Windows Crysis - An Ironman Walkthrough (img heavy)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Gunsmith, 10 Dec 2009.

  1. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Assault: 3.5
    I head towards the stern of the cruiser where the jammer is located, several KPA here, no big problem.




    Assault: 3.6
    I reach the door to the room with the jammer in as two more kpa come out,Ii take them down before tossing a flashbang in the room, two more come running out but rather then open fire I grab the one and toss him knocking them both overboard, I head in and disable the jammer.






    Assault: 3.7
    strickland wants me to laser target the boat for the airstrike, for shits and giggles I target it with me still on it only to have strickland tell me to get off it first, he calls me a stupid **** :( I do as he says but not before stopping to get a replacement RL.


    Assault: 3.8
    I dive off and swim towards the roof of the storehouse, climbing atop I tag the boat and gleefully watch the airstrike take it out, awesome







    strickland is pleased but wants me to take out the incoming chopper, easy enough, I see it lurking behind the crane psycho is on.

    I take aim and fire, first missile hits, second missile hits but its still not dead, odd, I fire the final missile, the chopper disapears behind the crane and the missile misses, **** **** PISS! ITS STILL ALIVE!

    now ive got a problem, ive got no RL's and a really pissed off KPA chopper hunting me, I cant think where the nearest RL is, I check hte map, if my memory serves me well its at the other side of the harbour, FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU panicing I speedleap off the roof and onto a large waterpipe near the storehouse before leaping down and racing inside the storehouse to avoid the choppers wraith.

    I forgot to turn fraps on so theres no screenshots of me failing and fleeing :(

    Assault: 3.9
    I stick the underslung grenade launcher on the FY and prepare to head out and tango with it the HARD way, if i stick to running around the crane I should have plenty of cover, my heart is racing now, the minigun on hte front you can run away from but if I launches missiles at me then im pretty much ****ed :(



    Assault: 4.0
    i get to the door of the storeroom and select the underslung, i take a deep breath before cloaking and heading out, im half expecting to get my arse shot off, I hear the chopper but I cant see it, I look around and suddenly ive got strickland in my ear congratulating me for securing the harbour, im thinking wtf, suddenly from the side of the storehouse and partially masked by the sun I see V-TOLS, sweet jesus, they've scared the chopper away, IM SAVED! ****ING AWESOME!! i bask in the glory as they come in to land.



    I've got new orders to go meet strickland around the back of the base.

    Assault: 4.1
    I swim back over to the otherside of the harbor and see the V-TOLS taking small arms fire from KPA forces, seems I'm going to have to fight my way there.




    Assault: 4.2
    I come across the back of a jeep, tossing a grenade in it I open fire with the FY forcing the occupants into trying to fire at me as opposed to fleeing from the grenade, the jeep is destroyed in the hella impressive blast and I charge onwards.



    quickly reloading i poke my head around the side of the train cars and open up on two more KPA before spotting a jeep distracted with a V-TOL, I leap atop the car and try to get a shot off at its fuel can but im spotted and hit hard several times, the suit soaks it up as i slide off and patch up,





    cloaking I leap over the traincar couplings and grab an RL, whilst prepping it the jeep has gone back to shooting at the V-TOL, with its attention elsewhere I launch an RL at it, its dead.





    no more ****ing around now, I put on the speed shoes and peg it out and over the fence to meet up with strickland.




    tis the first time ive seen strickland and is it me or does it look like a wife beating uncle? nm, strickland tells psycho that J-soc has another assignment for him (and this is where Crysis Warhead starts from) and that he now wants me to pilot a tank and head up the vally with the convoy.




    oh goody, toys. stricky blows a hole in the sealed tunnel and re roll on out into ONSLAUGHT :)


    assault is a fun map that you can plan with quite a few tactics on but only really comes into its own in the harbor. the end with the undying chopper genuinly scared the **** outta me as I've never before been in that situation before. the relief of having the V-TOLS scare it off was genuinly amazing.

    Cant wait to see how things go in onslaught :D
  2. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I'm genuinely awestruck, the level you just finished had me dying about five times and the upcoming Onslaught at least 20 times. Good luck!
  3. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    I just finished awakening last night, next up is the alien ship :D
  4. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Onslaught 0.1

    WE'VE GOT TANKS! LETS **** **** UP! strickland wants me to get to a train station up the vally and i intend on doing it fists swinging!


    actually no, I jest, ive been dreading this level almost as much as i am getting through the sphere. theres lots and lots of insta-kill being thrown around here so im going to be a bit of a ******* and leave a lot of the fighting to the allied forces.

    Onslaught: 0.2
    firing up the tank i head out of the tunnel and follow another tank down the train tracks, it gets so far before heading into the vally and having an immidiate fight with a tank in the trees.






    I offer explosive assistance :D



    Onslaught: 0.3
    with that tank dead I get out and leap atop of mine to bi-noc the vally, I can see stuff moving around but im at too great a range to tag anything, I hop back in the tank and carry on down the tracks






    Onslaught 0.4
    bump into a kpa tank on the tracks who inst pleased to see me, Its one of hte smaller tanks the KPA have. primary weapon isnt too leathal to a tank but its secondary missile is devastating if it hits, the nice offset wit hthat is its armour on hte body is light and even lighter on the turret, you can one-shot it with a direct hit to the turret.





    Onslaught 0.5
    checkpoint ahead, theres some kpa here with a jeep, I take them out but not before recieving an RL from some kpa on top of the cliff overlooking the checkpoint, some machinegun fire should sort those.




    Onslaught 0.6
    with the vally to my right I manuever the lumbering tank around the tank traps, sure enough im exposed to the vally and exchange fire with some KPA armor below.




    I proceed past the checkpoint only to get entangled on the remains of the jeep, with my arse baring all to the vally I start panicing as enemy ordinance starts coming my way, thankfully thier aim is lousy and I manage to free myself unscathed.



  5. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Onslaught: 0.7
    the tracks are destroyed and i can go no further, i have to go down into the vally, i take the opportunity to fire upon some tanks mingling around when the gunner atop of my tank spots 2 RL wielding KPA coming out of trees to my left, i plant the throttle before being hard on the brakes, the inertia is enough to bring the tanks guns into line with them and working with my gunner we tear them to pieces with MG's



    Ive got no choice but the head into the vally.

    Onslaught 0.8
    heading into the vally proved painful as I get attacked at by everyone and i mean EVERYONE!, taking hits i manage to throw the tank around and head back up to the destroyed tracks, im not going down there again, I dump the tank and head on by foot, allied forces can deal with KPA armour for all I care

    see all the little circles on the radar? thats inoming death, I dont like incoming death as incoming death means death and death is bad mmmkay?















    Onslaught 0.9
    consulting the map I have absolutly no idea where i am going, normally I fight this head on in my tank but now im terrified on going down into the vally. this is going to be a unique experiance, and probably a brown trouser one.




    Onslaught 1.0
    I reach the trainstation, interestingly enough ive never come this way before.




    Theres a world of **** by the entrance, 1 tank and omg lol kpa numbers, I'm going to try get a better view, I spot several kpa launching rl's at allied armour in the distance, if I cant take them out quietly I should make it easier for my guys to get in there and take on the entrance, the distraction would help me in taking everything else out.



    some rocket launchers in the distance as well. time to move position



    Onslaught 1.1
    I take aim at the rocket launchers before noticing they loo different, I check the map again, lol those arent kpa, those are my guys.




    I turn my attention to the KPA at the entrance and start taking them down, with them down I prep my RL and hope I can destroy that tank at this distance.




    Allied tanks are incoming, i better take them down quickly before they can RL my guys.






    now for the tank.


    Onslaught 1.2
    no joy, only had 2 rockets in the launcher, at least I've softened it up for allied troops to kill, now to turn my attention to the train station itself,

  6. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Onslaught 1.3
    I bi-noc one sniper tower and a jeep, i snipe the tower and taking off the silencer (i need the power) I go for the jeep



    it rolls away out of sight so i'll have to wait for it to come back out from hiding.



    aha! there you are! I shoot out the tire to stop it from moving away again and take out the gunner, I try pop the fuel can but i just cant get the angle, the driver gets out but doesnt get far.




    Onslaught 1.4
    I head down the hill towards the station when I see a small ammo cache, some C4 and FY ammo, its ballsy but I have a plan,





    enabling cloak I head towards it, I dont know how but it spots me and turns its main gun at me, I go prone as it fires a volly of MG rounds over me, I **** myself.


    Onslaught 1.5
    those allied units on the hill behind it fire an RL at something, the tank is distracted and points the other way, excellent, I sneak up and lace the tank with C4 before hiding and detonating it.





    Onslaught 1.6
    strickland is pleased and commands all allied forced to move up the vally and take over the train station.

    Onslaught 1.7
    Whilst the allied forces are moving up the vally I head towards the station, Theres a mine field surrounding everything but the front door has no reasonable cover over there so I opt to play in the mine field instead, climbing atop the train carrage I max speed leap over the mine before proceeding to clean out the station of kpa, theres quite a few to boot.







    whilst in the house I see another group of KPA coming down the hill, I poke my head out and take a peek.


    OH ****! ITS A MG NEST! I bail as bullets come skimming through the door.



    the MG fire stops abruptly, odd, I bi-noc the nest under cloak. no one there.


    ahh excellent, air support :D


    Onslaught 1.8
    allied forces join in and we have a jolly good sing song with the kpa for around 5 mins, we secure the train station with strickland once again pleased, hes not offering cigars tho as he wants me to destroy a box car blocking the path, its full of ammo, should be fun :D



    Last edited: 26 Dec 2009
    Elton likes this.
  7. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Man Epic walkthrough.

    Love the commentary too. A beautiful game that interestingly was quite open ended, although was still bashed for lack of gameplay.

    C4'ing tanks is a ballsy move man.
  8. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    the "lack of gameplay" imo was gamers with a lack of patience. unlike modern bollocks 2, Crysis doesnt spoon feed you simplistic gameplay, instead It gives you a gun, dumps you in the world with a list of objectives and tells you to get on with it.

    Half the fun is discovering everything inbetween and just when you think you have the game sussed it throws something different at you.

    I garuntee my next play through will be different to this one. :D

    not as ballsy as having a fist fight with General Kyong and his minigun :thumb:
    Last edited: 24 Dec 2009
  9. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Every single playthrough I've had with this game always ended with me getting lost in the forest at some point.

    Indeed half the fun is discovering new things, there's just so much detail in that, (I can name like 30 ways to get to the docks in the first level 30!!).
  10. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Onslaught 1.9
    another tank, excellent, play time

    firing it up strickland orders us into the next vally and towards a tank depot (!), I trundle on and dive off the road and along the train tracks. theres a loud rumble which shakes the tank and my nerves.





    I know what it is but im still on edge atm, the mountain ahead of us starts coming apart, theres a toy inside it, a bit like a kinder suprise before they went naff.


    Onslaught 2.0
    there are choppers hovering around here.


    if your aim is good you can take em down with the tanks main gun :D


    I take one down before spotting a tank on the tracks ahead of me, its some distance away so its aim is rough.



    Onslaught 2.1
    firing away im suddenly shunted in the ass, WTF!?


    bloody road hog, he rams me like a woman driver before driving off, still havent taken that tank down, i continue firing.



    Onslaught 2.2
    I roll onwards taking out another chopper as i go. strickland again, theres AAA in the vally that need to be taken out, airsupport is a no go until they are dealt with, fine. I roll on and come across 2 kpa in a gun emplacement, they're toast, puny humans :D






    my antics have pissed off every KPA tank in the vally so they start shelling my area, they cant aim for **** and keep hitting the hill im on, im not sure if i should return fire or roll on and leave them for allied forces.

    Last edited: 25 Dec 2009
  11. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Onslaught 2.3
    I roll on and come across two of my guys firing into the vally below, I shoot at a chopper before taking several critical hits, 84% damage, EEEEJECTING!





    Onslaught 2.4
    I dump the tank and head over to my allied friends, cloaking I binoc the vally, lots of **** rolling aroung in there, hello whats this I see






    ahhh, found one of the AAA guns, I prep my RL and fire at it, it takes 3 hits to bring it down. need another RL so I trek back to where I took down those KPA in the MG hut, I think one of them had an RL over his shoulder before I blew his arse out of his ears.






    Onslaught 2.5
    sure enough he does, and its fresh with all 3 shots intact, I spot a tank driving up to my position, time to leave.




    I reach my battered tank and check the map, hmm ive another plan, which is good as having a plan makes me feel a little more calm, + being up here means im out of direct fire from KPA tanks, I head south and follow the tracks.




    Onslaught 2.6
    I see a train checkpoint ahead, approaching cautiously I still feel a little jumpy with all the tank play behind me.



    I spot a lone face hiding in the rocks, hmm looks like it was carrying a precision rifle, that could have hurt.



    Onslaught 2.7
    I spy with my little sniping eye, another kpa, hes in the vally below isolated, why not its only one shot, my aim is clean and true, no sooner does he fall then a kpa tank rolls out of the bushes, its gun pointing straight at me, OH ****! I can almost hear Ackbar screaming at me:






    I get up and bolt as it opens fire on me, it hits the ground next to me and im caught in the blast, **** **** gotta get away!


    I peg it and drop to the ground, its ordinace passes over me and starts tearing chunks out of the tree where that kpa sniper was, i give it a second for the suit to patch me up as it stops firing and moves on to other targets, thank god for that


  12. bagman

    bagman Minimodder

    18 Apr 2009
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    this is the best walk thorugh i have ever read it is exerlent and quite amusing reading about you trying to complete crysis on the hardest mode quite impressive so far
  13. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    I love this! It totally changes the way the game is played. I used to do this on Farcry, although I wasn't man enough to make it "hardcore mode" so I was able to load my check points when I died :)

    It makes the game way more fun, as you have to methodically work your way through every single encounter. I remember in FarCry creeping up through the grass, no stealth mode, ever so slowly making my way towards a lone guard. I knew if I alerted him, all hell would break loose so I had to sneak up on him like a snake in the grass. Once within inches of him, I had to quickly and efficiently make the kill before his buddies down in the valley or the foes inside of the dilapidated castle on patrol would notice it.

    It was a lot of sneaking around and sniping/knifing. Tons of fun.
  14. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Onslaught 2.8

    Start humming the A-Team, Ive got a plan

    1. take out the sniper nest sitting atop the highest point of the vally overlooking the point 2.
    2 take out the souther AAA site using C4 chages
    3. firing at the eastern AAA from my souther position with RL's
    4. make a cup of tea and nom some biscuits.


    Onslaught 2.9
    the sniper tower:




    CHEEKY SON OF A BITCH! :miffed:


    Onslaught 3.0
    the southern AAA gun.






    arse, cant see the other gun from here, i head back to the snipers nest to spot it.



    Onslaught 3.1
    I climb atop and spot my target, three rockets later and strickland is pleased, hes calling in an airstrike on the tank depot but he needs me to laser target it, done, im already in position :D




    Onslaught 3.2



    F**K YEAH!!

  15. yakyb

    yakyb i hate the person above me

    10 Oct 2006
    Likes Received:
    hey gunsmith what the latest with this?
  16. Sheiken

    Sheiken Wat?

    9 Jan 2005
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    He is engaged in Dirt 2 ;)
  17. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    nonsense ive just been busy over the xmas period, I've gotten as far as Core but the write up needs updating. i'll see what i can do later on today :)
  18. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
    Likes Received:
    Only just caught up on this, that final "AMERICA!" comment made me lol :)

    Gogo alien levels, I want to taste your tears of defeat!
  19. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    you can taste the semen of victory, i just did core :thumb::hehe::hehe:
  20. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    right, lets get on with this shall we?

    onslaught: 3.3

    Strickland tells me theres a V-TOL landing nearby which has a nice toy for me to play with, oooo i'll check it out in a sec as i need to do some hardcore sniping first. :rock:






    right, with Laurel and Hardy dead, lets get to that V-TOL. its a bit of a hike so I'll "aquire" this jeep :D




    now then lets see what ol' Stricky has given us

    Onslaught: 3.4



    its a RAIL GUN, she is now my very favourite gun, and i shall name her VERA. the only problem is what do i drop in order to take it? I decide on the FY as its a common weapon, i'll use the SCAR for assault and stealth as Im not really going to have much use for it after the next level.

    It really is a Very Pretty Toy :D


    Onslaught: 3.5

    strickland wants me to get to the mine to rescue the last hostages, theres some KPA resistance from the remains of the tank depot so I sneak around leaving allied forces to mop up instead.






    I nick an RL from a fallen KPA and head towards the mine.


    Onslaught: 3.6

    KPA checkpoint ahead, lots of mines, MG nests and other goodies, we head in and take it over with a V-TOL overhead making it a lot easier then it should be.








    with the checkpoint clear I pass through, the mountain coming apart has destroyed the road completly, I drop down and inform strickland that he'll need earth movers from the harbor to proceed, looks. I head into Awakening on my own.




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