wow seriously this thing is getting better all the time! wish I had the patients and skills to do this!! Don't mind the sanding but I am terrible with measuring
Now when seing the components in place, I realize that this thing is actually much smaller than I imagined. I guess its the close up perspective that fools my brain. What are the dimensions of the case? Anyway, superb work as always.
I'm in love ..............or is that lust A nice sharp side cutter will fix all those unnecessarily long tails
Waynio stonedsurd AnG3L brinkz0r maximus09 PureSilver LooseNeutral [- pio -] You guys seriously make me feel like I just won a Grammy or something. Your comments are much appreciated on this end. Thank you all . Well I started around last Thanksgiving...and I'd say on average I've worked maybe 3 days a week since then on it, probably 5 hours a day? That's a complete ballpark though. What the hell...why didn't I think of that? Genius. All of the acrylic is getting polished. That's going to be the last step since I'm sanding everything all at once. I'll probably do that while the aluminum is getting anodized so I'm not bored . Somewhere on the order of 8.5"x11"x5".
Or, in order to not cut anything at all, why not just add a thick sheet of heavy plastic cut out to size of the PCB?
Originally I wanted the receiver board closer to the aluminum than it is now, due to the solder points. I'll probably shave them down and add a thin piece of plastic to protect against shorting.
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. Due to forseen circumstances, I'm going to have to put the project on hold for about a month. My girlfriend gets back from China tomorrow (gone for 6 weeks...eek!), and then at the end of the month she's moving about 500 miles south. Needless to say, I don't think she would be very happy if I chose to sand rather than spend time with her. On hold we go!
Don't blame you man I don't know how lucky I am being bang in the middle of the uk with everywhere so close compared to a massive land .
Absolutely amazing work, I really can't wait to see how it turns out after you have powder coated it.
Ok I generally like to fully read through a work log then post my opinions complements etc, but I see a problem in most of these designs. Your looking to acrylic the lower area where the BR-D is. Think about what your going to see in that acrylic? Nothing Its going to be a black spot and not show off anything. I honestly think you wont like that look. Have you thought about doing a loop in the upper section breaking up the button placement and surrounding the black area up top? This would not cause problems with the drive opening as well as show off more of the components up front. It also might take away from the button issue I've seen people talking about up to page 6 anyway. Just a thought you might sketch what I'm talking about up and post that unless someone else has already mentioned this. LOL I've only gotten to page six so........ UPDATE!!! Ok guess I got on the voting band wagon too late. Just finished reading the whole log. WOW That is awsome work. Hats off to you from creating something so streamlined out of metal. Subbed!