Looking pretty awesome. Love the copper detailing and the white block mount is an inspired touch. That's appalling the seller's doing that. Where did you buy them through? here or fleabay?
White and copper are awesome colours to work with. Good to see you in here Waynio! Not thru here,not sure where to be honest. Its a poor show,im trying with various companies/people to help him out tho. Thanks for stopping by,you wait till i start the copper tubing.....
Really liking the white mobo panel. Too bad you didn't also paint the mobo ASUS heatsink. I really like all the details. Looking to be a great mod
3mm thick copper front plate roughed out for filing... Magoo has given it the once over,he runs a tight ship on quality control.
A little update. The front panel is nearly ready for the buffer,just need to add the chamfers on the edges.
in other news... TO THE BUFFER!! One of the fill ports is slightly out which is annoying as i can really take any more out of the top face of the cover....
Today i did the first cut on the buffer. SAFETY FIRST! Stating with a sisal wheel and brown cutting compound. Load her up.... And let her rip! Looks good right? This is the first cut,I will have to repeat this process as will become clear.... On to the cotton mop with blue compound. Getting there.... Peek a boo! That copper spray is an amazing match! Now that does look good!! You can see that the copper still has imperfections so its coming out again and being redone