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The State Of bit-tech

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by Guest-23315, 17 Jun 2011.

  1. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Another example im afraid.

    http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2011/07/24/xfx-triple-display-monitor-stand-review/1 - This review of moniter stands, no flipping photos of the unit with screens installed..

    http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/cooling/2011/07/12/prolimatech-genesis-review/1 - No shots of the cooler installed...

    I mean, how long would it take you to do a photo? And yet the articles look amateurish without any.. I could have done a better review from my flat. A little extra time and perhaps another page showing installation for the monitor stand would have made it a good review.

  2. KidMod-Southpaw

    KidMod-Southpaw Super Spamming Saiyan

    28 Sep 2010
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    You guys have me and Djzic...
    It's true, there has been many a mod lately that is just laser cut. I'm sure there is still plenty flowing in that is a good old mod or scratch build done on a budget or by hand. Like Jeff said, take a look at Atilla or Wayne. Look at my latest and Jeff, he does his on the cheap, and the result is bloody fantastic! I'm currently doing mine and building the case will cost nothing! It has come to my attention that lots of the latest MOTM nominees have been projects that are intricate and expensive. Mankz, when doing your update, it may be a good idea to concentrate more on the budget projects.
  3. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Im going to do any which catch my eye and arent in MOTM, for the first one I went for the big projects which people might not have seen yet :thumb:
  4. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    But you can't copy and paste photo's from your camera!


    I agree, pretty poor not showing images of it installed, I just googled it and.... wait for it.....


    I can understand their struggle to either take a picture or just use one from the web :lol:
  5. penryn 2 hertz

    penryn 2 hertz I'm not a science fiction writer...

    10 Jun 2010
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    i think it would be better that the cpc mag was a 2week affair...
  6. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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    Hi Mankz

    As I run reviews now, I'll answer this one. First up, sorry those reviews didn't match up with what you expect of bit-tech. Ideally I want to keep all our readers happy, both CPC and bit-tech, and while that's tough, it is possible. I understand you want to see more hands-on photography of hardware being used and fitted, but unfortunately this isn't always possible.

    However, I'll now be putting a specific focus on more 'hands-on' photos when handling certain reviews, so you can expect more photos of coolers, cases and other similar pieces of hardware in use. We're still finding the sweet spot between keeping bit and CPC readers happy, so hopefully this will help towards that.:thumb:
  7. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    So CPC readers only want to see control+C / control+V promo material? I am a cpc reader and I would like to see products installed, who wouldn't?
  8. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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    In the mag there are much tighter space constraints; with the word counts as they are, we usually can't include more than a single product shot. As a published mag, it also has to have a higher degree of visual professionalism, something that hands-on camera shots can't provide. Online there's more room, and more lee-way for our own hands-on photography, so it's something we can provide, as is clearly the desire of the readers.

    Our mag photography is shot by professional photographers in high-end photo studios, and we never ever use promotional shots; it's all our own photography. We simply can't review gear in the photo studio and have a photography take a shot whenever we require; these guys do all the photography for Dennis publishing, and their time is limited.
  9. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    That is fine and I understand that you can't take photo's of everything but I am sure everyone on this site would rather have seen some camera shots of it installed rather than pro shots of it with nothing on...

    for a more thorough review check this out:

  10. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest


    ^^ If you look at that review you've got all the professional stuff, but then you've got a simple photo of the unit installed, done in your office. I know you guys cant use them due to space in the mag, but are you seriously telling me that you can't grab a cheapo point and shoot camera and take a photo of the screens installed? It doesn't need to be the best shot in the world, but it would stop people having to then look elsewhere on the web to find the photo.
  11. Attila

    Attila still thinking....

    22 Feb 2008
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    ^^^^^^^ I remember that article and those photo's of Harry are just what the doctor ordered. The review is thorough but the sense of fun and 'geekdom' is also there along with an intimacy missing in most reviews. The recipe is all there in that article. ;)
  12. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    I think I took all the pictures in that review... it seems so long ago!
  13. longweight

    longweight Possibly Longbeard.

    7 May 2011
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    That is an awesome review and its why I like the podcasts as there is some personality, most of the reviews now just feel cold.
  14. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Between that and your dog shitting poos the length of its torso, it was a fantastic office. I miss the forest very much.
    Zurechial likes this.
  15. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    Yeah, it was great to go for a walk after a bad day! Still don't know how my dog manages to produce that much **** - beggars belief!
  16. Burnout21

    Burnout21 Mmmm biscuits

    9 Sep 2005
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    I've not been around these parts for a long time now, i pop in once in a while but never stay longer than a few minutes at a time.

    I came to bit-tech back in 2005 to get away from Custom PC, there reviews were heavily brand orientated as if the companies were paying for good reviews, especially ASUS during the nforce 4 days, it made me sick.

    Tim and bindi made bit-tech the beast that it was now after they have gone its merely a relic of its former days.

    If the top forum members in the project logs and hardware section left bit-tech, all bit-tech would become is a poor effort towards reviews and a smeg load of lol cats and youtube links.

    I ask what would bit-tech be if the following left

    Bindi (for real this time, losing his ban hammer doesn't count)

    There may be a few more very helpful members since i stopped come here summer of 2010, but skimming my way around the forums quickly the same names still appear helpful as ever, i use to think i was one of the key members with in the hardware section, but after the CPC forum merged with us i lost the will to live as the amount identical threads popping up and no body reading other threads just pissed me off. Admin over on CPC forum must have been pretty relaxed during there time there.

    I miss old bit-tech, a community that will never exist again

    But hey these are the views of a rambling git who gives razor blades to emo's and asks them to hurry the f*ck up so the next in the queue can end it soon.
  17. lxrysprtmscl

    lxrysprtmscl Minimodder

    8 Sep 2008
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    i absolutely agree with what readers have said here. i had only just seen this thread because i was about to make a thread about this very same topic. i won't go on a rant, but i certainly feel that since the merger bit-tech has gone downhill in quality. i used to visit this site at least once a day and practically reading every article. now, i visit this site maybe once a day, if that. the articles used to be full of detail and life. the articles nowadays are impersonal and dull. for example, the from dust review. less two pages of monotone words; can that even be considered a review? imo, the author sounds uninterested in what he is writing and then even bashes the game being reviewed on the xbox 360. i have and will continue to have this site as a bookmark, but only for the forums. i am here for the pc, not a console with outdated technology or a smartphone. i fear the once mighty niche focused bit-tech as fallen to the 'mainsteam monster'.

    Zurechial likes this.
  18. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    And it pissed on my bean bag!

    The forest was great, except when I had to walk five miles each way every day in winter. :(
  19. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
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    I feel the same as everyone else here. As everyone know, I live in the Hardware forums, as I love hardware, I live and breathe it, and that's what first sucked me into this site. It was the one true great hardware review site, and I learnt loads and love it.

    These days the Hardware forum is more interesting that the main hardware site. The passion of bit-tech has been completely lost, and it makes me very sad :( It's steadily become more smothered with ads (the current Scan one is horrible, to the point of actually stopping me from reading, so I bet your probably loosing readers from it) and the content is slowly dropping. I remeber when there were atleast 2 full articles a day, a good hours read, but now the articles are just the same as in CPC, which is pointless. Why would people buy CPC if they can get exactly the same content on here for free?

    The thing that really makes me sad is when the article of the day is a blog post (sometimes on the weekend) as these are nothingy.

    I'll still be here, tending to my watercooling thread and others like it, but these day I don't bother reading the articles. They're empty, so I just read the conclusion. So in effect your new system is working against you, your loosing views rather than trimming off the excess content...
  20. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    Driver scanner ad, seriously? You're advertising malicious software on a PC site.

    It's official, Dennis killed Bit. I'll collect my stuff.
    Zurechial likes this.

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