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Scratch Build – Complete ⭐ CURV3D by C4B12 | 20-02-10 100% Finished!

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by C4B12, 11 Oct 2012.

  1. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Hello everyone!

    You might have seen this build before, why? Because this project log was started in 2012. But then, why are you here again?

    Well this project is kind of a never ending story for me, I upgraded the hardware along the way and changed it, I still have it and I still change it. But I never was totally satisfied with it. AMD also released their A-10 7850K a while ago and I really wanted to have this in this small build to make it a really awesome HTPC, but how should I be able to cool 100W in this small case?

    I will watercool it, first with a Corsair H75 and further on I will make an entire custom loop in this small case. That is what Im going to show you now, but first, if you have time, go through the worklog to see how I built this case from the beginning. I will list all the updates further down.


    The new hardware in this case will be:

    MB: ASRock FM2A88X-ITX+
    CPU: AMD A10 7870K
    RAM: Corsair Dominator Platinum 2x4GB 2400MHz
    PSU: Streacom ST-NANO150
    SSD: Samsung EVO 840 250GB
    FANS: 2x Prolimatech Ultra Sleek Vortex 12

    RAD: EKWB XT 120mm
    BLOCK: MIPS Iceforce
    PUMP/TOP: Alphacool DC-LT
    RES: Custom-made by Laine

    New things to do:
    • New front and backplate out of aluminium.
    • Sleeve the new PSU and all the other cables.
    • Cut a bigger hole in the bottom for 2x 120mm fans.
    • Installing the Corsair H75.
    • Sand down all edges and polish them.
    • New case feet.
    • Custom loop?

    Earlier updates:
    New updates:



    I hope you will be entertained by this worklog and I hope you will follow the new updates as I get closer to a final project that I myself can feel satisfied with.

    With kind regards
    Johan Nyman
    Minimalistic PC
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2020
  2. Primum Agmen

    Primum Agmen What's a Dremel?

    21 Sep 2012
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    Wouldn't the hinges inside the build have given you a better aesthetic? You'd have had to have worked out how to file it down to get it to work, but then you'd have had an unbroken front panel.

    Also, where does air enter the build, except by finding cracks?

    Aside from those nitpicks, I quite like the shape and simplicity of the build. :)
  3. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    This build started as a side project when I was building my other scratch build, Cold Winter. But somewhere on the way I stopped, but now Im going to finish it. Some of you may recognize some of the first pictures, thats because I uploaded some of them in my worklog for Cold Winter. But Ill think this one needs its own log.

    This is a HTPC/NAS build. The specs of the hardware is:
    Asus AT3IonT-I Deluxe
    Intel X-25-V G2 40gb
    4gb Corsair DDR3
    Western Digital Green 2TB & 3TB

    I got the idea for this build when I was looking at some of the acrylic I had left from Cold Winter. Saw some nice shape coming. So I started cutting, and got these two acrylic pieces:




    The next thing I did was to put some feet on it, havent decided yet if I should get some smaller ones. Then I put the two pieces together with two small hinges.



    Glued the motherboard stand off screws into the acrylic.


    And sleeve the power cables for the drives.


    Some overview pictures.



    Next up is the front and backplate:


    Should I go for a powerswitch on the frontplate or hide it in the back? The cross is where Im thinking of putting it.



    Put some paint on those! (Sorry for Instagram picture)



    So this is how far Ive come. Dont have that much left to do.

    • Install some small fans for the HDD's
    • Sleeve everything possible to sleeve
    • Drill holes and install a power and reset switch
    • Grind down all the edges so everything fits
    • Clean everything up and polish the acrylic

    Give me your thoughts, advice and everything.
    Thanks for today.

    /Johan Nyman
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2014
  4. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Im happy to announce a sponsor for this little build. LCDModkitsponsored me with a 4x20 LCD, the one in the picture is borrowed from another project. LCDModkit has many different kind of LCDs to plug into usb, sets, modules and everything. Pretty cheap too and the shippings is fast for being from Asia. Chech them out!



    Last edited: 9 Apr 2014
  5. NoobNeb

    NoobNeb Enthusiastic Lurker

    14 Nov 2011
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    Love the simplicity in your work, look forward to seeing this all done :clap:
  6. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Thank you. Simple is often the best. :)
  7. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Im happy to announce the second sponsor, Aquatuning. They will help with some smaller things. Check them out!


    Bigger update is coming when I get all the things.

    /Johan Nyman
    Last edited: 15 Nov 2012
  8. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Im happy to say that Im 95% finished with this build. I got the last small details and today Ive been working hard to finish it.

    What Ive done today is to change the feets to some smaller ones, installed the LCD, power/reset switches, some small fans for the harddrives and sleeved everything. Ive cleaned everything and put it all together.

    So Ill start with some pictures then. This is how the new feet looks like. Looks a little bit cleaner than the other big ones.



    I also got a nice powerswitch with a white LED ring.


    So I installed the LCD and the powerswitch on the frontpanel and soldered the cables and sleeved everything white.



    So this is how the front and backpanel looks like.




    Here is some pictures of how I managed all the cables.





    I took some small Fractal Design fans and soldered together and put on the side of the harddrives to cool them down a little.


    Thats about it. After this I cleaned everything and took some final pictures of the build. Im soon gonna buy a better camera so I can take some better pictures and I will post them here later. But here is the final pictures Ive got right now.








    So thats about it. I know many might wonder why I dont have any intake for air. But Ive tried the computer for a while like this and the temps doesnt get to high, they are higher than an normal computer but not to far. Its a HTPC and doesnt get that much stressed anyways. And air always get in there in some kind of way.

    I want to thank everyone here at Bit-Tech for following this little build.

    I also want to thank LCDModkit.com for sponsoring me with the LCD. If you want an LCD for your computer they are who you should buy it from. They have LCDs, usb-modules, kits and everything you need. Its cheap and the shippins is fast even from Hongkong.

    And ofcourse I want to thank Aquatuning for sponsoring me with the powerswitch and feet. They have almost everything you need for modding, watercooling and stuff like that.

    So thats all for me now. Ill probably be back with another project soon. ;)

    Thanks everyone!
    Johan Nyman
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2014
  9. dragonthc

    dragonthc What's a Dremel?

    31 Aug 2003
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    about 10 years ago I drew up plans for something strikingly similar. A way to showcase a computer the way high end turntables did. I never had the money to build it, but it's like looking at an evolution of my design. Congratulations, the build is phenomenal. Excellent quality.

    My original plans called for an aluminum chassis with a curved lexan hood, but I never envisioned a complete lexan case. My modding days ended with LAN parties. The last mod I ever did was a bubble wall in my Lian-Li PC70.

    I am really in awe of your design because it's light years beyond what I though up. Keep up the good work and I'm excited to see your next project.:thumb:
  10. Meelobee

    Meelobee What's a Dremel?

    5 Nov 2003
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    Neat little build :) Where did you get the 90 degree sata connectors?
  11. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Sorry for stealing your idea mate! ;)
    And thank you. :)
    Thank you! Ive got them at Aquatuning. :)
  12. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    You really should add a little venting at least. The temps will likely get higher the longer it's used. Heat is sneaky.
    Clean up that ugly edge on the plastic, and she's perfect.:thumb: -Heck, opening up that seam could help the airflow a bit.:D
  13. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Hmm maybe. Thinking about making a hole under the motherboard. Will fix the edge too. Thanks. :)
  14. Booti

    Booti Minimodder

    17 Jan 2011
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    Hi. Could you advise who makes those SATA cables please?
    Also are they SATA 2 or 3?
  15. Lehani

    Lehani What's a Dremel?

    27 Jun 2012
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    hmm, where does the air comes into the case? as i see it you got no airflow?

    but the idea is nice made :)

    a little thing i would have done if it was me - change the screw on the side from those golden ones into some nice black ones - Nils from www.mpdc-x.com are selling some really nice ones :) also sells Brainwashers to :)
  16. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    I dont know who makes them, but you can find them at Aquatuning. It doesnt say if they are 2 or 3.
    I doesnt have a intake for air, air has some way of always getting in. But everyone says I should make a hole so maybe I will do it. I was actually thinking of going with black screws first, but I think those golden ones gives it a special look. But thats me. :)

  17. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    This update is dedicated to you Cheapskate. ;)

    I sanded down the edges and polished it. Looks a little bit better. Also made a 100mm hole under the motherboard, will put a slim 100mm fan there on low rpm too. With a little dustfilter.

    The edges




    100mm hole



    I also did a little "mediabenchtest". Put on 10x 1080p movies in a playlist and the CPU and GPU never got over 65c. So Im satisfied. Now with a intake it will get even better.

    I think the last thing Ive got left to do is to install the 100mm fan and the dustfilter. Anything else you think I should do?

    /Johan Nyman
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2014
  18. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Hello again!

    I got the 100mm fan today. A slim version from Scythe. I wasnt going to make an air intake even though everyone wanted me too, I just want to clarify, I didnt really needed it and I had no idea how to install a fan without hiding it. But then I found this fan, its 12mm thick, and the acrylic is 8mm thick, so I made a 100mm hole and installed the fan with help of some glue. So it extends 4mm over the acrylic. Just waiting for a dustfilter to go over the fan.

    The only thing Ive got left now is to take the whole system apart, clean everything and fix some edges on the white plates, then put everything together again.



    Ive got one question though, I would like to get some better ram, that fits better with this build. 2x2gb DDR3, anyone got some tips? Maybe some white, the Dominator Platinum looks good too. Give me some advice! :)

    /Johan Nyman
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2014
  19. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Today I took apart this build in all different pieces to clean and polish everything. When I did this I got an idea to make a acrylic shroud over the motherboard, painted white. Im not sure if this will look good or not, but its not a big job to do so Ive started measuring a little bit. Will be done tomorrow I think. I think it will make this build look even more simple. That actually solves the RAM problem to cause now they will be hidden.

    Many have asked me on different sites about the sata-cables I have and where to get them. I bought mine at Aquatuning and theyre really good, what I dont know if is they are Sata 2 or 3, it doesnt say on the site. But I really like these round cables, perfect lenght and this different angles is wonderful!


    I didnt show these harddrive fans in a closeup so here they are. 2x 50mm Fractal Design fans, glued together side by side. Fits perfect on the harddrives.


    This is everything Ive got in this little case, not that much. :)


    Measuring a little bit. Will try to update tomorrow with a comparison with and without the shroud.


    Johan Nyman
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2014
  20. C4B12

    C4B12 Minimalistic PC's

    6 Oct 2011
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    Ditched that shroud idea for the motherboard, didnt look good at all. Lesson learned. Dustfilter and some better final pictures then Im done with this. :)

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