Such a simple small print but makes a huge difference being able to securely fix my pedals to my seat. No more crappy velcro strap allowing the pedals to move around. (Photo is from the original print listing and not mine) LCM_Mount by veato posted 25 Jul 2023 at 20:39 I'm also going to attempt to print a shifter mount. It's too big for my printer so I've split it using Microsoft 3D Builder and added a kind of tongue and groove join using a simple rectangular object and the subtract tool. I'm a complete noob with this stuff but I'm hoping that and a bit of glue and I'll be good to go.
Really specific and bespoke parts like this are the kind of thing that 3D printers are really good for.
Yep. Our industrial one in the corner of the office is turning out prototypes & assembly jigs like there's no tomorrow!
Got to have wished they used a big ass resin printer for the finer details.
Speaking of big ass printers, look what hits Kickstarter on Saturday (not resin though) Pricing here Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date
So I've inherited my brothers old printers after he's upgraded to the K1 (x2) and K1 Max. Total n00b but I've managed to get a few bits printed on the V2. Are these worth keeping? Anything recomended to get the most out of them? Ender 3 V2 Ender 3 Ender CR10
Almost looks too good to be true when you compare it to the tronxy's.... i'm deff in for 1 @ that price maybe 2. Orders for large scale prints are going through the roof right now. Seems a very timely investment.
Will be interesting seeing reviews, rigidity should be a major problem, 300mm/s sounds very optimistic, even 100mm/s would be high for such construction. Also bed that size properly machined would be ... expensive. Wonder how they solved it, or are they just yoloing and relying on mesh leveling.
We have a printer here that's almost 500 x 500 quiet some time ago i started a pretty simple design to print the whole case to fit the bed. Had to cut some corners volume wise but it works...Full ATX! 800 x 800 would be nice , that would get you into production size and allow you to print chassis and panels in one go! Then 2 or 3 of these printers would make sales viable if you come up with a decent design.
Thought since i'm here and posting i'd share my latest 3D printing adventures It honestly feels like a lifetime ago that i was last case modding... but it's really only been a few years and considering ive been case modding since 2002 it's a small amount of time i know there's still time for one or 2 more. Just like i watched the PC modding scene grow exponentially year after year from grass roots and being there i feel and see the same for 3D Printing and it's a really exciting time to be part of it. Just like case modding. The Print room has evolved.... alot ! We now run 4 BL printers to keep up with volume and recently added an A1 Mini and a K1Max for size. The only printer we have kept from the old fleet was the Cr10Max simply cause it's still a beast. I also grew tired of the workshop with it's boy racer look and went for a more contemp up to date look. (well in the 3D print world community ) Didnt take long to fill it with **** Finally got the Resin print area done too with drop down clear and Ventilated system.
Lovely looking setup as always. Got to say, the photo of your workshop you posted ages ago are a massive inspiration on how I want the future workshop to look.
I was looking back thru pics and seen those and thought "wow" but a change is needed. Hope one day to do another case mod in there These new printers whip up a print in the same time it takes to make a pizza nowdays! I think he was one of the colour change flame prints @ the top middle this 1kg beast should be 1.5mtrs long . And the Xmas mistletoe dragons are already best sellers printed last night.