Bit-tech Story: The truth about the extent of the PSN outage comes to light...
You just feel like saying piss off. Inconvenience? No. They lost all our personal information. I mean it's Sony, one of the top electrical companies in the world.
Thanks hackers. Who's to say it wouldn't have happened just the same with a system like XBL or, God help us, Steam. History has shown many times that security systems aren't perfect (I'm sure MS wishes this were so, no more service packs or updates!), just a few months ago it was some network of websites that had its user account information hacked into.
Get out the tinfoil hats ladies and gentlemen! I'm just waiting for someone to go say it was Microsoft or Nintendo who did it.
Why wasn't the possibility of this considered when Sony knew full well that Dev firmware was out there? Surely someone should have twigged that this could happen? Hackers will be hackers, if there's a will there's a way and all that, but you've got to design a system to be robust enough to protect personal information.
I admittedly am not a software engineer, but I highly doubt it's that simple. If you could just throw money, time, and manpower at a problem until it's fixed then we'd already have a cure for every known disease and advanced space travel for getting humans to Mars simply by the sheer amounts of effort thrown at them. Software security seems to be a very similar field in that respect. Apply more resources and you'll have a higher chance of being secure, but there's no set guarantee such as "put in $10 billion and a team of 200 engineers and you'll be safe". This outage certainly will not be good for Sony. It's just not good business for them to have been lazy on security, and you don't get a company to that size by using bad business.
i think its a case that developer consoles were completely trusted if so, the main fail here is that sony shouldnt have had those "trusted" machines connected to the same network as the main psn
I still get a laugh out of everyone around the internet believing it was anon or geohot as if there are no other crackers out there. That and the attack is unlike anything that anon do.
Duh, did you not read my post earlier. It's obviously Xbox fanboys wanting to convert PS3 owners! There's no other reason!!!
As i said, this will end up as a class action lawsuit against Sony, where at least US PS3 owners will get a huge compensation and Sony will be happy if there won't be a investigation against them. And this pretty much zeroes any profit Sony made from PS3, because the payments they will have to pay to users will be enormous.
you wont lose games but it is unknown if any credit card details you may have used have been taken and all the psn info you might use for other accounts
No system that connects to the outside world is completely safe no matter how much time and money is spent securing it, anyone who has worked with windows in a technical sense is well aware of this! It doesn't help that the recent sony lawsuits (regardless of what side of the fence you sit on) have probably made them a target.