News Retailers and publishers want a PS3 price cut

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 10 Aug 2007.

  1. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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  2. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    It needs a killer app. Not RFOM or Motorstorm, PSHome is useless really, and Little Planets looks awesome as does Heavenly Sword (even though HS was meant to be on XBOX 1)
  3. cjoyce1980

    cjoyce1980 What's a Dremel?

    17 Jul 2007
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    I agree there is no reason to get a PS3 till MSG4. the line up is poor and every game you can get for it is on the 360, cheaper and comparing the graphics, better on the 360.

    maybe sony are counting on there fanboys to do it for them, but i cant remember the last time a customer was loyal to one brand.
  4. Phil Rhodes

    Phil Rhodes Hypernobber

    27 Jul 2006
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    It's too expensive - way too expensive. £425? For what's effectively a toy? You've got to be kidding. The hardware spec is almost irrelevant. You could make a console that cost a million quid, and that might be fair based on its spec, but you'd still be an idiot; I suspect the same is true, on a smaller scale, in this case.

  5. mclean007

    mclean007 Officious Bystander

    22 May 2003
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    The price may be fair, but the price inequality between the European PS3 and the US/Asia PS3 is definitely not fair. With the € and the £ as strong as they are, Sony should undoubtedly be able to offer the console at a reduced price in Europe and still make no less profit (or no more loss!) on each console sold compared to consoles sold elsewhere.

    With the lack of choice (no 20GB or 80GB units), the inferior hardware (no hardware PS2 emulation - though my understanding is that this is replicated in the 80GB unit now on sale in the US) and the frankly scandalous price differential, it is understandable that European consumers feel properly stuffed by Sony on this.
  6. lamboman

    lamboman What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2006
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    Well, obviously, like most things, we have to pay way more than they do in America because we are Briish. But ot have to pay more for less features is just crazy. Why would somebody pay that much when the Xbox 360 is half the price and better? (More games) Sony must be really dumb.
  7. Amon

    Amon inch-perfect

    1 Jun 2007
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    Still waiting for 5.
  8. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    Maybe they're counting on their console's merits and dependablility eh?.....and tbh how are the games on the 360 any better in terms of graphics/performance? I mean, take Oblivion for example.......Secondly, how is the games lineup on the 360 any better either? How about I list off like 20 must-haves that'll be coming by Xmas (9-10 of them being Sony exclusives) or how about you look at the release dates, what games are attached and then maybe you'll change your mind. Also, how is Playstation Home not worth it? I mean it's free isn't it? Either way, I love both consoles, and both offer their own respective benefits/pricing, so in my opinion there is no "better" console especially come this Xmas when more software is out along with price cuts, but in the UK/EU where pricing is different than North America, I can see why it's harder for you to see that......
    Last edited: 10 Aug 2007
  9. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    You know, I hate to disagree with you on this topic again Dev. In fact, it's not that I disagree with your conclusion, just your arguement.

    Firstly, you don't say anything about how Oblivion is awful on the 360. Personally, I didn't notice anything wrong with it, and AFAIK it didn't have any massive improvements on the 360 or Pc version.

    Games line-up on the 360 is better because there are hundreds of games to choose from. Obviously, some of those are crap, but others are downright amazing.

    Must-haves? Tell me, which twenty are you listing and which of them are exclusives? At the very least, this'll be useful to me ;)

    Home? Please. It's second life, but for losers. Better than anything the 360 has in that regard, but that doesn't mean its going to be great.

    I know you aren't a fanboy etc and I agree the 360 and PS3 are going to be even pretty soon. I have as much reason to hate the 360 as anyone. That said though, I don't think your arguements do an awful lot to support the PS3 right now.
  10. wolff000

    wolff000 I am here to steal your secrets.

    26 Apr 2005
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    I live in the states and the system is priced too high no matter where you live. To the guy that said the PS3 lineup is comparable to the 360 lineup has got to be smoking something really, really, good. Unless Sony drops the price to make it at least comparable to the 360 sales are never going to take off. Every hardcore gamer I know has been disappointed with the PS3 titles and online content. You can have the greatest online experience in the world but if only a handful of people are on it and most of the cool features are "still coming" than it is not that great. Don't get me wrong I would love to have a PS3. There are some games dropping soon that look fabulous and I really want to play but I am not spending 600 bucks for a toy. If Sony doesn't get a grip soon they will go the same route as Sega. As far as the price difference that is just another slap in the face to the customers and is ridiculous
  11. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    Joe, again you know North America and EU/UK right now are totally different worlds, but either way in my own personal experience(s), PS3's Oblivion showed visual improvements over the 360's (a personal conclusion and a valid one when trying to reply to cjoyce1980's statements that 360s games are better when there is really no correct answer, but Oblivion is the only game that I have played so far on the PS3 that has actually looked better than the 360's version; everything else has looked pretty much the exact same). Again, I'm just trying to prove a statement wrong, not prove something right.... and yes I mis-phrased when I said 9-10 exclusives because some of those aren't AAA titles, but either way pretty much any game that the 360 will get is coming to the PS3 and with Warhawk, Lair, Heavenly Sword, MGS4 coming in as exclusives I think the PS3 makes up for some of the other 360 exclusives. As for Playstation Home, Joe, have you seen the tech demonstration? Also, it's FREE, so what's the big fuss? It's not like Sony is making anyone pay extra for it. Also, what's so bad about the Achievements and Trophies areas that Home will offer? Aren't those innovative? Anyways, sorry for the confusion on the exclusives; that was my fault, but I still think Home is innovative and imaginitive and with it also being free I don't see what there is to hate about it.....
  12. fleole

    fleole What's a Dremel?

    12 Oct 2006
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    The problem is on one side, you got an article and people saying, the 360 is not reliable, and have some bugs, and I have to admit, knowing there is a console with 4 or 5 different specs, make worried about the buggy effect, and on the other side people saying the PS3 is overpriced even in US and the quality is not here so all of that make choice difficult.

    I have a Gaming PC, a PS2, a Xbox and Wii and plan to buy a next gen console next week, and I dont know wich one of them I will buy.

    Is there a website who compare the two consoles side-by-side ??
  13. mclean007

    mclean007 Officious Bystander

    22 May 2003
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    And Second Life isn't?
    Interesting you don't count Wii as next gen
    Probably thousands. Try :D

    Also, depends what you want to know.
    X360 is white (except Elite, which is black); PS3 is black.
    X360 has three HDD options (0/20/120 GB); PS3 has 20/60/80, depending on the market, but you can always swap in any 2.5" SATA disk.
    X360 has DVD built in but the option for add-on HDDVD; PS3 has Blu-Ray built in.
    X360 is cheaper.
    X360 is louder.
    X360 is more likely to break, but has a great 3yr warranty.
    X360 didn't used to offer HDMI output, but the Elite and (apparently) new models of Premium and Core do; All PS3s offer HDMI.
    X360 is more established and currently has more games; Many people think PS3 is yet to get many decent titles out.
    There are reports that X360 will scratch disks in some cases.
    Both have wireless controllers. X360 offers force feedback; PS3 doesn't (not allowed because haven't paid license fees).
    Technically, PS3 has more horsepower, but neither is being pushed to its limits with current games.
    Both can output 1080p, but the format is more heavily pushed with respect to PS3; for X360 it was a late addition and is not supported by all games.
    Last edited: 10 Aug 2007
  14. mikeuk2004

    mikeuk2004 What you Looking at Fool!

    3 Sep 2004
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    With the PS2 still selling well, I dont think Sony will reduce the price for along time. Come on, Sony is the only one out of the 3 that still has its last gen console on the shelves selling.

    If they reduced the PS3 then It might effect the PS2 sales, because those that are buying the PS2 now, might be tempted to skip it and get the PS3 if it was cheaper. Why not grab the PS2 sales now and then in a few years those people will then probably move to the PS3. That way, sony posible would have shifted 2 consoles. If you get what I mean.

    The PS2 clearly doesnt need a price drop because its still selling. Therefore the PS3 must be at a much higher price so there is a difference between them.

    I dont care, ill be buying one at christams what ever price it is because I want one.
  15. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    Both of the consoles offer different things to the consumer, so it's gonna be hard for anyone to decide, and they both will be getting some very nice upcoming titles/applications/hardware to make the choice harder!
  16. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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  17. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Fair does as far as all that goes then ;)

    Still disagree about Home though. Its not that great, the trophies really aren't that innovative and, like you said, its free, so whats the big deal? It really isn't a killer app, which is why its thrown in for free. Don't get me wrong, its a nice extra, but it doesn't do anything in my eyes to boodt the status of the PS3.

    Just my 2p
  18. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    Respectively acknowledged Joe. To me, because it offers something more than the 360 and it's 'achievements', the only thing it does for the PS3 is help it, and believe me, it's needs all it can get these days.
  19. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Respectively acknowledged in return, Dev. :D

    fanboy :p
    (just kidding)
  20. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    The PS3 is selling pretty well too all things considered, comparing launches and sell through its been tracking the 360s sales over a similar period from launch, this is despite its price, titles and the fact it has worthy competitors whereas the 360 never did until this year.

    The PS3 price will drop by christmas, its not been out long in Europe give it time.
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