Other Your most hated games

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Pete J, 30 Sep 2010.

  1. PureSilver

    PureSilver E-tailer Tailor

    16 Dec 2008
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    What? I love Shattered Horizon - LOVE - but it was neither forgiving nor feet-finding for me.

    ^ THIS and indeed any similar games. Why? It's like playing Top Trumps with yourself and serves only to increase your knowledge of extremely wealthy adulterers.
    Pete J likes this.
  2. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    SH just doesn't feel anywhere near frustrating as CS. In my first game of SH, which wasn't that long ago (say a few months), I got a couple of kill in my first game. With CS, I just gave up as I would pretty much be instakilled within a few seconds. Also, in SH, you're quite likely to get off a few rounds at your attacker and so don't feel cheated when you die - in CS you're dead and that's it.
    Heh, that made me chuckle!
  3. Skorchio

    Skorchio What's a Dremel?

    16 Oct 2009
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    Once I got so mad with Farcry 2 I had to go to bed.. its was 8PM.... I never go to bed at 8PM... what happened????

    Just encase that is not clear :p FC2
  4. robots

    robots What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2010
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    Hmm hate is a strong word. I'm not sure there are any that I truly hate, and any that I did, I probably just uninstalled and moved on. So the best I can do is a list of games that were severe disappointments to me. Some have already been mentioned so I will offer something by elaborating more on them.

    Gothic 3:
    We all know this was a piece of crap, but to me it was especially annoying because I actually LOVED Gothic 2, especially with the Night of the Raven expansion. Even Gothic 2 was a bit crappy in many ways. It had a terrible interface, incredibly basic combat, and almost none existent spell combat. But it had some really compelling quests, characters, a great world and original mobs, and it had a brilliant feel to it. I loved not being able to be a mage early on, and if you insist on it, you had to travel all the way to the Monastery and practically beg them to teach you their knowledge and train you. Then you do quests for them and finally get to be what you always wanted. It was clearly low budget, but it had massive potential. So (perhaps naively) I hoped that Gothic 3 would have all the same charm of the second game, but with a big budget to fully elaborate on all the shortcomings. So it was painful to see that it was pretty much the same game all over again, only with an enormous amount of bugs and some extra added tedium.

    As with most games in this list, it's not a particularly terrible game if you were to just judge it by itself, compared to nothing. To understand it from my point of view though (and lots of other people), you have to try and appreciate it in perspective. When I was a kid, I went in to town with my friend to buy a PC game from the shops, assuming I would find something great. I browsed the shelves for half an hour and couldn't find a SINGLE game that I wanted to buy... Everything that had been hyped I just wasn't interested in, and even though I had money burning a hole in my pocket, there was literally nothing I wanted. As I was leaving I saw this game on the shelf called "System Shock" (the first one) and I thought I would just be brave and give it a shot, even though I had never even heard of it.

    I got it home and installed it, and I was absolutely blown away. I doubt if most younger people here would even be able to appreciate how amazing this game was at the time. You just don't see that kind impressiveness anymore. This game was literally about 15 years ahead of all the competition on the market. I couldn't believe it. I kept expecting there to be some kind of catch, and there just wasn't.

    You have to understand, this came out in 1994, and back then, the best shooting game that everyone was playing, was "Quake" and the new sequel "Quake 2". They were crap if I'm honest. The entire game was made with about 4 varieties of brown, it had the same few weapons we had all been using for 10 years already, and it really brought nothing new. So here comes System Shock and you have an inventory! You then start finding a whole bunch of different weapons, a big wrench to smack people with, a lazer pistol, a magnum, a dart gun, a machine gun, magpulse rifle, etc..etc.. Most of these weapons then had different types of ammunition which worked differently against different enemies. If you were attacking haywire droids then you really needed to pop in some armor piercing bullets, or if you are shooting diseased zombies then you ideally should use anti personnel bullets to rip through them. You also creeped through this scary as hell ship, picking up the desperate blood stained audio logs from corpses that you find on your way, which tell the story of how everything went wrong and why you are here and what you are supposed to do. There were a whole bunch of grenades and mines and interfaces to hack in to, a cyberspace section to float around in, and all kinds of stuff that no other gaming company had even dreamt of yet, and ALL of this stuff was in this game, and it was put together really well too. I was sneaking around in the shadows shooting out lights and security cameras a good 4 years before the Thief series had even begun. This game was still to this day the most impressive thing I've ever played.

    It then had a sequel which was equally as good, and brought in a few new nice ideas too, and even better graphics. The series then vanishes for over a decade and everyone who played it can only reminisce about how amazing it was and dream that some day, a company might bring it back to life. So this puts Bioshock in a whole new perspective. Some of us hoped that it could be like the second coming of gaming. Imagine if that amazing System Shock company could now make a game again, but with a huge budget and all the modern stuff in modern PC games. So out comes Bioshock and it's just miles away from being what many of us hoped for. The brutality and challenge of the original is just gone. In System Shock, if you died you got a big GAME OVER screen and it was back to the main menu... You better hope that you saved the game recently because you are dead. There was no hand holding back then. You had to explore and find the vita chambers yourself and they were always hidden and difficult to reach and at the end of a really nasty area which you had to cautiously fight your way through with limited ammunition and aid. So having practically unlimited lives in Bioshock where you are actually rewarded for dying, because you come back with more health and blue stuff than you had before, was a big disappointment. And everything else about it was just not right either. The enemies were all dumb and weak, and there was no shortage of ammunition so you just run around blowing the crap out of everything. I'm glad it at least had a different name, Bioshock instead of System Shock 3, but it's still almost rude to even have shock in the title.

    I loved this game for my first few days. Gorgeous graphics and it was so well produced. Lots of real speech and a decent attempt at lip syncing, and you could actually aim and fire a bow in a game finally! Wow. Also a nice bit of a freedom with the variety of classes and skills.

    The problems came when I started to actually play it. There are three main things that annoyed the hell out of me, and sadly they are the 3 cornerstones of this whole game. First off, the main quest was tiny, so the bulk of the game are these "side quests". If I had not played all that much before then I would probably love it... but as someone who has been playing MMORPG's since the Ultima days, and having gone through a full on few years in EverQuest, the idea of churning through endless side quests in Oblivion gave me shivers. These quests are all the same, go here, kill this, bring back it's skin. They just have slightly different half assed dialogue to disguise them as something different. In reality they are just chores, and if it was your mom asking you to go to the shops and buy some milk, you would not be too happy. But because you are doing it in a game, it's somehow supposed to be fun. It's not. They are inane chores, to help virtual people who don't exist, and they achieve nothing but a few virtual things that will not even exist anymore in a few weeks time when you uninstall the game. At least in MMO's, you get some real long term benefit from doing these virtual chores, but in a single player game, it just makes no sense to me.

    The second issue was the combat, it's just so crap. When I think of good RPG combat, I think about D&D inspired combat, using spell pierce to remove their magic enhancements, using cripple, enfeeblement, slow, to slow down their attacks so they don't rip you to shreds in a few seconds. Then use some 'crowd control' to take care of their friends. Put them to sleep, or fear them or root them in place. Then you set to work on your main target. Use damage over time spells which are mana efficient if you get them off early and let their damage tick away. Then maybe get a heal off on yourself and then start laying in to them with your damage. Use some kind of crippling strike that opens up a wound and then you follow up with another spell or ability that has an added stun effect if the target is wounded etc.. etc.. Basically it is supposed to be full of depth and very tactical. You are supposed to have to think carefully about what you are doing, and then act quickly before you get torn up by the enemies. Even MMORPG's have decent combat like that, and that is in spite of the challenges of it being done online over an internet connection. In a single player RPG on your own computer... there is no limitation, so combat should be incredible. In Oblivion, it wasn't. It was little more than swipe swipe swipe with your sword, while hiding behind your shield. 2 Buttons and that's it. Or as a spell caster, for most of the game you do little more than run around doing pew pew pew pew pew with your generic firebolt spell.

    Lastly there were the Oblivion gates. These you would think would be the best and flashiest element of the game, but they were all identical, 10 minute runs through the same brown and red lava area, pew pewing stuff to death and then you reach the end. How anti climatic. The saddest thing of all, is that even Morrowind was better than this. It had far more depth and scope, loads of factions and things going on, and it all got turned in to glorified doll's house in the sequel. If it wasn't for the hype and the amazing graphics, I'm convinced Oblivion would have sold about 12 copies worldwide.

    C&C 4:
    Wtf? The series has had it's ups and downs. It's peak being back when Westwood were still in charge. They were brilliant, but since they got swallowed up, it's had some problems. But at least they managed to get a few decent games out like Zero Hour. Then they did that silly Red Alert 3 with it's backward step cartoony graphics and simplification galore, so I hoped that C&C4 would be a return to form. What it was... was a vain attempt to rip off World in Conflict about 4 years too late, and in the process alienated about 95% of their players.

    Unreal Tournament 3:
    Ut2k4 is one of the best games I've ever played. When everyone was else was running around shooting people in online FPS's, ut2k4 players were doing that, and then jumping in to a manta and whizzing around decapitating people hilariously at high speed, and comically landing on peoples heads and squishing them. There was a real sense of organised team play in it too, having to hold the nodes and stuff. It added enough to require some teamplay without making it too reliant on your team mates that it becomes annoying, and it was all put together perfectly in a game that ran very fast, looked great, and felt great to play. UT3 I hoped would bring the same amount of innovation again, but it brought nothing. All it did was remake Ut2k4 all over again, but tweaked a bunch of things for the worse, so that they just didn't feel right anymore.
    Last edited: 5 Oct 2010
  5. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    I can understand not liking WoW, and starcraft II (way to not change a game at all)
    but whats wrong with warcraft 3?

    Personally hated games:

    I just don't know what the hell I'm meant to do...like...at all.

    Lost planet
    i mean...wow..its bad, especially the PC version. No widescreen support until i patched it, and it STILL has xbox buttons in the instructions. not helpful.

    Or more or less any RTS that has removed base building, thats the fun part of RTS's, so far the only rts to lack basebuilding i liked was WiC, which was done very well.

    I got a beta invite from a friend, never played a dota game before (well, not within the last 5 years, and i never played them much before that). join newb practice game, choose character, go to kill creeps, get killed by player, get flamed, get kicked.
    I also dislike how SET it is, which character X Y is the best setup, if you don't go with it, you are gimp

    I don't hate wow generally, I think it's an incredibly well made game. I just really hate the fact they continue to simplify it, and there is so many innovative and interesting changes they could make, but choose not to, and its not exactly as if blizzard is lacking in money.
    (Pet peeve is I also really hate people who call themselves twinks on that game, Go play AO and I'll show you what proper twinking is)
  6. robots

    robots What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2010
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    Syndicate rocks! All you do is take your 4 little guys to the target and kill him :p The briefing shows you what to do and the map shows you where to go.
  7. allan29t

    allan29t What's a Dremel?

    8 Apr 2010
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    I hate only my PC when is not working a game. I can say i don't like Postal 2,but i don't hate it.
  8. kornedbeefy

    kornedbeefy What's a Dremel?

    1 Sep 2009
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    Any game that has PC features removed from it whether due to consolefication or devs/publishers subcumbing to greed (DLC).

    CODMW2 jumps to mind. No local LAN play and DLC.....a FPS without LAN play..this is an insult to PC gamers who have used this feature since DOOM in 1993. Many of us have spawned and raised kids enjoying many hours of LAN gaming with them.

    Below is not a hate but more disappointment/anger due to consoles invading PC FPS space.

    BFseries (EXCEPT 1942) BF1942 was genre changing. It added vehicles to FPS and it was fun as hell. I played for 2 year straight. BF2 was just ok...after that it was a decline for a lot FPS games. To many PC features nuetered due to consolization. How many FPS today don't have vehicles, joystick support, or the game just doesn't feel right becuase it was also developed for a console/gamepad.
    Last edited: 6 Oct 2010
  9. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    I was not going to post anything in this thread but your post has made me realize how much hatred I have towards consolified FPS games. I could name them but it would be pointless.

    *cough* mw2 *cough* bc2 * cough
  10. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I'm very pleased to see Far Cry 2 up here more than once. I mention it in pretty much every conversation relating to wasted money, bad purchases, disappointment, existentialist despair, anger, the death of PC gaming...and so on. It's just a terrible, terrible bellyflop of a game.
  11. Daddyfish

    Daddyfish What's a Dremel?

    6 Oct 2010
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    Personally I've never liked GTA from games 3 onwards, always preferred the birds-eye view of the originals even if the 'game play' was lacking.

    I hated playing the original Final Fantasy for the NES too. It had a god awful targeting system where you basically chose a space to attack, and each space had a monster. If a monster had died after your characters were given commands they would just attack the same empty spot instead off attacking another random monster like in every other game.
  12. Draksis

    Draksis What's a Dremel?

    21 Oct 2009
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    WoW! Tell us how you really feel! :p

    I've made peace with the fact that I am the only person on this forum that actually likes far cry 2 :sigh:

    C&C 4 is another that I really hated, so much so that I didn't even finish the game (and thats rare for me)
  13. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    Medal of Honor (the new one) it's the ******* child of Modern Warfail and BFBC2 without having any of the good aspects of BCBF2. It's move then camp, move, camp, move, camp until of the sweet relief of the game being over.

    BTW are there any good aspects of MW? :hehe:
  14. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    MW1 was nice. MW2 is a bit...derivative. There's still gameplay in there, but it's not very fresh. They basically got away with releasing the same game twice (like Crysis Warhead, but overpriced to hell and back).

    Oh, special mention for Pirates of the Caribbean! Actually a very good game, but utterly unplayable. It simply doesn't run. And that's not just a retro problem - it didn't work on release either. It's massively incompatible with just about everything, including pieces of its own installation. I haven't managed to play it in years.
  15. mars-bar-man

    mars-bar-man Side bewb.

    17 Apr 2009
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    You're not the only one who enjoyed it :p I just got annoyed when it corrupted my save when I just got to the second map..
  16. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    Supreme Commander 2 - Still haven't completed it, after buying it on launch day, it just doesn't suck me in. I think I am on the last level now but not sure as I sporadically play it.

    Stalker series - I found the game to be tedious, I have shied away from all things scary recently due to me just plainly not liking it, as I usually never get afraid, just angry. And with the weapons system being a tad broken on vanilla I often felt helpless in some situations. So I did what any man would do in this situation. TRAINERS TRAINERS TRAINERS. Suddenly the game became serious sam all over again and I became a walking daemon of death again.

    Mass effect series - Boring alien dating simulator which I felt I was bug testing.

    Dead Rising series - Again, boringboringboring/TRAINERSTRAINERSTRAINERSTRAINERS

    Eve Online - I hate this game from the bottom of my soul. Its hard, unforgiving, relentless, uncaring, lonely, difficult and downright dirty. Its usually because I am inflicting these things on others, and when my conscious kicks in its usually after I have scammed them, ransomed their high-grade implanted pod and then podded them after forcefully removing them from their t3, making them lose a lvl5 subsystem skill. It is my dirty secret.

    Also the politics of it, it disgusts me that 40 year old armchair generals rule most of the south and east of 0.0 in eve. Thats why I am in the NC, where freedom to troll is encouraged, but not blues sadly :(
  17. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Modern Warfare 2

    SP: The gameplay itself was identical to MW1, save for a few special set pieces, like riding a snowmobile. The story made absolutely no ****ing sense at all. There were so many plot holes and moments where you're left wondering why the hell characters are doing what they're doing. It was almost a parody of itself with so many plot twists and "your character dies" moments. It was cool the first time they did it back in MW1 . Not so much by the third or fourth time they do and, and tease you about it, in MW2.

    MP: Garbage. Total run and gun, spawn/die, getting blown up by random, unavoidable ******** every 5 seconds. They took the things that were annoying but tolerable about MW1 and made them even more annoying and completely intolerable in MW2. No server browser or dedicated servers made it even worse.

    That's really the only game I've played recently that left me with a truly sour taste in my life.
  18. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Couple of interesting and sad facts about CnC4. It was originally designed to be an Asia only multiplayer game that had nothing to do with with cannon. EA suits, miffed about RA3s poor sales, re-organized management and forced the devs to throw together a story, use whatever gameplay they had, and make the "final" CnC game.

    The only hope CnC has now is for someone to buy the franchise back from EA and reboot the series.
  19. samkiller42

    samkiller42 For i AM Cheesecake!!

    25 Apr 2006
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    Now that's new's i've not heard before, i would have thought the European market be larger than Asia's for C&C. EA/C&C always seem to be at Leipzig, and the German players are absolute nutters.

    I personally don't see C&C being sold by EA, and if it does, i don't see who would take it, and actually make it work, unless a new start up gets it, and goes back to old roots.

  20. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    I hate every game you've to play alone, as games are ment to be played with other people.

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