i want to play mw2 and i will get the game but i will not play online until some one cracks or get around the server issues i love the fact there using steam that's good but if valve games let ppl use mods and custom content why are they forcing us to use the iw.net servers
I'm still not grasping why people would buy half a game for full price, in the vain hope that the company behind it will add in the extra details later. Let me ask you this - if a car dealership sold you a couple of decent cars that you liked, then you went back for your 3rd car, and they sold you one without an engine, and told you that was how you were getting your cars from now on, wouldn't you go to a different dealership?
Oooh, a lot of anger in this thread... I'm rubbish at multiplayer games as I don't have the time or patience to get good. Nor is it fun getting slaughtered by 14yr old's calling me noobfag or some such nonsense. But I get the point. Perhaps the one thing that will effect me is the occasional time I do want to play online, I won't be able to find a nice quiet server to go on with friends and avoid the masses...
You use the word 'fanboys' as an insult, yet ironically, it merely accentuates the issue. If, according to you, the CoD faithful are upset about this turn of events - surely this is an absolute disaster. If your entire core user-base disagrees with your decision, then it it can't be construed as anything other than a huge mistake. All the claims of Piracy being the issue, CoD:MW still sold like hot-cakes. There was a huge number of pre-orders, and regardless of the estimates of piracy, the sales that the PC version made would have justified the development on it's own. If you factor in console sales, it was undoubtedly IW's biggest payday. I'm not sure what the sales estimates for MW2 but I'd guessimate in excess of 2m units. I'm not sure what effect this boycott would have, but I'd reckon that more 75% of potential customers are displeased. If anywhere near that number refused to buy, it would be devastating for the devs. Lets not pretend that we need IW/Activision more than they need us. There are plenty of other developers and plenty of other games. Absolute tosh! In the last month before launch, they aren't going to design and introduce proper MP support. If they managed to wedge it in, in a patch before Christmas, it will be nothing more than hacked CoD4 code, which can't be good. Because it is not true. The PC customer base is far too big ot be ignored. I'm sure IW would love for PC gamers to dumb down to consoles, but it isn't going to happen. So while there is a customer base, they will try to tap into it, before someone else does. This logic is flawed. IW aren't concerned about whether people play the MP game; they are concerned solely about sales. While there are few idealists involved in PC gaming, almost all devs are centred on shipping units (though PC gaming is also used to push the technological boundaries in the same way that F1 does). Buying the game and playing only SP (for the same 6hrs CoD4 took!) will be justification of IW's decision. The only sensible option is to not buy the game, and buy someone else's game instead. Nothing will hurt IW/Activision more than giving money to Bioware, DICE, Valve or A.N.Other Studio. [Christ! Did you see that?! IW are even making DICE look virtuous!] A fair analogy. Like you said, would you really buy the car in the hope that the dealership will see sense and retrofit an engine? Do you think that once the car has be paid for that the dealer will give a monkey's about you? Clearly the solution is not to steal (pirate) the car, but to buy a better car from a better dealership.
Just passed 95,000 signatures! I doubt they are going to change it but atleast you can see how many people are pissed about this lol.
i see the future i see the future me thinks coming to a dedicatedCOD4 server soon......MODERNWAREFARE2 the MOD... watch this space... hardcore gamers dont die they adapt thats why theres such a thing as multiplayer gaming in all forms the only ppl this will hurt is iw and activision unless your a single player gamer and most of them buy second hand games now days
As others have said, this petition probably won't have much affect on IW. On the other hand, if it stops even one dev/publisher from going down this road it'll be worth it! Read for a nice fuzzy feeling :-http://www.infinityward.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=126956
How do you know they haven't done it already and removed it. Adding it back in could be a case of a bit of copy+paste... And even if it's not in there yet; it is the same engine and I'm willing to bet, the same menu interface, perhaps with a bit of a spring clean, but underneath it will be essentially the same. How much work could it really be for such a large developer?
We've speculated on the reasons for the omission, but clearly it wasn't done on a whim. Devs won't develop two competing systems and then arbitrarily omit one of them - they haven't the time for such luxuries/such follies. There is certainly a possibility the CoD:MP net code code could be revived, but it still isn't a trivial task. More pertinently, they would be setting a precedent of sorts with such a big U-turn; I don't think they would want to lose face. I think they will stick with their decision and be damned.
Somewhere in California: IW dev1: Hey bro, what's up! IW dev2: The PC crowd's getting all riled up again IW dev1: Really? I didn't notice IW dev2: They caught wind of dropping dedicated server support, paid DLC, and matchmaking. IW dev1: So what are they gonna do sign a petition, boycott us? Both: [laugh hysterically] IW dev1: Seriously they don't get it, they're the minority. Console gaming is our baby now, I mean we can piss and **** all over those retards and they don't wince, whine or complain like proper bitches. IW dev2: I know isn't reality awesome.
Just for the record, i'm still buying modern warfare 2, and am quite looking forward to seeing what IWnet will bring. Left 4 Dead manages with no dedicated servers or private matches, and from what I can understand, this will just be like that but with more players. I've played COD4 on consoles and it wasn't too bad tbh - finding a game was easy and while it was (a) rubbish as it used a game pad and (b) full of racist, homophobic teenagers, that's just Xbox Live users in general. Do I like dedicated servers? Yeah, they're OK. I'd understand Clans getting upset that they can't have a public server to call home, but for me I personally don't care as long I can play the game and pwn some newbs with my G3. IWnet isn't the end of PC gaming, it's a necessary evolution. Piracy for COD4 took the piss, IW have told us this by publishing the piracy rates. If someone was stealing bit-tech's content (HI CHINA!) I'd sure as hell want to figure out a way to stop people reproducing it for free. IW are just trying to safe guard their game (although the high price tag does grate a little - exchange rate my arse). In the end, I'll still buy and play MW2 online. The game is simply too good to ignore. If it means I have to change the way I play online a bit because too many people thieved the game, then so be it.
@cjmUK, It upsets me to see people say that developers only care about the sale, because it's not true. Publishers, perhaps, but no one goes into game development to make money. It's for the passion of doing it and the reward that comes with people playing and loving your game. If IW don't swing this around after more than 100,000 signatures then there are larger forces at work, I would almost guarantee it.
Completely agree. I imagine a lot of people will go and buy the game shortly after release when they hear other people having fun on it who didn't rage and cancel their order. People will feel like they are missing out. It's still the same gameplay, so if you liked mw1 not buying it is just silly imo.
As I discussed with Harry the other day though, Activision hasn't unveiled any plans for what will be in IWNet though. He's likely correct in his assumptions of a chat, friends and invite systems for private matches - but there's still no confirmation that any of these important details will be integrated into IWNet. It could easily be less Steamworks and more Games For Windows Live. As for Left 4 Dead - it has a huge number of Valve-made dedicated servers, plus the option for LANs and private matches. Again, IWNet isn't confirmed on any of these fronts and, while I trust IW as much as I trust Valve, I can't say I trust Activision the same as I trust Valve.
Well, quite. But even if they did have some features that would appease a lot of the dissenters (though for most people it's a make or break issue), doesn't it seem odd, and an almighty cock up on their part, that they didn't release that information at the same time as announcing there would be no dedicated servers. Dedicated servers or no dedicated servers, I think their whole PR team needs to be shot, if they even have one that is.
i wont be surprised as well if alot of people who said they cancelled their order actually didnt,lol yeah dedicated servers are fun, same as baz, alot of clans will be pissed, but hey, if its actually good, I really dont care if I can't setup my own LAN game (im actually ok with the workaround on left4dead to enable LAN gaming, I wont be surprised if a similar work around will come around for MW2) but its quite silly for pc gamers to go against console gamers and vice versa, its just not right,lol, hey we are all gamers here..
Well I agree somebody goes into a game dev job for passion, doing something you like. But....... any commercial company is driven by business people. My assumption is: to retain teh CoD series and develop future ones, IW had to present Activision with a new innovative and lucrative business model. I assume they all liked the idea of IW.Net because it's already deplyed on the consoles and it may cut down piracy. But online gaming on console platforms followed this system since day 1, not so for PC games. Cnsole users don't know any other system than the current. But for us it's a disaster, as we always had our dedicated servers and communities. That's why we opt for PC and we spend hundreds or thousands on SLI's, Water Cooling. Just to have the ultimate experience. And to me a PC FPS without dedicated server support is like drinking decaf Cofee. Pretty pointless...................
They responded. http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2009/10/20/modern-warfare-2-dedicated-server-response.aspx I give them a big middle finger.