Disaster Computer Battle Scars

Discussion in 'Modding' started by DaHoboFest, 8 Jan 2005.

  1. bluknight

    bluknight What's a Dremel?

    4 Jul 2005
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    I don't have any really bad scars from computers yet.

    The only one I really have is one I got when I reached into a computer and something cut a little line on my arm. I can't seem to find it anymore though, so either I just can't see it, or it's faded away.
    Last night I nicked myself with a dremel, but it's barely even a skin wound. Also gave myself a few slight burns while soldering yesterday. (I kept not realizing how hot the part would be after I finished the soldering, and then touching it.)
    Also nothing lasting. But hey, I'm new to this modding thing. :p
    A super minor injury is that while I was stripping wires I was pulling the wire so hard that it made the side of index finger tender (the part that the wire was on while I was pulling).

    I'm sure if I keep at this (it's addicting!) I'll get one eventually. :D

    My friend on the other hand dropped one on his leg and it got all cut open. Not good, lol. I believe he went to the hospital for that one.

    My other friend was at a LAN party and tripped and his glasses I believe cut a gash just above his eye. He went, got stitches, and returned to the LAN party.
  2. jerb111

    jerb111 What's a Dremel?

    25 Oct 2004
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    I gotta see if I can find my digi cam for this.

    my left hand seems to get the worst of it, I have a burn and a cut on the 2nd knuckle of every finger. another common injury it seems occurs when I'm wrestling with molex's on the back of cd drive, you pull and pull until it lets go and you bust open the knuckle on the far side of the case.

    I've got lots of little burns from sodlering irons, my keyboard is filled with little balls of solder.

    I have a nice gash on the inside or my left lebow from the HD drive cage when I was trying to pull out a stubborn PSU. I have a nice mary on the out side of my elbow from getting pissed and elbowing a comp ( I hit the corner). I have a nice 4" gash along my forearm that I managed somehow when reaching into a case (but sadly it seems that one has faded :( )

    I have lots of cuts from wire stripping, I use a knife usually any the two worste cases were: a. I was holding a wire taunt with my left hand and sliding down the wire toward my hand, I hit a snag in the wire and had to put lots of pressure on the knife to get it to slide over. The knife slipped and slashed the top of my wrist, I have a nice clean scar from that one (wouldnt stop bleeding, soaked through 3 gauze pads). the secont note worthy injury was when I caught the 2nd knuckle of my left forefinger. I must have hit the vein because it ozzed blood for ove an hour. I have a nice little indent there when I straighten my finger

    to top things off I have a shattered left big toe from when I was carrying two old compaq's with a crt on top... I stumbled and dropped both comps and the monitor onto my toe. cant bend it any more :duh:

    some wounds that didnt leave scars, both were electrical. when opening a PSU, the large 200V caps with teh !WARNING! stickers on the top.... shorted one of those with my hand... it tickled. the other was when I touched a CCFL inverter, that actually burned the skin :idea:
    Ill see if I can snag a digi cam from a friend

    almost forgot, I lost a fingernail to a vantec tornado
    Last edited: 2 Jan 2006
  3. bluknight

    bluknight What's a Dremel?

    4 Jul 2005
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    You've either got to be real unlucky, or real clumsy. :p
  4. CaPs_On

    CaPs_On What's a Dremel?

    3 May 2005
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    Well ive got lots of cuts and some scars from modding. I actually got a cut looking and examining a case at a local computer store :D So there is something with modders and getting cuts from cases:p
  5. JCG

    JCG What's a Dremel?

    1 Dec 2005
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    Well not exactly mod related but I have broken my smallest toe with a computer. I worked in a computer store and was repairing a computer, but when i lifted it, it slipped out of my hands. Since then I wear steal nosed shoes when working with computers ;) .
    Last edited: 2 Jan 2006
  6. LAGMonkey

    LAGMonkey Group 7 error

    4 Aug 2004
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    not a mod on a computer (had lots of cuts from cheap cases) but i was modding the phone system at home so i could have an extention to the main socket. I was running it over CAT5e so that two phone lines could be routed to the office (one data and one voice). I unfortunatly connected up the new wires to the main BT socket before i had stripped the other end. And my fast way to strip solid coper core wires is to use my teeth...


    90 volts (not much current but it was enough) through my teeth and i went flying back into the bottom of the desk i was working under at the time. Lots of bad words were said. :lol:
  7. frodo

    frodo What's a Dremel?

    1 Nov 2003
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    i broke my jaw with an electric drill - it gripped, swung round and hit me in the face (cordless mofo)

    ive stabbed myself countless times

    taken the top of my knuckles off from cheap mofo cases, cut my arms up from them aswell

    ive stood on a few nails

    broken a few toes from dropping things on them

    ermmmm...... cut part of my finger off (which strangely hung on, and has gone back to normal :p)

    so yeah, pretty much everday stuff
  8. AJB2K3

    AJB2K3 What's a Dremel?

    12 Dec 2005
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    Ive got a cut from a needle saw (hand saw the thickness of a scalple blade).
  9. stevie1556

    stevie1556 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2006
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    I've never hurt myself building/upgrading PC's yet (now touching lots of wood).

    However, I was de-restricting the airbox on my Astra 1.8 SRi, and it's supposed to be a easy job. Couldn't get the damn pipes off for the lift of me, so I was uning a flat blade screw driver to lever them out. It slipped, and on the first part of the index finger on me right hand, I now have a nice scar (it was worth it, with performance filter my car now pulls alot harder and is quicker :))
  10. AJB2K3

    AJB2K3 What's a Dremel?

    12 Dec 2005
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    Veccy C mod? :worried: :worried: :idea: :dremel:

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