Welcome to the joy of colours, no more sadly grey First shadows and details painted. Still left a lot of work, but you can get the idea. The fact is that i don`t want to add too much colours, like in the front Dark Grey and Gore Red as main colours and only some touches with others colours in the relevant areas. Then some dry brushing, metal bits, lights... The pics: More tomorrow.
argh thats wicked there kumo, wouldnt expect any less of you. Shuttle guru in my eyes =D Keep it up ~~~~
Thanks! It's late and i'm tired, tomorrow i'll resume it. When finished i'll post some bigger pics. I hope you like it.
Great mod dude! I wish I had time (and money) to buy a SFF PC and mod it, meanwhile I'll keep my 5 year old chieftec <lang=spanish> Tio, peazo mod. ya me gustaria tener tiempo y pasta para pillarme pc nuevo y modearlo un poco. de momento seguire con mi chieftec de 5 años PD: molaria ver algun mod tuyo en la campus, has pensado ir el año que viene? </lang>
Thanks! The time is worther than money. Don't think a standar SFF is so much expensive than a regular system. Some of the components are the same, like GPU or watercooling system, in add in a bigger tower, you maybe put bigger (and expensive) radiators and pumps or PSU, etc... [spaish mode on] No te creas que es tan caro, parte de los componentes tendrias que ponerlos en un pc de tamaño norma de igual manera. Lo mas "caro" es el tiempo que inviertes en hacerlo. La Campus Party aun me pilla un poco lejos. Ya veremos el año que viene. Desde luego este mod si que es transportable comodamente [/off]
My face is getting red with those comments Turtle step painting... Two pics of the progress, sides detailed: Tomorrow i`ll fight with the top. As you can see, no too much colorful, only little details. Comments acepted Also i recived some reinforcements today. I ordered water wetter as aditive to solve the probelm with the pump of the last week. I replaced the transparent coolsleves for a red ones (little pinkish maybe) that i think will match better with red of the water wetter and the red touches in the case. Tomorrow i`ll refill the loop, when i found the correct mix distilled water/water wetter. More soon.
Looking excellent, can't wait to see some more details as the paint has really tied the case together.
Kumo, I do mostly Warhammer stuff now. I've done eldar and space marines (my own chapter) and I'm working on a set of demon-hunter terminator marines currently. I understand when you say they take along time; I usually at least 20 hours a model. I've also done a few mods (console mods mostly), modeling skills really help. Anyway, great mod so far, I look forward to updates. ...I need to get an airbrush
Great Job! - It does look like part of the Nostromo! lol - blackbox on the way. Kumo - could you send me a larger image, I'd like to save it in my archive, maybe use it as a desktop image. -ric
The "Hispano Mod" lobby Like the Sopranos, but with dremels XDDD Bootupbuddha, larger images of the finished mod will be posted at the end (soon...). If you want a larger size (or a larger beer) of the posted until now, tell me wich, and i'll send it to you Desktop image.... What honour!
A little update today. I`ve refilled the system with the distilled water / water wetter mix (about one cap for 1/2l of water). A little foamy at the begining. Maybe the water wetter? Maybe the lack of rez? After a while with the pump (standalone) powered and some refills more, the foam/bubbles gone. The full loop takes about a quarter of litre, only. Ah! Yes. Pro refill system powerade bottle and water wetter More this weekend.
I must say, this turned out better than I thought it would! Great job on the painting! Now you just have to add a throbbing circuit to the system and make red LEDs around the meshed areas. It will give it that mars station eiry feel like in the movies.