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Equipment Nikon D40 SLR 6.1MP !!!

Discussion in 'Photography, Art & Design' started by ComputerKing, 15 May 2007.

  1. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="http://forums.bit-tech.net/images/smilie

    8 Sep 2006
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    OK Getting S2 or S3 I think the cheapper is better ;) I will post what will happen ... thanks very much for the help
  2. hughwi

    hughwi Minimodder

    23 Dec 2003
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    Indeed, if i were you CK i would get yourself a point and shoot from a well known manufacturer like canon, sony, nikon or olympus, you really cant go too wrong! and definately try some out before you buy one, as at the end of the day, it doesnt matter if it "give kickass photos" if its uncomfortable to use! If you want a decent camera, go for a Canon Powershot of some sort.
  3. 8-BALL

    8-BALL Theory would dictate.....

    6 Nov 2001
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    Computerking, I would suggest caution when asking which camera to buy. There are an awful lot of fanboys out there who will throw names of models from their favourite brand at you without any form of justification as to why it would be the camera for you.

    It is important not to judge a camera's image quality based on the size of the manufacturers marketing budget, or their association with top end pro models. Yes, a lot of top end pro sports photographers use a Canon 1d, but there aren't many cameras out there that can match it for low light high frame rate usage (I often wonder how many have bought a 1d because they already have a bag full of expensive canon glass from the days of film as well?). This is a VERY specific application and does NOT mean all canon cameras are the best for every type of photography. I have yet to see a shot from a canon or Nikon that would match a similar shot from a Fuji, Sigma or Olympus in terms of colour rendition, dynamic range and sheer popping out of the paper factor. Yes canon sensors are phenomenal in low light, but for a well lit subject, I find their images to be flat, lacking a certain "je ne sais quoi". It's all about doing YOUR research based on how YOU plan to use YOUR camera. By all means, ask for advice, but remember, most people will offer recommendations based on how THEY use a camera. This is where it gets tricky because it can be quite hard to truly know how you plan to use a camera before you have it in your hands.

    One true advantage of Canon and Nikon, in my opinion, is the availability of lenses and accessories everywhere you go. I recently spent several months in the Philippines and had the pleasure of time to get to know my camera (Olympus e500). Now I will be the first to admit, if the light isn't there, I leave it at home, but in good lighting, the images are fantastic. Something about Olympus colour. And equally, if low light performance was my top and ONLY priority, I would surely get a canon straight away. But I'm getting off my point. I decided that I would rather like a nice wide angle lens to take in some of the striking vistas, and having done my research and decided on a lens, I set out with cash in hand to find it. Could I find it? Could I bollocks! Now before anyone states the obvious that I should have got it mailorder, I ask you if you have ever tried to get anything mailed to the philippines in short order. Anyway, during my search, I came across tiny stores that carried practically the entire canon and Nikon lens and accessory lineup. To me, that IS an advantage of big brands.

    But seeing as you have established you won't be getting an SLR, availability of lenses is no longer an issue, allowing you to weigh up the benefits of various cameras based on their performance and image quality alone.

    The fuji super ccd sensor is one of the best out there and the fuji hybrid cameras (the type you are looking at) are fantastic and highly regarded. As are the Panasonics. The Pansonic FZ range are also fantastic and produce beautiful images.

    In fact, I have heard more good talked about the top end fuji and panasonic hybrids than pretty much anything else out there. A lot of people seem to have recommended the Canon Powershot G7. True the old (and discontinued) G5 was a FANTASTIC camera, but find me someone who sold their G5 to fund an upgrade to a G7 who is truly happy. A good example of where the Megapixel race has caused image quality to come a distant second in terms of marketing priorities.

    Anyway, it sounds like you are spending a decent amount of money on a camera you are clearly excited about getting. Research accordingly. Go to some good review sites, look at sample images, find mates with similar cameras and try them out. Try out cameras in store (you may have to buy yourself a memory card so you can take your test shots home and study them) and REALLY think about how the camera feels in your hand, how the controls fall under your fingertips. I can't stress how important this last part is. With time, your camera should grow to become an extension of your body. You shouldn't need to take the camera away from your eye to find that oddly placed button.

    Most of all, whatever camera you buy, don't spend your time feeding your consumer ego reading up on how good it is or isn't. Go out and use it. With time, as your talent grows and you learn the limitations of your camera, you will find you can do almost anything with it.

    I hope this helps, and good luck with your purchase.


    EDIT: sorry, didn't realise that had turned into such an essay! :worried:
  4. Atomic

    Atomic Gerwaff

    6 May 2002
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    So true.
  5. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="http://forums.bit-tech.net/images/smilie

    8 Sep 2006
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    8-ball you Just A KICKASS DUDE !! you are the best camera help guy !!!

    WOW I got all I want from your post, hell I will go out better than Internet reading, trying in the stores is the best :D

    thanks very very very much for your help
  6. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="http://forums.bit-tech.net/images/smilie

    8 Sep 2006
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    I think I will go with W55 or W80 or W90.... All of them are good Sony cameras :D

    now my dad have to choise one of them :duh: I want the W90 hehehehhe :clap:

    Thanks very much guys :D
  7. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    Hurry up and show us some fuKINGing photos.
  8. OleJ

    OleJ Me!

    1 Jul 2007
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    LOL I love this thread! Thank you Computerking. I hope your new camera makes you happy :)
  9. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="http://forums.bit-tech.net/images/smilie

    8 Sep 2006
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    hey I want conform about the sony W90!!!

    any one say It's good cam because I tried it at the store it look awesome but I read some review they say that it sux!! the battery and flash

    so give me conform :D
  10. Nath

    Nath Your appeal has already been filed.

    28 Dec 2003
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    If you've tried it and like it, buy the thing. It's not rocket science. :(
  11. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="http://forums.bit-tech.net/images/smilie

    8 Sep 2006
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    yeah It's kickass camera No wrong with it!! I love it!

    okay mr nath :D tomrrow I will buy it and I will take some photos for my staion and computer then I will go to my long holiday :D

    :clap::clap::clap: thanks for help you are the best :D

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