Finally caved and got Oxygen Not Included (for a nice discount due to owning most other klei games, and kind of for free as I sold random steam inventory stuff to cover it ) Really enjoying it so far, and know it'll just keep getting better as it gets closer to release.
I keep buying games but haven't touched them. I have divinity 1, Dragon age origins and shenhua recently bought without a minutes play time. Need to send the wife and kids on holiday...
The wife has gotten herself severely addicted to PUBG, so she's drafted me to be part of her duo. Cuts deep into my time with The Witcher 2 though, but I did marry the woman so I guess I am obligated to have her back as people keep shooting at her... (no chicken dinner yet, but we did place #5 the other day)
Little red riding hood. ... There's a lot of riding horses in rdr2. I mean a real lot. At least half of my time so far has been riding horses. Listening to slightly more clear Jeff bri-- Dutch.
Is that the mod for fo4? I saw some praise on Reddit for that I think. Then got drunk and forgot to look for myself.
The Witcher 3. Can't get more than ~40fps on my 750 Ti, but it's better than not being able to play it at all...
Still playing BO4 and Fortnite BR. For a free game, Fortnite is super fun. I can also play X platform with my son on his XBOX and daughter on her IPhone