259 comments? LOL, get a life people, it's a game, not the Apocalypse, LMAO, gamers are all little drama queens.
I made the mistake of buying Medal of Honor Airborne. It was a dire, buggy, boring chore to play single player. Nothing more than a terrible port of a console version. Multiplayer had worse graphics and ran like some kind of bizarre dial-up game. It disappeared shortly after. MW2 looks like it is making the same mistake, but with the PS3 slim in time for Christmas and all those console players wanting a shooting game to go with it, I don't think they give a flying crap about PC gamers as that is not where the money is!
There is no facepalm in exsistance big enough to describe that response... or the interviewer and editors of that site... utterly gobsmacked...
Greetings! Exactly. Thats why I dropped L4D and returned to TF2. It can take 30 minutes to get a proper server.
People are upset that IW has essentially crippled a game they have loved and enjoyed, and on top of that are expected to pay more than they should for it. Obviously people are going to want to discuss it. You comment makes no sense and is actually quite hypocritical. Frankly, I think the fact you are bothered that other people are upset about a company screwing them over indicates that you are the one that needs to get a life. Do you really have nothing better to do than insult people online because they care about something you don't?
L4D limps by using dedicated servers. As soon as someone tries to run locally, the latency shoots up and everyone leaves. P2P L4D does not work at all. First of all, why should we trust their piracy estimates? There is absolutely nothing about IWNet that is necessary, except from the fact that it tries to prevent piracy. L4D suffers through it's choice of p2p matching over dedicated servers, But TF2 (and any number of other Steam games) provide a dedicated server system that is resistant to piracy - you don't see Valve having to quote piracy rates, do you? QFT!
Yep. I haven't played a pub game of L4D pretty much after the 1st week of purchase. I cant imagine how frustrating it'll be when you need a good 15-20+ players needed to get a game going.
EPIC FAILURE. That's both my 2 cents and all there is to it. I really hope IW accidentally hires even a single person with any common sense and they drop this ********. I'm expecting the pirates to find a way around it anyway.... Somehow.
I was really anticipating this ...... MW2 could've easily become one of the greatest PC experience in modern gaming history....alas.... all gone Very sad....... I stuck with the series since day 1. Never liked the consoles multi player, but always knew I could go back to my PC and play in the server(s) I liked
Yeah, I LOL'd at that too, I can't believe such a moronic statement came from an official source at IW. More details of IWNET can be found here: http://www.fourzerotwo.com/?p=745 Most of it just sounds like marketing guff and nothing we didn't already know. I've played the console version of CoD4 and it sounds like pretty much exactly the same system as that. Still a far cry from dedicated servers
I pre ordered this which is rare for me. Becouse I thought COD 4 online was great, main game was good but too short, IW were doing it and there was NO way this could fail. Never knew I could be so wrong, how can you have the game of the year on your hands and then poo all over it and then rub your customers nose in it. looks like you live and learn. last time I pre order any thing with out demo and glowing reviews.
This. Except i don't intend to purchase until i hear how this "IWnet" is. If its rubbish i won't bother, simple as. I still don't see the point in removing dedicated servers though they could have easily been left in.
L4D always had dedicated servers, but you couldn't pick because matchmaking did it for you. It's pretty much fixed now.
Wow, seriously? I guess it does make it more difficult, but as someone who played competitively in vs that was a Godsend, survivors had a major advantage when they could melee spam and it was quite frustrating. Now all they need to do is import the spitter from L4D2 so that the survivors can't bunch up and camp one spot and it will be nice and balanced... after a year. Sigh. I might just end up picking up L4D2 anyway now that MW2 is crossed off my list of potential purchases. That 4 pack is damn cheap, especially compared to MW2.
I have never seen proof that piracy actually dents sales significantly. Many people who pirate wouldnt actually by the product in the first place as they dont have the money, especially when it comes to China (which I am travelling in currently) (every internet cafe has maybe 50 games on every pc all pirated but if they were not pirated they would not be there as they dont make enough to pay for them. Its only 20-50 cents an hour.) so these arent lost sales. So numbers of people who have pirated times cost of product does not equal lost revenue and companies need to get it into their thick skulls that this is not the case.
We are ****ing gamers not drama queens. Im sure when Mary Kay stopped carrying your favorite color eyeshadow you stopped doing so much drag. (damn just noticed his ass got banned) Any ways this is a blatant attack on pc gaming, the dedicated servers I could almost accept but bundle that with no LAN and it is apparent they are trying to force us to buy on consoles. I was going to buy it on PC and PS3 but both of those pre-orders are now canceled and I will make everyone I know aware as to why.