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Other The iFail- wait sorry, iPad, is officially out

Discussion in 'General' started by DarkLord7854, 27 Jan 2010.

  1. Faulk_Wulf

    Faulk_Wulf Internet Addict

    28 Mar 2006
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    This is true, I like real books. The size, the shape, the fact it doesn't hurt my eyes. That being said, if I go on vacation or something and want more then one book for a trip, it does take up space. When you're talking air-travel, its not completely irrelevant.

    Other instances is I have a huge manual on PHP5, HTML, C++, etc etc. These are big, heavy, college-style books. (And in fact there's another group that would love a solid e-reader.) To condense 5-10 manuals into a single e-reader? Hell. Yes.

    For my collection of Dean Koontz books? Meh, I'll keep the hard-covers I have but it'd be convenient.
    For that one author, of that one book, that I'm going to read once? Not really so useful.

    Just food for thought.
  2. skunkmunkey

    skunkmunkey Minimodder

    15 Jul 2007
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    Guess you have a point there, but id prefer an e-ink reader for that or an oled screen that doesnt burn my retinas. I personally like to buy my favourite books and authors material and have them in the bookcase on display. Also a massive Dean Koontz fan too, finally finished the Frankenstein books yesterday in fact. Now on to Odd hours...
  3. samkiller42

    samkiller42 For i AM Cheesecake!!

    25 Apr 2006
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    13 pages of pure whole arguments. Incredible...

  4. Rkiver

    Rkiver Cybernetic Spine

    23 Apr 2009
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    Welcome to the internet.
  5. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    Looks pretty neat, like a digital book. In other words, targeted to the same e-reader/multimedia device market as the iPad. Otherwise, why not just get a proper laptop, right? :p

    As far as the rumored features:
    Does that mean it will also drain the battery quickly? I would be interested in seeing what kind of battery life it has compared to the iPad.

    I read the short article, and looked at the photos they provided. I didn't see a USB port. ZOMGNOUSBFAILFAILFAIL!!!! In addition, there is no keyboard - another point that has been charged against the iPad.

    After reading the second article on Gizmodo, it seems as though they're not sure where this device will fit in the gadget world:
    I think it's interesting that a rumored device with only a handful of leaked details, but no mention of real-world use, already has several forum members here salivating. It's almost like they're ready to submit their credit card numbers based on looks alone. Wait, who are the style-oriented fanbois again?

    Furthermore, I don't believe Microsoft mentioned the Courier device during their keynote at CES, though I'm prepared to be corrected on that. If that's true, you have to wonder how close they are to production. You'd think they would be heavily pushing it if it was really as great as you believe it to be.

    Uh huh. I thought the anti-Apple fanbois just screamed for the past 11 pages that Apple never innovates. :lol:
  6. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    This thread gets funnier and funnier as time goes by.

    An example of Apples marketing in action - Even people who dislike the device can't stop talking about it.
  7. Ape

    Ape Suck my barrel

    27 Apr 2009
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    This thread is utter brilliance. You've got some of the geekiest brains in existence in one place and the majority are making posts based on their unchecked emotional responses towards brand Apple. This product will sell, obviously not to you guys because ironically you think you are far too cool and clever not to own one. It will sell lots. Some of you will not be able to compute this fact as it pans out to be true, you may even need therapy to come to terms with it. This product is a tool and is still yet to show us it's full capabilities and it will have it's place in plenty of homes.

    Don't have nightmares! Goodnight x
  8. Vigil

    Vigil Not geek enough

    20 May 2009
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    I'm waiting for the coming of iBatman.
  9. julianmartin

    julianmartin resident cyborg.

    25 Jul 2004
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    Well I'm not buying one because I don't need one, so stfu. I have no doubt that it will sell, but I personally have no desire for such a product unless there are some serious things about it that Apple have hidden, which lets face it, rarely happens. If it were £200 or £300, I COULD see a use for it, leaving it in the sitting room for a quick look up of whatever for example - but at entry level notebook prices, I would rather have an entry level notebook.
  10. Devolve

    Devolve Deadbeat

    21 May 2009
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    Free iPad for all iPhone users

    Just hold it closer to your face
  11. Faulk_Wulf

    Faulk_Wulf Internet Addict

    28 Mar 2006
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    I, with the utter lack of authority to do such, award you with 1 (one) Internet.

    Use it wisely.
  12. Furymouse

    Furymouse Like connect 4 in dagger terms

    4 Feb 2004
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    I was going to link to this article, but then I realized this one has already surpassed the post count there.

    I would also argue that it was less an argument than one kid banging his head against a wall :wallbash:
  13. serial_

    serial_ What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2005
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    meh the both of you, as well as plenty others, will practice your Apple apologetics regardless of valid points.

    Who cares if it supports 140,000 apps? 90% of those apps are garbage. I'm gonna use a phone to balance a bookshelf? Make a masturbatoral gesture to pick a restaurant? If Apple products actually had more potential then impressing people at parties with their nifty but utterly useless abilities then maybe I wouldn't be doing a birthday dance at the fact that this is so much fail it's orgasmic.

    The problem with Apple isn't their tech, it's their core consumers who declare at every oppurtunity the superiority of a device with half as many features and less innovation than mine.

    It's about time that I get my ****ing turn to be smug and arrogant. Every time I go to the trendy cafe, bookstore, or your pick of live music events I've got to put up with Applefags giving me condescending looks over the tops of their boxframe glasses because i'm distracting them from their iPhone game to order a cup of coffee, book, or ticket.

    Apple is not an innovator. Now Google on the other hand... there's a company that actually comes out with new and exciting ****. Apple and Microsoft are locked in a pissing match where they rip off each other's ideas from 10 years ago, slap it in a shiny case, and hope that nobody notices. Although at least it didn't take MS going to the brink of death to realize that maybe 3rd party development is where it's at. It took Apple over 20 years to pull their head out of their ass, and even now they still micromanage the **** out of stuff, with the possible exception being the app store.

    But I really shouldn't bother, because I could show you a legit video of Steve Jobbs laughing about how hard he's ****ing his core market and how really the iPad schems were something he drew on the back of a cocktail napkin, and just dropped it off in R&D to see if they would fall for it, and ye old apple fans would rush to the device's defense. It's a giant, glossy, expensive one-trick monkey. ~end rant.
  14. leveller

    leveller Yeti Sports 2 - 2011 Champion!

    1 Dec 2009
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    Actually my point was that 140,000 apps have been created for the iPhone. What other phone do you know of that has had that much attention by developers? How much attention do you think the developers will spend on this new product?

    The product is limited by it's app ability - it is not limited by the fact it can be compared to a bloated iPhone in appearance. But then, how limited will it be? Will the developers by-pass Apples iPad in favour of the geeks favourite Google OS? Will MS be able to claw some of the market share with their offering?

    It's fair to say there are two camps on this website if we negate the minority fringes. The main camp contains anti-Apple protestors who will rage at any Apple product or news item. The second camp are the quieter few (by number) who can see this isn't a world changing event but a movement forward in technology. I'm not saying it's a new invention - but it's certainly a step forward. Strangely I don't know any Apple owners who spend their days slagging off PC users, they all just seem to get on with life. But, I do see thousands of PC users who waste their precious time raging about Apple ... you gotta laugh. People always need need a devil to blame. Personally, my devil to blame for all the worlds problems is the parents. Apple? Nah, they just get on with it. Intel? Nah, they do too. Microsoft? Nah, they aren't to blame either. etc.

    Google are famous by their search engine, they have a browser, they have an OS, they are launching a tablet ... can you help me out here, I can't think of anything that hadn't already been invented by someone else first and they came along and "reinvented" it. Oh, that word "reinvent", Apple is throwing that around at the moment in relation to the iPad ...

    Apple got their patent for proximity sensing the other day ... interesting concept for the future - 3D touch?

    Discuss, minus the blind-rage-issues.
  15. Digi

    Digi The not-so-funny Cockney

    23 Nov 2009
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    iRubbish - coming soon, you can download (have sent) any kinds of rubbish you desire from crushed soda cans to hazardous nuclear waste. 500 bucks for the 50kg version and 900 with optional iBinMan to fill it for you!
  16. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *banshee howl*

    25 Nov 2002
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    When the prices come down. Atleast 50%. For a new (untethered jailbreakable) unit.

    There. I said it.
  17. benjamyn

    benjamyn What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2002
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    2-3 models down the line and Apple may have added in enough features/upgrades to make this worth while, providing there is a decent jailbreak to give some control to the user.

    Still what alot of angry internet peoples are forgetting is that Apple don't care the tech geeks don't like it and the gamers can't stand it, they're looking to sell it as a simple to use, cool looking device to the masses of average joe's who are happy with their ItouchXL
  18. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
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    Like I said in the thread in the hardware section, I'll be getting one. I've been wantiing an eBook reader - Why should I pay $489 for a Kindle DX, when for $10 more I could have an iPad?

    I can also see the benifits of using it as a Photo browser out in the field. How many times have took a shot that looks OK on the screen on the back of the camera, only to find it's not up to snuff when you view it on a larger screen? If you're out shooting, you can quickly import the photos, check them out and reshoot there and then if needed.

    The multi-touch versions of Pages, Keynote and Numbers where great. A multi-touch blogging or web authoring app would be great (iWeb for example) would be cool.

    MrsGOO also wants one. As she said, what could she not do with an iPad that she does with her current MacBook? She browses, plays the occasional games, checks email, does her iTunes stuff, writes Pendragon adventures for out role-play group.

    I've seen a lot of whining and wailing and nashing of teeth over what it isn't. Only very few people (several in this thread) have seen what it is. It's a larger iPod Touch, allowing a much better level of interaction with the web, a decent eBook reader and personal media device. For a decent price. You're not expected to be doing heavy duty video editing or photo manipulation, or other intensive tasks.

    But then you wouldn't really use a netbook for that, either. It's a job for a full bore laptop or desktop.

    I wouldn't bother with 3G on it. WiFi is enough, especially when I have netshare on my iPhone. I'll use the money I would have spent on 3G on an extra slug of storage, thank you.

    You may now start denegrating me for being a fanboi, or for buying anything 'with the right badge' - I don't care. I like what I see, and I'll be getting one. Get over it.
  19. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
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    One last thing - not got netshare? Don't get tied to a given 3G network. Get a MiFi from the network of your choice, and Robert's your mother's sister's live-in lover. :)
  20. Jumeira_Johnny

    Jumeira_Johnny 16032 - High plains drifter

    13 Nov 2004
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    Wait...Bob is....my.....

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