You played it! I'm quietly astonished how my muscle memory for the first few levels came back as if it never went. Didn't realise you only get one "stop" per level though. I'm up to £3030 - will post screenshot when I'm back at the desktop...
I have been watching the Mighty Jingles' playthrough of Robocop and I think I might need to grab that myself, it's looking pretty good.
Really not sure what to play on the PS5 next. HFW and Burning Shores sadly completed. Tempted to get the upgrade for Uncharted, boot AC Valhalla or Odyssey up for a PS5 playthrough or even playthrough the TR that got a PS5 Upgrade. Then again I could try something new like Elden Ring, Alan Wake II (not played I though), Jedi Survivor, AC Mirage.... Dammit. Dunno. I also wonder if there are any games out there that I'm ignoring that I shouldn't. HZD was one I never considered until Sony gave it out free and that and HFW became two of my favourite games ever.
Definitely with you on the Horizon series. I went into Burning Shores with no spoilers and although I guess I was wondering if.. nah, no way they can pull that off. And then they did, and it was pretty flipping awesome. The third one in the series has got some pretty big boots to fill as HFW was very refined, polished and just amazing to play through. Really looking forward to what on earth Nemesis will be manifested as. Currently playing my first ever Zelda game, Tears of the Kingdom. I've just stumbled on my first fan, which I attached to a couple of trunks and watched as it gently floated off, so I picked it up and all the helpers were triggered as I wafted the contraption over their heads. I'm on my way to find the third shrine to get enough power to open a big door. It's a blast at the moment.
The Finals, I am so very addicted. I haven't had this much fun in an FPS mp (it's free too, which helps) in ages. Even when losing I still have fun (usually). The past couple of nights have been so nice too. I keep getting friend requests and nice "well played!" messages. It's like the opposite of reading the subreddit! The amount of dumb crap you can do in this game makes every match interesting for me. Absolute bat-sh*t meta stuff. We had the nuke era (multiple C4s attached to explosive canisters and thrown), the mobile turrets (Turrets attached to chairs, then carrying the chair around), jump pads right in front of regular jump pads so people would *just* miss the jump and fall to their deaths, can't wait to see what's next! I unlocked a hoodie with cats on it too, so all is good with the world- also the music is just banger after banger, there is no need for lobby music to go this hard!
I'm intrigued as to what they'll do now Lance Reddick suddenly passed. Big loss generally but definitely to the Horizon series. Find it hard to think they'll recast but other than trying to cobble things together or make some excuse for his exclusion I don't know what they'll do.
He was a huge part of Destiny, as Captain Zavala, they've ended up re-casting him. Which feels weird, and sad. But I don't know how else they could go forward. He is sorely missed now free on Game Pass . After your review Mr J, I will be sampling this with power fist....erm....fisting. @SuperHans123 - seen the First Berserker trailer? Disappointingly, looks like it might fall into one of the above categories (no prizes). Shame, as it looks pretty. Seems like now graphics have hit a certain standard, we're desperately needing innovation in gameplay. Bit inconsistent with my above sentence to Pete, I realise.
For free? You're going to have a whale of a time then! Gameplay is very consistent, so if you're not enjoying yourself for some reason, don't bother continuing - but I will have to inform the Inquisition of heresy in this case.
Holster your carnifex, Brother J. The Emperor is very much in favour of this vehicle of His worship. This marine is having a whale of a time so far (but only on about level 2 or 3). Of particular excite are the blown-off faces sliding gorily down the walls, the double thump of bolter shells as they leave the weapon and then enter the Unforgiven and not only the Terminator cruxes for armour but the fact that when you pick it up your "Contempt" increases (Abnett's book??). In fact, this marine has been overheard by the neophytes in the house speaking to himself in strange quotations (clearly soaked up from the Librarium). Chapter Approved.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown for the first time, it's a nice pace and I enjoy the research and the turn-based aspect of it.
Metro Exodus on PS5 Picked it up on offer. Glad it was on offer. The graphics are unimpressive and the story is a bit lame. Will trudge on a bit because stubbornness.
FKG BOLTGUN!! "That looks well retro" uttered one of the neophytes. "Cool" said the other. I didn't correct them regarding how difficult it was to maintain the Emperor's light in such circumstances. But now we're back to tidying bedrooms.
Finished Black Mesa and am half way through Half-Life 2. I needed to replay something to clear my mind and Half-Life is my go-to.