That was almost second nature to me by now. I routinely still scan animals and plants on every new planet that I land on. I get thousands of credits for each one, although I no longer have much need of them, got an extremely rich save for credits, nanites and quicksilver now. As soon as I land anywhere I jump out and scan straight away, gets things logged if nothing else.
I do that too, but I didn't go to every Exotic planet, some systems I just jumped through. I always go to the Space Stations and warp out and back so I keep them on my list, but as it's Outlaw systems and systems with no Space Stations that have the Exotic planets, I often just jumped through without going to planets. Also, it was a bad idea to scan everything on this one as you needed the mods on the scanner to get the animal for 200,000 units. I messed that up by scanning the animal before I got the mods and had to find another one!
I bought the hyperdrive upgrades then found a few days later I got them as a reward, . First expedition I've done on NMS, found it quite enjoyable, learnt a lot more about the game in the last month than I have in the last however many years it's been out,
Haha yep! I bought some stuff and then got them as rewards and remembered I should really memorise what the rewards are before spending money! The Expeditions are a really good way of learning about stuff you've not done in the game before.
OMEGA has launched! Even if you don't own NMS, this Expedition is free and available to you. Expeditions no longer need to be on their own save file, you can start one from your main save. Twitch drops are running and on Day 2- Hardly anyone knew they started as it was only mentioned in the patch notes and the linked Tweet! Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date
Yeah, just saw that day 2 of the drops were running. Missed out on day one, but I will add those in with a quick save edit. With all of these updates, the key things for me are the new items and ships and stuff
Been going through the expedition at a pretty leisurely pace, nothing too quick. So far pretty good, but I am not seeing much story to it, or at least not much of an obvious story. It is well worth looking through all the expedition steps as you can easily get ones in later steps such as scanning beasties or plants, or snapping a pic of a world that you might be on (if it is one that you need), and so on.
Yeah, you can definitely tell it's a "free for everyone" expedition to give people who don't own NMS yet a little taster of everything!
It's so beautiful!! There'd better be someone waving the ships in and out of the space stations still, or I will be really sad!
So I have had a play around with this new update over the weekend and I kinda like it. Not done anything with the ship building as yet, I would liked to have had a way of customising your existing ships rather than have them being a new build only sort of thing, but we shall see, I have a few ships that I can scrap, plus others are not exactly hard to get hold of. I would also like to be able to have blueprints for the parts to allow you to build items rather than just use reclaimed parts. Now as for the new station layouts, awesome. Sadly no minion waving the ships in and out, but the new layout is excellent and the exteriors are so much better, just be careful with some of the larger ones when exiting and hitting boost straight away, I ended up crashing into a couple of parts on my way out. The bit that I have enjoyed was the autophage stuff that was added a little while ago, but only seemed to be activated for me recently. Another new race, language, and standing to go through and the staff building part is kinda cool too. Some bits are not too easy to get hold of though, they could do with tweaking the amount of reward "currency" that you get each mission as you need to do a lot of repeat missions to get enough to buy some items. As always, it all looks really good, but I am noticing that it doesn't run quite as well for me as it used to. To be expected really given the amount of graphical updates with things like the reflections and particle effects and the fact that I am still running a 980 Ti...
I only got the update today as it took a loooong time to get through Xbox testing (which is fair I guess, because it was a bit broken at launch!). I've only had a chance to wander around my local Space Station. But it's lovely so far!
I’d love to see what it would look like at 4k with everything turned right up now we have all the shinies and reflections and stuff in, the anomaly looks amazing, especially with all the people running around and the ships coming in and out. not so sure that I like the way that the station core “looks” at you now when you interact with it though…
It is arguably empty, in that there's no core plot, no named NPCs, no voice acting, to draw you on. No big ending to reward you. It's a sandbox, albeit a very well decorated and interesting one. Whether that's a bad thing depends on whether you like sandboxes.