I want to see this finished, really looking good chap! Saw this over at ST only a week ago for the first time, stands out and what really intrigues me in this one is that you're going to watercool it with copper pipes? I'm finally looking to get into WC myself and want to do the piping in copper or chrome on my i3 gear. Still a lot to read and most of all, getting the time to do it! Great job, will be popping back in to see the developments as they happen!
This will be my 4th copper tubed rig,it has kinda become a defining element of my work.... Good to see you in here!
4, you say? Well I better dig out the other threads over here or on ST! Likewise, good to see you over here too, great work mate!
If anyone is interested,the paint is Plastikote 138S http://www.ffx.co.uk/tools/product/...Fast Dry Enamel Copper 100 Ml 138S googlelink
The cavalry has arrived! Omega Stalker found the money for 2 new 7970's Sad face [off] The pump is going to be plumbed in between the cards to clean it up a little,shiny copper in there will be a looker,you can see why i didnt bother painting the HS,you wont actually see it. The cards sag quite badly so new brackets will have to be made up,no drama there. One of the pair of blocks and plates. The plate looks mint next to that board,I think I will spend some time blocking up tonight! (I love that bit....XD)
Updating! Started the fun bit of tubing this up,I have not made it easy for myself at all but its all coming together. Shame the weather has been so crap recently,cant get outside to do the messy grinding/painting jobs....
Is it just me or is that tube on the top GPU slightly bent? And bad weather? It's 33 degrees celcius here in the netherlands
Yeah,its inline with the edge of the card then rolls in,a 45/45 in that short a space wouldnt look too good
I am starting to understand the copper + white + black combination more and more. Great job! Is it me or are you using both black and silver fittings?