Here's my huge moding project that stretched over 1 year. To sum 280 hours ofnwork up... It's a custom-loop bult on the backside of my Acer...
This project started off as just a simple build for sim racing. I was going to get an 011D, do a basic custom loop and call it a day. Being a...
Here is a Evolve Matx project. Mostly all my hardware that I keep modding and rebuilding. years after years. I went from a ITX to and open Matx...
Well that certainly didn't take long. 303 done, Pax (aus) done, still had an itch, I got tired of my desk frame I knocked up (intended project,...
Parvus The Specs Mobo: MSI Z270I Gaming Pro Carbon AC CPU: Intel i7-7700k delid GPU: Asus ROG GTX 1080 Strix OC RAM: Corsair Vengeance...
Full-cover, weak-pump-compatible.
Designed with radiators in mind.
Power Color, VTX3D and Club3D compatible.
Hay Guys, Just wondering has anyone else come accross this and what the general feelings are on the subject. EK whom i have purchased quite a...
Hey folks. I have one of the apparently faulty waterblocks from EK. Its a EK-FB EVGA X58 CLASSIFIED fitted to a EVGA Classified3 motherboard....
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