I have been slacking,im working long days right now and its taken its toll. Had a cold a couple of weeks ago and its reared its ugly head back up again,I sound like a white Barry White with more mucus than a Hagfish Omega Stalker agrees with you,white does look way better.
I see, get well soon mate! I agree on you, you should fully recover first before getting back to work! Now back to bed!
Sorry its been a bit quiet from me but i have had some heavy work commitments,thankfully im back to normal service!! Which means i have had time to get Omega Stalkers build moving again! So,I cut some 2 mm hole mesh and sprayed it copper for the PSU area of the bottom bay. And got the res back from Pulse modding with shiny new 1/4 ports on the front. I can heartily recommend these guys for a pro service and I will be using him again,I can see why Specialtech use him for their TJ07 modwork. And finally (for today anyway) caustic soda punches EK anodizing in the face... White or copper,not decided yet....... Now im not working stupid hours, i can invest more time into this build and finish this bad boy!!
I'd say white backplates. Copper is nice, but it should not be overdone I like where this is going though
Looking awesome man... Think white for the backplates personally.. maybe you could pick out the text?
Man this thing looks beastly, its been practically a month since I last read it, and it has gone so far... dude I am really diggin that color scheme
Mr B, just lurv the way you pull a theme through the entire build!! those copper accents on the pump tops are looking mighty tasty!! as is this build!! cant wait to see moar! and a nice tip there on pulling the anodizing or removal thereof, i sanded my ass off on mine, kicked myself when I saw that.. have to do it to one more so will be following suit!
Glad you think so Kosovar! Niko thinks i have a problem with EK now.... Its nice,i totally agree,Omega Stalker chose these colours and he chose well Hey Squigs,where you been man? Caustic soda is great,takes off anodizing....fingerprints.....you name it So now i know that this board is a good one,we can start with the paint... Alphacool block with a painted mount. Im not normally one for fancy TIM but i just had to try the current best.. Board in its new home! Little trims as i didnt want to see bare joins or edges. So all need to really do inside is the panel covering the drives and other little details but its coming along now. Externally,The res cover needs to be drilled out and the doors need doing,cant wait to tackle them! Unfortunately both the XFX 7970's were DOA and as they were second hand the seller wants nothing to do with it....so Omega Stalker is hunting ref spec cards,if anyone has a pair that they want to sell cheap then please PM me.