game plan is this:

    1- Middle 'box'. Completion of the middle main box where most of the actual computer hardware will be mounted.
    I'll refer to this as the box from now on.
    No permanent mounting will be done until all cuts for wiring and tube access have been completed.

    2- Side panels, and doors cut and ready to be placed.

    3- Main arches cut, not mounted until cuts on the box have been completed.

    4- Measurements taken for placement of arches on the box, as well as cut out for middle arch.

    As you'll see below I've started to make the box:
    This is the two upper and lower plates that will enclose the box. I've used thinner metal, now it's .100" (inches) thick.
    They measure 24"x18" each.

    On this photo you'll see some of my old case now being cut down and re-used in the new design.
    I've went with the thicker .125" alum for the side and middle supports.
    I'm going to be using a thinner .05" alum for the back plate that will be cut to accept the motherboard trey.
    The middle and back plates are 8"x18", and the two side plates are 8"x9.5"

    Last edited: 1 Mar 2008
  3. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    Another update

    Anyway.. here's a good photo of what I have been able to do so far. I call it the middle support of the box.
    All 5 pieces securely attached and ready to go to the next step...


    BUT WAIT! Crap'ola.. forgot to add the brackets on the top and bottom of all these damn things.

    So i got started on one of the side pieces.


    Before i did that though, i messed around with what the top plate would look like. Looks pretty sharp, and exactly like my plans :D YAY ME!


    Speaking of plans, check out a better pic of my plans, i like it.. helps keep me focused on what i need to do, and the steps i need to do them in. :D

    Still catchin ya up with what i have done so far.. one more post to go!
  4. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    First off a shot of all the L brackets installed on the middle support for the box. It was rather tedious getting everything lined up correctly.
    Some of the cuts on the alum weren't perfectly straight so i had to compensate with the brackets
    and make sure that they were straight instead of lining them up with the edge of the hand cuts.
    I'll be liberally using bondo on most of this project to clean up edges and smooth out areas that were tweaked.

    Second a shot of the top and bottom of the box securely attached and looking rather sweet!
    I mocked up the rear MB tray panel on the back end of the case, and i did get the holes drilled out for the top L bracket,
    but i didn't have time to do anything else to it.


    I've been very careful with screw placement this go around, cause last time i tended to get in my own way, and drill to many holes
    and just create more work for myself than needed. (according to my engineer friend)
    It's funny how much you can remove from your work, and actually improve the functionality, and quality of the work at the same time.

    Okay.. i lied, one more update after this.

  5. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    Found me a local metal supplier and.... not only did i get 2 pieces of alum cheap, he sheered it down to size for me.
    As well as sheering down a crap ton of other cuts i needed to have done.
    Cutting straight lines with a jigsaw gets REALLLLLLLY old after about ... oh bout half way through the first cut.

    Anyways, 8 cuts, and 2 new pieces all cut to size.. nuttin much else to say but...
    Here's a pic of all the new cuts that were made at this really cool guy's shop!


    Next, after a huge headache, and almost giving up and going with something simpler.
    I had a talk with the great mod gawd that is Boddaker, and he gave me one of the best ideas I've seen so far.
    How to create an arch, that's bigger than most arches are.
    He gave me some links that i thought I'd share with everyone...

    Here is my version of the same thing!
    Started out like this:
    Used bod's idea to make both arches, (inside and out). and started my first cut.
    Rather pretty, don'tcha think? :D
    Next cut, and finished with this piece.
    On to the next piece.
    and then the final cut, and finished

    I know it doesn't look like much, but this is a huge update. Got a ton of work done today.

    I can say that the box is done, but it's not really. I have to wait for my new motherboard tray to come in,
    so that i can cut out the back plate access for it. Other than that it's done.

    As soon as i get another chance to mod, I'm going to be working on the doors, and the top and bottoms of the box.

    That be it for today, hope you enjoyed!
    I look forward to being a part of the bit-tech community!

  6. Boddaker

    Boddaker Still hangin around

    30 Nov 2006
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    Awesome man, glad to see you here! Bit-tech is an excellent place to get great feedback. Enigma will be a better mod for it too!

  7. 500mph

    500mph The Right man in the Wrong place

    22 Jun 2007
    Likes Received:
    Wow, what an update!
    And a start to a mod at that!
    This looks like it has some great idea's and wonderful craftsmanship going into it.
    Good luck! :dremel:
  8. Snafu-X-

    Snafu-X- What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2005
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    I love your design. Very un-pc like, it reminds me of architecture. I could easily see this being built as an office building. Great design, good luck with the project!
  9. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    Well, wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. So thanks :)

    Thanks, that means a lot to me. Working hard on making this very clean. So lines mean everything to me.

    lol i'm shocked at how many people say this. Who knows, maybe i'll get an offer from some architecture firm :D

    Thanks for the wishes of luck.. I'm proly gonna need it.

    Keep your eyes pealed for updates :D

  10. x06jsp

    x06jsp da ginger monkey!!!!

    2 Apr 2007
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  11. jhanlon303

    jhanlon303 The Keeper of History

    7 Sep 2006
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    Another non PC looking scratch build. I'm watching this one! Great start.:rock:
  12. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    Thanks for that update, but I've been building this project for almost 2 years, you can have Boddaker vouch for me on that.
    If the owner of that thread/case build has a problem with my project I'll just move on to a different forums.
    I'm not here to start drama that wasn't there in the first place.
  13. stevehp

    stevehp What's a Dremel?

    6 Jul 2002
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  14. Boddaker

    Boddaker Still hangin around

    30 Nov 2006
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    Yeah, there's bound to be name duplication as more and more case mods get built. Especially with so many modding forums out there. I could see where there might be an issue if both projects were on the same forum, but that is not the case here. So I dont see why both rigs cant have the same name. In fact, having two Enigmas only serve to increase the mystery and intrigue of each project even more! lol
  15. jhanlon303

    jhanlon303 The Keeper of History

    7 Sep 2006
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    I say STAY here. We need as many creative people as we can cram into the bandwidth! I had to put 303 in my login(not necessarily here) because of all the jhanlon logins on the internet.
    Names are like belly buttons - everyone has one. Or was that opinions?
  16. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    Well, enough of the drama bout the name..

    I have a small update tonight, nuttin major but something I'm proud of :)

    Here you'll see the square form of what will be the side panels for my case.
    3 Pieces of alum, 1- 8"x19", 2- 4.5"x19" all .05" thick.

    Next i have them all taped up, and the first (front) arch drawn. STill using Bod's awesome arch maker 5000. (trade mark and copyright to be given soon i'm guessing)

    Now the back arch - Inset.

    Then a quick slice with the razor and all three are apart.

    Cut out, and reassembled. Rather pleased with the way it looks :)


    That's all i have for tonight, have plans so I'm on my way out.

    Have a good one!

  17. 500mph

    500mph The Right man in the Wrong place

    22 Jun 2007
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    heh, 404 would have been funnier in my opinion

    Anyways, nice update. There are a lot of little pieces going into this mod.
  18. jhanlon303

    jhanlon303 The Keeper of History

    7 Sep 2006
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    303 is my Area Code. Not creative but I'm here. On one of the other boards I use "Ancient Tinkerer".
  19. Tolk

    Tolk Keep it simple, build it incredible

    7 Feb 2008
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    Well... no update tonight.

    Friggin beat from work today.. so gonna watch a lil' tv and then hit the sack.

    Best to all of ya...

  20. Mizpah

    Mizpah What's a Dremel?

    10 Feb 2008
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    heya Tolk, the Enigma build on the other thread is mine, I just want to say there is positively, definately, apsolutely no issue with names whatsoever!

    Great concepts, the very best of luck with your build and I am now watching it intently!

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