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Other What currently makes your life awesome?

Discussion in 'General' started by Brooxy, 28 Oct 2009.

  1. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    OMFG after many hours nigh on pulling my hair out trying to NVME PCI-E passthrough on Proxmox I have finally got it working...

    All it took was completely reinstalling Proxmox on a SATA SSD and now it just works....

    Got to love that, you try every fix you can find online and the solution is something completely unrelated.

    EDIT: Well nearly gave me more of a headache as it hadn't changed the boot order so after a successful install it just errored out... Now I have sorted that out it is booting into Win 11 on a direct pass through NVME.
    Last edited: 23 Mar 2024
  2. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Ran into someone today at work, he is very small.

    IanW, xaser04, Isitari and 3 others like this.
  3. Mr_Mistoffelees

    Mr_Mistoffelees The Bit-Tech Cat. New Improved Version.

    26 Aug 2014
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    Which plod is you?
  4. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    neither, I avoid all social media as much as possible when in uniform
    Goatee, perplekks45, IanW and 5 others like this.
  5. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    Further to my post above I have finally solved the I/O stalling issue experienced with VM's created in Proxmox using NVME drives without passthrough.

    I am now typing this on the VM whilst Hogwarts installs in Steam and the CPU is basically the bottleneck:


    Disk is no longer running at 100% with long periods of complete system lock up / non responsiveness.

    Not going to lie, I did giggle a little when I finally saw it working as it should be... :D:D
    Weekly_Estimate likes this.
  6. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    Could CPU be spiking _because_ it's waiting on IO? At least that's what happens in Linux, where it's observable with `iotop`, I don't know how you'd see that on Windows.
  7. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    In theory yes, but the issue was the Drive itself would drop from 100% usage to 0% whilst the CPU was sat around not doing anything. Then all of a sudden it would come back as if nothing had happened. Was a consistent theme when trying to install anything on Steam and has now gone away with the NVME being passed directly through.

    SATA SSD's seem fine when virtualised so its just Proxmox and NVME's which just don't play nicely.
  8. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Finally got my hands on the missing Acorn. Turns out it's not an A5000, it's an Archimedes 420/1 with generous 210MB hard drive... and an A5000's keyboard.

    Thankfully, there was no suicidal Varta after all: the CMOS/RTC battery was an off-board twin-AA holder wired to a header. Phew!

    Will take it fully to bits for a clean and cap-check, replace the fan filter, but I reckon she's good to go!
    IanW and Byron C like this.
  9. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Enterprise D model turned up - 'tis a neat little model. Would be nice to have the XL version, but that's more than twice the price of this.


    My inner pedant is screaming that this red line down the back of the ship...


    ...should actually be two parallel red lines...



    It can join the little growing fleet

    Pete J, xaser04, IanW and 3 others like this.
  10. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Had a mock test in my driving lesson this morning, and there were only 4 minors that were marked up.

    Well… I say “mock test”, but it was an hour and a half under mock test “conditions” covering absolutely everything that could possibly come up on the test - the actual practical test is only 40 minutes.

    One for inappropriate signals when moving past a stopped bus - there was a junction on the right, so signalling to overtake could look like I actually wanted to turn into a side road. One was forward bay parking, but I knew I’d f’ed that when I did it - I corrected it, but that counts as a minor. One was steering, I accidentally bumped a kerb when turning a tight junction and steered too harshly at one point - I did notice both at the time, but I wasn’t sure if the bump was just crappy road surface. The last was observations when doing the “pulling up on the right” (stupidest manoeuvre ever) - I realised this at the time, I should have done more blindspot checks to the left.

    Couple of things to watch out for, if not outright “faults”: make sure I’m looking out for speed limit changes; and be cautious of speed creeping up even a few mph over the limit (it can give an examiner cause to be very critical on “appropriate use of speed”).

    Considering I’ve only had 6 car lessons, and it’s been close to 15 years since I last had a car lesson, I’m pretty happy with that. Of course I do already have a full Cat A motorcycle license, which obviously helps! :grin: Now it’s just a case of finding a cancellation and pulling my test forward from June (if I can).
    perplekks45, Pete J, Arboreal and 2 others like this.
  11. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    I think mooning at a bus is a fail nowadays.
  12. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Frankly, if you can safely get the car around a bus that’s stopped while you’re pressing your bare arse up against the window, you should get an immediate pass on dexterity alone! :lol:
  13. Fingers66

    Fingers66 Kiwi in London

    30 Apr 2010
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    Many (too many) years ago I did my driving test in NZ in a driving school car (examiner provided by the old Ministry of Transport - traffic cops before merger with Police).

    The clutch was stuffed, so much so that I had to shift gears without using the clutch, as soon as I did that the examiner wrote a big "P" on his clipboard and said to drive around a bit to use up the time. I was 15.
  14. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Driving in NZ is something else.

    From braking hard because of people driving on the wrong side of the road to people overtaking on blind bends. It was always a fun drive :happy:

    Probably the best was first time driving out of Auckland to see mates in Whangamata and pulling over when an old BMW slowly veered off the other side of the road into a field. Guy just smiled at us and stuck a thumb out of his window before digging up turf as he got back onto the road :lol:

    Yeah, I miss some things about NZ.
  15. Fingers66

    Fingers66 Kiwi in London

    30 Apr 2010
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    Yeah, worst roads in the world + worst NZ drivers + worst tourist drivers = lots of scary moments.

    My wife calls NZ the carsick capital of the world.
  16. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    6month internal ftc finally signed off, mega happy. Officially start as employee on 01/04/24, so my first day is a paid bank holiday :rock:
    Goatee, Pete J, IanW and 8 others like this.
  17. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Well it turns out that £12 for premium account on the Testi app was worth it. In one day I moved my test from 6th June to 18th May and now to 18th April.
    IanW likes this.
  18. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    Running CP2077 with RT Overdrive settings @ 1440p via Geforce Now Ultimate (4080 tier) on a MacBook Pro....

    Both awesome (as it runs better than when I ran it on my 4070) and funny given what I am actually running it on.. :hehe:

    Also on a side note. What kind of voodoo magic huffing dust are Nvidia running to make the game feel like it is running completely natively, even over WiFi?! No doubt obvious if you are pushing it in E-sport games but in something like CyberPunk (or even Destiny 2 which I have ALOT of hours in on both Xbox and PC) it feels nigh on imperceptible on my connection.
  19. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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    Finally got the car booked in for its mot! New coil springs, disk, pads, bump stops, mounts, battery, and wipers all done at home on the driveway!

    I’m guessing it’s still on the originals which would mean it’s all 18 years old so lots more still to do but at least it’ll legally drivable.

    To celebrate I’m thinking of a nice drive to Bletchley park.
  20. MLyons

    MLyons 70% Dev, 30% Doge. DevDoge. Software Dev @ Corsair Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    3 Mar 2017
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    Did my first longish drive in the new car and it's so easy to drive it's unreal. put get onto the motorway or dual carriageway, turn on adaptive cruise control, turn on lane trace and job done. Car pretty much drove itself the whole way.

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