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Other The iFail- wait sorry, iPad, is officially out

Discussion in 'General' started by DarkLord7854, 27 Jan 2010.

  1. AshT

    AshT Custom User Title

    9 Jul 2009
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    This says more about you than it does about myself or any of the other guys on this forum who have bought one or in fact the 1.2 million per month now being bought by people who do see value in the product.

    Do you see?
  2. Phil Rhodes

    Phil Rhodes Hypernobber

    27 Jul 2006
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    No, I don't see, that's exactly what I was asking.

    What's the damn thing for?
  3. NuTech

    NuTech Minimodder

    18 Mar 2002
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    Nothing, absolutely nothing.

    In fact, it's just a heap of metal and glass that doesn't even turn on! But don't tell anyone, that's just between me and you. ;)
  4. scq

    scq What's a Dremel?

    4 Mar 2005
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    It's purely a consumer medium. It's a product designed to deliver content — mostly their iTunes store content. Is that a bad thing? If you don't mind buying your stuff from iTunes, then no.

    The problem is a lot of people see this thing as a computer. It really isn't. So can you blame it if it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a full blown desktop or laptop? If all it's supposed to do is sell you books, movies, and music, then I must say it does a stellar job as it's got a great screen (if you've used one, it's size makes it much nicer than an iPhone), and balances portability with real estate.

    That said, it's mostly an expensive toy, which is why I personally don't have one. I have other toys I'd rather buy for that kind of money.

    I think the iPad represents an emerging optimism in new interface design. We've mostly grown up in a point-and-click mouse-cursor world — some even command line based depending on your age — and while it works great, I think 3D and touch are being explored more and more. While current implementations are very gimmicky and novel, it will likely improve with time.

    The thing about an iPad is it does what most people want to do with their computer anyways. I am going to assume that the majority of bit-tech readers are more advanced enthusiasts, but really, most people probably just want to check their email, IM, update their Facebook status, and look at a few pictures. Perhaps write up something for school or the office. These things can all be done on an iPad, though a little clunky right now.

    I think it's unfair to justify an iPad as a full-blown tablet pc, or as a phone. I would say it belongs to the netbook/netpad class — a purely consumer device with a very slick UI.

    Yes, it's expensive, but does it make it a piece of **** because most people aren't willing to afford it? No. It's just a cool toy I could do without, but I can see why somebody might buy one.

    As for those who keep complaining about Flash, for the love of god, STFU already. It's annoying, but EVERYBODY knows it lacks Flash and people's constant whining isn't going to help. I personally would love to see a web without Flash, as Flash BREEDS bad design. Not to mention that Adobe has yet to make a competent version of Flash player for Mac OS after god knows how many revisions.
  5. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    If you have to ask, then it does not meet your needs/wants. Just don't buy one.

    But that doesn't mean it has no function or purpose for other people. I bought a Tablet PC back in 2005 or something --I had considered a laptop, but I decided that for the way I need to use it in my particular job, a Tablet was more suitable. I won't bore you with all the reasoning but part of it was that I needed something light-weight that I browse documents, e-mails and web pages on and take notes on (including hand-drawn diagrams), without having to hunch over a keyboard and without needing a flat surface to rest it on. It has performed just right for my needs.

    However I can understand that other people just need the keyboard, do not do hand-drawn diagrams and will generally have a desk or table available wherever they are to rest the thing on. For them, a laptop will fit the bill better.

    An interesting thing I have noted however that wherever I pull the Tablet out, at meetings, conferences or wherever, my colleagues look on with great interest, asking what it is and where I got it and how it would be just the ticket for their needs. They just didn't know such niche devices existed; that the laptop or netbook was all there was in portable computing devices. Price is also a big obstacle. Tablet PCs aren't cheap: they cost £1200,-- new (yes, really! :eeek: ).

    One thing Apple did: it put Tablets on the map of human consciousness, and made them affordable. And now many more people who would otherwise have bought and made do with a netbook, because it was the only thing they knew that existed, now realise that a Tablet is in fact just right for their needs: a lightweight, instant-on, uncomplicated media delivery and internet access device; something that you can do all that computery stuff on like e-mailing, web browsing, playing games, MP3s and YouTube videos without actually having to use something as complicated and daunting (for them) as a computer.

    But, as I said, it may not meet your needs at all. So don't buy one.
  6. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    It may even be an awesome tool for students...
  7. ChriX

    ChriX ^

    30 Aug 2001
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    Three weeks on I'm still using mine loads, I'd say majority of use is web browsing & reading. As I usually share a car to work, one of the best things when I'm not driving is to be able to sit there browsing the internet comfortably for the entire journey. It's also nice for taking where I usually would a magazine or something, out in the garden with a coffee for example.

    One thing that I didn't think I'd be using it for when I bought it; at work we install and manage wifi hotspots, which usually involves configuring some hardware and basic connectivity testing. The iPad is perfect for this as it's instant on/off and very easy to navigate pages of settings. It's also possible to test remote connectivity via 3G.
  8. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    I do not like them... but i consider them a bunch of geniuses, they made devices that catalysed the appearance of other devices from other makers.
  9. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Well, I am typing this on an iPad in the local Apple store.

    First impressions: it is lighter than I thought (pump some iron, you wusses!) and a bit smaller, though still a good size. The case feels smooth so I can see how some people worry about dropping it. The demo model has been on all day but is not even warm to the touch. The screen does already have a scratch on it (some of the little children are really knocking them about, with apathetic patents looking on) and you can see a fine moire line across the pixel raster. So the screen is tough but not entirely unscratchable. Image quality is great but I think the resolution could be a bit higher. Four times the old iPhone (1280 x 960) would have given a better dpi visually, but also made upscaling iPhone apps smoother.

    Apple missed a trick by not putting in a camera. Most people will not use it that way but as we know with the iPhone, it can be repurposed for other original uses such as image search, barcode reading etc. I'm also surprised it does not have a compass even though the 3G model has GPS and it is ideal for map navigation and sightseeing/tour guide applications.

    Apps are smooth but even the Apple ones are not quite as intuitive as I'd hoped (they aren't on the iPhone). Still, they are very close. Keyboard is great and I can type at a fair clip. I note that it underlines misspelt words and it vocalizes word substitutions in a pleasant female voice.

    Would I buy one? Yes, but not for the current price (or perhaps only the basic model). It is not that I can't see where the money has gone --it is a quality built device-- but I think that subjectively the price will feel too high for many of the non-techie people these devices are targeting. Once the novelty has worn off, I suspect that prices will drop closer to what I would consider the ideal price point of £300,-- for the base model to £400,-- for the all-singing, all-dancing model. I also predict that the next iPad will have a higher screen resolution and a camera and compass.

    I also think that a separate telcom contract for the 3G model is madness. I think that the Spanish telcom pricing model is the way to go: one contract divided across multiple devices, with the limitation that you can only use data services on only one device at the same time (i.e. you can browse on your iPhone or iPad but not both simultaneously).

    Having said all that, anyone who cannot imagine "what it is for" should have a play with it. If you then still don't get it, you should apply for a brain transplant because the one you're using is obviously not fit for purpose. It is very obvious what it is for. You may not need one, but that's a different matter. I think I'm typing on the future of personal computing devices in our daily lives.
    Last edited: 19 Jun 2010
  10. K

    K 528491

    31 Oct 2001
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    Bullring or Touchwood? Just out of interest :)
  11. Moyo2k

    Moyo2k AMD Fanboy

    11 May 2009
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    People trying to justify the iPad seem to have no grasp of innovation, how many people thought they NEEDED computers when they came out? Nowadays its considered a necessity

    Then there was the netbooks are underpowered laptops with no use... where did that go?

    Innovation is taking something that was good, and making it better, so stop asking yourself what you can use it for, its a stupid question, apply it to situations and see how it does, personally I like the fact that its like an iPod touch but with a screen big enough to actually watch/read something on... if you want something pocket sized you'll obviously be steering clear but then again its like going to buy a cricket bat and deciding a tennis racket will do... if you know what you want buy it, stop complaining about something you don't think suits you, find something other than ranting to fill your sad life
  12. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Bullring. Lots of demo models. Can't buy one though --they're sold out. There is a waiting list. :)
  13. AshT

    AshT Custom User Title

    9 Jul 2009
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    It's definitely worth investing in a screen protector. The one I got actually does both front and back and works a treat. I've had my iPhone for 24 months and it's protected by a screen protector and been kept in a leather case, it is practically mint condition for when it goes up on eBay. And I hope to keep my iPad in the same condition and put the sale proceeds towards iPad v2 ... or maybe an iPad beater if one comes out at the right time.

    I deleted a huge load of stuff from this post about what I've used it for the past 24 hours. It just seems some people aren't likely to be convinced of what the machine offers in terms of benefits to others, and I feel that is more of an attitude thing rather than an open mind willing to listen. Maybe I'm wrong. But I would like to say that using a tablet makes manipulating and navigating through web pages, photo albums, video collections, menus, gameplay, etc, really easy and it feels really natural. The best way to work out if it will benefit someone or not is to do like Nexxo did and actually get off your arses and try it out. Don't play the cool nerd and slag it off because its a 'tablet' or in the pads case an 'Apple', just have an open mind, spend some time checking it out. I'm really impressed and very attached to mine. That is not Apple-marketing brainwashing talking, I do actually know my own mind. If after using one you don't see the benefits for yourself then I am sure at the very least you will likely see the benefits for other people and not feel the need to express Apple hatred unnecessarily.

    Another machine people seemed to struggle to come to terms with was the Nintendo 3DS. E3 enabled people to get a hands-on try and now the web is full of quotes like "people were blown away with how good it was".

    I can't wait for that.
  14. K

    K 528491

    31 Oct 2001
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    Ah cool. I only ask because I work at the other store! :)
  15. samkiller42

    samkiller42 For i AM Cheesecake!!

    25 Apr 2006
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    My iPad arrived at my work address this evening, right when i was on my tea break (handy)
    Anyway, currently loving it, such a nice bit of kit. Has a solid touch to it too, which gives you the impression it can be bumped about before it dies on you.

  16. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
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    If you get the case, the whole thing will feel indestructible. I've tossed mine around, dropped it multiple times and used it with my horrible uncut fingernails - not a scratch. The case is a real gem.

    However, I'm still saving for a Dodocase, because it just looks gorgeous.
  17. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
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    K likes this.
  18. K

    K 528491

    31 Oct 2001
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    That's amazing! Some of the 12 South stuff is a bit odd (the bookshelf thing for the iMac I always found particularly lame) but you cannot doubt their effort, that is awesomeness.

  19. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
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  20. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
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